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Takayuki Goto

Position Head Animator / Vice President (G stands for Goto)
DOB August 7, 1960
POB Akita, Japan
Hobbies Driving, Eating Out, Telling Stupid Jokes!
Least Favorites Roaches, Ghosts
What Got Him Into Anime? He got infatuated with anime when he watched "999" and "Caliosto" for the first time!  He then started working for Dragon Production and Tama Production, and then became an independent animator.  He now holds an important position as the VP of Production IG.

Major Projects

Popolocrois (television series)
Meiken Jolly (television series)
Hoero Bun Bun (television series)
Techno Police 21C (feature)
Maicching Machiko (television series)
Friends from the Pure Island (television series)
Stop, Hibari-kun (television series)
Tongari Boshi no Memoru (television series)
Hokuto no Ken (feature)
Twilight Q(OVA)
Maison Ikkoku (feature)
Orange Road (feature)
Patlabor 1 (feature)
Gu-Gu Gammo (television)
Hi, Step Jun (television series)
Showa Aho Soshi Akanuke (television series)
Hikari no Densetsu (television series)
Dotera Man (television series)
Orange Road (television series)
Zillion (television series)
Zillion (OVA)
The Samurai (OVA)
Teki wa Kaizoku (OVA)
Shiawase no Katachi (OVA)

(OVA) Character Designs Only
Otohime Connection (OVA)
Rakuen (television special) character design only
Video Girl Ai (OVA)
BB Fish (OVA)
Please Save My Earth (OVA)
New: Orange Road (feature) character design only
Akachan to Boku (television series)

Recognitions & Awards:
Tokuma's 10th Annual Anime: Grand Prix (1988)
Character JJ's Best Male Character Award: 1st place
The 5th Japan Anime: Best Fan Award (1988)
Character JJ's Best Male Character Award: 1st place
Character Apple's Best Female Character Award: 1st place