This page has been visted times. Started 9/10/98-Saturday

WeLcOmE To ThE PoRtAl To AnIMe!!

As you all can see I've updated! I know it's kinda early. I was hearing that my page wasn't exciting. My scanner is once again back on line. I will be displaying three artists artwork. Me, Trunks II, and Eric. To the left of this is my logo. Use it to link my ite. I'll come up with a banner later on. Rememer, I've added a bio's page. That also needs some work. I'm currently working on a links page, All links all the time. Taht will have some images etc. If you do not yet know my e-mail address it is... Can anyone please tell me how to make e-mail links? If you can, e-mail me! NOW!!

I would like if you have a questions, comments, suggestions, or anything other. I was wondering if anyone found my site listed on anipike. It was last listed in the new links section. I just want to know. NowI've also begun work on N0N CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH! Now on to other things! Bye, and enjoy the page! =)

My Anime Links

Anime Web Turnpike
A really awsome site, has ton's of everyrthing
A Free e-mail address giver. It's really good, and easy to use. By the way, it's F-R-E-E, FREE!
Trunks Jr's website
My friends website.
A dragonball Z coloring book
A cool way to find pictures that you can color in.
Heihachi's Bio's
Bios of DBZ Characters and others
Anime Archives
Has a ton of information

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