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All you ever needed to know about joining this Webring!

  1. Enter your site info into the form (found on the join page) and fill in all the blanks.
  2. Write down your site info and put it in a safe place.
  3. Cut, edit, and paste the HTML code of choice (found on the fragments page) onto your page in a place where it can be found. I don't care if it's on your main page or what number it is in relation to your other webrings, just as long as it can be found. (If I go to your page and the HTML code isn't there I'll most likely remove it from the queue so do this as soon as possible.)
  4. Email myself at souhi@snet.net or a current member to be taken out of the queue and entered into the actual ring itself.
  5. If you are entered by someone else and are in the ring but do not have the HTML fragment on your page, BEWARE! I will check all pages and remove anyone who does not follow the rules.

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