Diamond Rouge


What happens when Minako takes a job that goes disastrously wrong? An AU senshi/gens fic set in a world of hatred and revenge, where good and evil become one in the same. Can Minako find the truths in this world of lies and deception? Read to find out.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3


When tensions are high and war eminent, a desperate attempt has been made to ease struggles between powers. A political alliance is decided on to make peace for the Solar System, but politics are blind to personal desires. While mending a broken world, the alliance effecively destroys the worlds of the people chosen to impliment it. Can they find happiness and love in the midst of a forced union between rivals? This story focuses on Minako and Kunzite and their plights.

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2



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