Welcome to the characters section of my site. Here you will find the descriptions of all the major characters of Angel Sanctuary. Keep in mind the word means that minor characters won't be listed here. There are so many major characters that it is too much for me to list both major and minor ones. Of course, this may change in the future....

On this page you will see a variety of characters....mainly the characters that first appear in the manga. The other two character pages are more orderly. The second page is for the Angels and the third is for the Demons! There are also supposed to be mini-galleries. However, only the Mad Hatter mini gallery and the Rosiel gallery are up. Some other characters described here will eventually have "mini-galleries" dedicated to them too. Next on the list will be Katoh, Zaphikiel/Raziel, and Alexiel.....these will be up eventually. I'll announce it when I put them up. Oh and a reminder.....these descriptions do contain some huge SPOILERS for the the manga.

All writing below and in the "ANGELS" and "DEMONS" section is MINE. It is to be used for this website only. Do NOT even think of taking it to use on your own website. Use your imagination and write up your own Character Bios! Sorry to those who are simply here for info. Don't mean to bombard you, but this must be done.

pic of setsuna
Mudou Setsuna: this is the main character of AS. He's a tough-boy in high school who gets into lots of fights. Setsuna loves Sara, who happens to be his younger sister, which ends up getting him into a lot of trouble with his mother (as you might imagine). However, he is not simply a teenager in love...he happens to be the reincarnation of the Organic Angel Alexiel who rebelled against heaven. He is doomed to die a violent death because of this. Although he is destined to play a vital role in the fate of the world, he seems more interested in trying to find happiness with Sara.

pic of sara Mudou Sara: She is the younger sister of Setsuna. Sara is also in love with Setsuna and eventually runs away with him to try and find happiness. However, when they decide to return home they are attacked by an ally of Rosiel named Kirie. Kirie attacks Setsuna, who is off guard at the time. Sara jumps in front of Setsuna taking the hit meant for him and dies. Setsuna, in his grief releases his power to destroy the world. He later travels to Hades in an attempt to retrieve Sara's soul. However, we find out that her soul has been taken to heaven and eventually is put into the body of the angel Jibrille.

pic of kira Kira Sakuya: Kira is Setsuna's best friend and older brother type figure. He is the one who always steps in and gets Setsuna out of fights. Setsuna often refers to him as Kira-sempai, because he is older (18 years old to be exact!) However, Kira is no ordinary human....he is special in many, many ways. For one thing, he happens to be Nanatsusaya...the soul of Alexiel's holy sword. He reincarnates into a new body and has watched over Alexiel's reincarnations throughout the years. There is much more to know about him, but it's MAJOR SPOILER material. However, if you don't give a damn and just want to know more about Kira...go HERE! Don't say I didn't warn you!

pic of Katoh Katoh Yue: Katoh is a friend of Kira. He has a very screwed up life at home (was pretty much kicked out) and turned to drugs and alcohol to find relief. Kira tries to convince him to choose another path all to no avail. After Rosiel awakens he takes possesion of Katoh's body and attacks Kira. Setsuna awakens momentarily as Alexiel and slashes him with his sword. However, Rosiel leaves Katoh's body, so he ends up just killing Katoh not Rosiel. Eventually I'll have a "mini-gallery" for him, so you can find out more info on him.

pic of kurai Kurai: she is a demon from Gehenna. One of the race of "Evils." Kurai is a Dragon Master, the last of her kind after Angels came to Gehenna and slaughtered all her family, except for Arakune her cousin. She is intensely loyal to Alexiel because Alexiel saved her life. Kurai and Arakune go to earth in search of her reincarnation and eventually find Setsuna. At first it seems that Kurai cares simply for Setsuna because he is Alexiel's reincarnation, but after a time she loves Setsuna for himself.

pic of arakune Arakune: Arakune is the cross dressing cousin of Kurai. Yes, it's a he. He is the only family Kurai has left and acts as Kurai's older "sister" in many ways. Later on we discover that Arakune is actually Kurai's older brother, who seeks revenge against Kurai because he was made into a decoy by their father in order to protect her. When assasins attacked they tried to strike him down because they were made to think he was the next Dragon Master, but in reality Kurai was. When he found out he was a decoy he became full of extreme sadness. Belial sensed this and came to him. He then chooses to serve under her and takes on the identity of his dead cousin "Arakune." While he seems to hate Kurai, he actually cares very much for her and ends up saving her life. He dies in her place...becoming one of the "brides" of Lucifer.

pic of alexiel Alexiel - the Organic Angel: One of the most powerful angels in heaven along with her twin brother Rosiel. Said to be the "child" of Adam Kadamon. She has three wings, instead of two. Alexiel was in love with God, but Rosiel was his beloved angel not Alexiel...then God mysteriously disappears. She leads a rebellion against heaven, but loses. Before she is captured she seals Rosiel within the Earth. Her punishment is to have her body imprisioned in crystal and totally inanimate, while her soul is born on Earth. She is doomed to reincarnate endlessly and always die a horrible death. The cycle of death is only broken because in her past reincarnation Nanatsusaya (Kira) killed her mercifully.

pic of rosiel Rosiel - the Inorganic Angel: he is the younger twin brother of Alexiel and is beloved of God. A long time before he told Alexiel that he would eventually "change." (This "change" is basically that he will slowly go insane and his body will grow younger. His powers have changed as well. He thinks of his changed self as being "disgusting".) He made her promise to kill him before the "change" could take hold of him. During her rebellion she confronts Rosiel, but can't bring herself to kill him, so she seals him away instead. However, Katan awakens Rosiel by using the Angel Sanctuary game to suck the energy out of people and into Rosiel. The awakened Rosiel has already undergone the "change", so in a sense Alexiel failed her promise to him. Click HERE to go to Rosiel's mini-gallery.

If you want to know more about Angel Sanctuary characters I suggest you visit the Angels and Demons sections! Click on the links below to go there now.

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