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What is Magic: The Gathering

Magic: The Gathering is a trandig card game, what means each player must buy some starter decks and booster packs to have a pool of cards from which he or she must choose a number of cards (usually 60) to build a playing deck to play against other players' decks.

Each card has a different effect on the game and it is coordination among cards what makes a deck win consistently.

The Ball Lightning is a devastating
card with a devastating effect but,
unfortunately, it is not reusable.

The Serra Angel is one of
the most famous characters in the
multiverse of Dominia.

The game was translated to Spanish in 1995 from the original Fourth Edition from Wizards of the Coast, and since then the limited (black border) edition, the unlimited edition (white border), the Fifth Edition (white border), and five limited edition (black border) expansion sets have been released in Spain. The expansion sets published are: Tierras Natales (Homelands, which had little success because the small popularity of its cards), Era Glacial (Ice Age, which also did not sell very well because of its late release), Alianzas (Alliances), Espejismo (Mirage) and Visiones (Visions), these last three with great success.

For more information, visit the official Magic: The Gathering page at WotC.