
Princess Mononoke
click for the advertisement in Daily Variety 29 Jan 98

Latest Updates    (Note that any references to 'ML' mean NAUSICAA)


23 Feb 2000
  • According to a Miramax representative, Princess Mononoke will be released on both DVD and VHS on June 13, 2000. Japanese language dialogue will also be included!

    See for more information.

    (Reported on the ML by Lawrence Lin of Team Ghiblink)

15 Feb 2000
  • According to DVD Express, Reel and Ken Cranes the Princess Mononoke DVD will be released on 9 May 2000! It's reported to be 1.85:1 and Anamorphic. It is not known if the Japanese language dialogue will also be included or not.

    See for more information.

    (Reported on the ML by Chris Beveridge of, originally reported on the Digital Bits website)

11 Feb 2000
  • MH is coming out on DVD in May, according to The Digital Bits (1/21 section).

    Please note that this is a rumor!

    (Reported to me by Tim Corcoran)

21 Jan 2000
  • The French release is reportedly going well. See the coverage at

  • I received this email yesterday:

    Subject: Mononoke on DVD!
    Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 is tallying votes of customers who would like to buy Mononoke Hime on DVD! explains it this way:

    "The studio is currently not producing this title on DVD, but to be notified when it is available, enter your e-mail address at right. You'll also be voting for this release; we'll let the studio know how many customers are waiting for this title."

    The voting site can be found at the following addess: (Click to see the page)

    Please inform fellow fans through your website. Thank you.

    --Josh Powers

8 Jan 2000
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