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Ami: First Kiss
In the Silver Millenium lives four young princesses whose lives are forever changed by four men from Earth. In a world that teeters on the brink of chaos they manage to find sanity in love, only to have it snatched cruelly away. But these princesses are also senshi, warriors and they will fight to the bitter end to preserve all they hold dear.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three


Rei: First Love
In the Silver Millenium lives four young princesses whose lives are forever changed by four men from Earth. In a world that teeters on the brink of chaos they manage to find sanity in love, only to have it snatched cruelly away. But these princesses are also senshi, warriors and they will fight to the bitter end to preserve all they hold dear.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five


Lita: Last Kiss
In the Silver Millenium lives four young princesses whose lives are forever changed by four men from Earth. In a world that teeters on the brink of chaos they manage to find sanity in love, only to have it snatched cruelly away. But these princesses are also senshi, warriors and they will fight to the bitter end to preserve all they hold dear.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four


Mina: Last Love
In the Silver Millenium lives four young princesses whose lives are forever changed by four men from Earth. In a world that teeters on the brink of chaos they manage to find sanity in love, only to have it snatched cruelly away. But these princesses are also senshi, warriors and they will fight to the bitter end to preserve all they hold dear.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four


A thousand years ago they were lovers. Now, in the present, they are two worlds apart. One is evil, one good, one remembers all that they had, the other never even knows what she lost. Now Rei and Jadeite are coming together by the Winds of Fate for another reunion.



I Knew...
Lita reflects on her love for Nephrite after the end of the Silver Millennium. Sorrow is in her heart but she knows that some things never change and that they will always be together.

I Knew...


I Double Dare You
The beautiful city of Tokyo lies in ruins. Ami says its Lita and Nephrite's fault, they maintain that its Zoicite's fault and Zoicite says that... Well to form your own opinions read on to learn how a blind date and four little words destroyed a city. 'I double dare you...'

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Epilogue


Zoicite: Rebirth
They failed those that they loved and were cast into oblivion but fate isn't done with them yet. In a world where humans simply play the parts that destiny hands them, a single woman steps from the mold to give the Generals back their lives and loves. But a dark enemy threatens all that they have newly won. Will faith and hope alone be enough to overcome the adversity they now face?

Chapter 1


Serendipity Lost

~serendipity~: the accidental or unexpected discovery of something amazing
~lost~: misplaced or strayed, missing

A story of Lita and Nephrite and a love that would not be denied.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14a | Chapter 14b | Chapter 15


I Told You So
Nephrite is determined to take Lita to the one place she's always dreamed of, Paris. One small problem though, Lita's terrified of planes and Paris is on the other side of one very big, very unlucky ocean.

Chapter 1

The Senshi in Love

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