It's the end of the World as we know it...

All writing below is MINE. It is to be used for this website only. Don't even think of stealing it. And that means "changing" around a couple words here and there too! It's still mine..go write your own summary. Sorry to those who are loyal visitors, but thieves must be deterred.

         This is not just your typical apocalypse fact, it focuses mainly on the love life of Mudou Setsuna. Setsuna is your typical tough-boy teenager...who also happens to be the reincarnation of one of the most powerful angels in heaven: the Organic Angel Alexiel. Sounds strange? It gets much weirder. Let's start from the beginning. Alexiel is in love with God, but the one favored by God is her twin brother Rosiel. Soon God "disappears" and Alexiel rebels against heaven, which is under the rule of a dictator. She fights against Rosiel, but instead of killing him, she seals him away in the Earth. However, her rebellion is unsuccessful and she is captured and punished. Her punishment is to have her soul and body seperated. While her body is inanimate and incased in crystal in heaven, her soul will reincarnate on Earth and be doomed to die a violent death in every incarnation. But, the cycle has suddenly been broken...

Japan 1999: Setsuna is the latest incarnation of Alexiel, but he could care less because he has his own problems. He happens to be in love with his own sister, Mudou Sara who loves him in return. Struggling to stay together in a world bound to condemn them, they attempt to find happiness. But, Setsuna's destiny catches up with him...for he is the "Messiah". Kurai and Arakune, two "Evils" from Gehenna run into Setsuna and recognize that he is the Alexiel, so they continue to follow him around to see if he will truly be the Messiah.

Also... a strange video game called "Angel Sanctuary" is responsible for the odd behavior of many people and several mysterious deaths. The video game was created by an Angel named Katan, who is loyal to Rosiel. The game sucks the energy from the user and gives it to Rosiel so that he will have the strength to awaken from his sleep in the Earth. This game turns one of Sara's friend's against her and this same friend gives Rosiel the energy he needs to awaken. Once Rosiel awakens all hell breaks loose for Setsuna...both Rosiel and his allies keep attacking Setsuna, until finally Kirie (a young angel in love with Rosiel) tries to kill Setsuna. As she shoots an energy blast Setsuna's way, Sara steps in front to save her brother...

Is that it? NO!!! Definitely not....this is only the beginning of Angel Sanctuary. There are so many interesting characters that haven't even been mentioned yet. Visit my Characters section to find out even more. Or go to my links section and check out the AS sites.

WHERE TO GET the ANGEL SANCTUARY manga by KAORI YUKI: Go to any of these online stores: Nikaku Animart, Sasuga Books, or AnimeNation. Keep in mind there is no commercial U.S. release of AS. What you will find at these stores in the original japanese manga.

The Six Arcs of Angel Sanctuary

Angel sanctuary is split into Six Main story arcs. These are:

*Assiah (the Earth arc)- Volumes 1-3 and part of 4.
*Hades - Volumes 4-6 and the beginning of 7.
*Gehenna (or the "Hell/Sheol" arc)- Volumes 7-10 plus part of 11.
*Yetzirah (the world of Creation) - Volumes 11-13 and beginning of 14.
*Briah (the world of Formation)-Volumes 14-16.
*Atziluth (Final AS story arc) -Volumes 17 and on...

The Angel Sanctuary OAV, which is 3 volumes long, is based only on the Assiah (earth)arc. There is no information that indicates whether or not the rest will be animated. If the first set of OAV sells well we may just get another set. All three OAVs have been released in Japan and are currently available (Only in japanese of course^_^). However, some good news...the rights to the AS OAVs have been bought by Central Park Media. It won't hit the U.S. for a while now (sometime later next year). At least there will eventually be an official commercial release.

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Moyra's Mystic Garden: This is where I got those blue wheel type graphics