Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Chapter 10

Kurama’s Breakdown – Is it the end?

  How long had it been? A month? A month since Hiei was turned into a baby and now a 5 year-old; A month without sex; A month without Hiei’s love affections as the real Hiei. A month of desperation of having to look at Hiei but doing nothing about it to… :… Forget it, Kurama …: he thought bitterly. Kurama walked back from school slowly. It was no need to be in a hurry for anything.

  He stopped by the candy store to get a bag of candy for Hiei like everyday. A bar of Black Forest chocolates, marshmallows and jelly beans. It was expensive, but he’d do anything for his lover. Even starve…

  Kurama’s steps were slow. This past month he was so busy with a lot of things. Home works, keeping Hiei busy and happy also running occasional errands for Reikai and most importantly thinking; that he hadn’t had time for food. The only time he had was at lunch break in school, but he’d rather save the money to buy candies for Hiei on the way back, buy new CDs for the Playstation. The smile and joy that Hiei showed him was more than anything he could dream of… he knew that Hiei was happy with him and his candies, but he didn’t knew that continuos habit of not eating was able to kill him… or rather he had even forgotten about it.


  That was what Kurama thought before he collapsed in front of the gate to Genkai’s temple.

  Yukina was about to get some more snacks into the living room when she saw a limp reddish figure near the gate. When she got back into her senses, she shouted.

  “GENKAI-SHIHAN!!! KURAMA-SAN GA!” she shouted.

  Hiei blinked. “Kuramama?” he echoed and ran out. Genkai was already next to Kurama. She checked his pulse and took away the bag of candies that were meant from Hiei. She gave it to Yukina. “Yukina, call the ambulance,” she ordered. “Ambulance?” she echoed in puzzlement. Genkai sighed. “Oh, I mean, go to the phone and dial the emergency number! Tell them that we need help that a boy has fainted,” Yukina nodded and ran inside.

  Hiei came and blinked at his lover. “KURAMAMA!” he exclaimed and hugged the limp lifeless redhead. “Don’t die!!! Don’t die!!” he cried. Genkai patted Hiei on his back gently. “He’s not dead, dear… he just fainted. Let’s get him inside so he won’t be hot, okay?” Genkai reasoned with Hiei. The boy nodded and helped Genkai to carry the redhead inside though all he did was support the kitsune’s dangling legs.

  Yukina brought a cloth and a basin of water. She began to put the wet cloth on Kurama’s head. His temperature was feverish.

  “Have you called the ambulance?” Genkai asked. Yukina nodded. “I called Yuusuke-san and Kuwabara-san as well,” she told the lady. Genkai nodded and sat down observing how did the little boy act to Kurama’s state.

  “Yukina-chan… is Kuramama going to die?” he asked. Yukina looked at Hiei who was sleeping on Kurama’s body, hugging the redhead. “No Hiei-san… he won’t be… it’s just that he has a small fever,” Yukina tried to fake out a smile at the boy. But she knew better. It had to be something more serious that a small fever to take out Kurama.

  The ambulance came shortly afterwards and took Kurama to hospital. Hiei refused to let go of Kurama and so Yukina had to go with them.

  Then Yuusuke and Kuwabara appeared at the gate about 5 minutes after the three left in the ambulance. “Where is Kurama?” Yuusuke hollered from the gate. “They went to the hospital,” Genkai told him. Both turned back and headed towards the hospital.

  Yukina rubbed soothing circles around Hiei as the doctor was checking Kurama. Then Yuusuke and Kuwabara burst into the room. “How’s Kurama?” the boy with the dark green hair asked. The doctor blinked. “You’re his…?” he questioned. “Best friends!” Yuusuke said hastily. The doctor flipped over the report and sighed.

  “Some friends you are,” he smirked sarcastically. “Didn’t you know your friend hadn’t been eating well?” he asked. “Eating well? What do you mean?” Yuusuke asked. The doctor put the report on the bed table and turned back to look at Yuusuke. “He hadn’t been eating for a while. Possibly diagnosed as Anorexia Nervosa,” explained the doctor. “Kurama has anorexia?” Kuwabara’s lower jaw dropped. Yukina had Hiei sitting on her lap quietly while the others talked.

  “Yes, had he been complaining about being too fat lately?” the doctor asked Yuusuke. Both Kuwabara and Yuusuke shook his head. “Of course not! He’s not a girl! Anyway, why would he think he even think he was fat anyway?” Kuwabara countered. The doctor shrugged. “Had he been in stress?” he asked. Yuusuke and Kuwabara instantly shook their heads. But then Yuusuke stopped.

  “Stress?” he echoed. The doctor nodded. Yuusuke thought for a while. :… Stress …: he started to think. Kurama was a studious one. And Meiow High was famous for giving out tons of home works for their excellent students to excel more. And he had to cope up with Hiei’s needs. Also he had to help them in Reikai business. And he knew that Kurama did a lot of thinking about Hiei and his future lately. And those candies and Playstation CDs… even though how rich Kurama was, he couldn’t have bought Hiei lots of candies and a new Playstation CD every two days by not skipping lunch at school.

  Even when they were over at Kurama’s the redhead wouldn’t eat dinner with them after cooking for them. His reasons were, home works to deal with. Knowing Hiei who wants attention 24 hours a day, Yuusuke knew that after he and Kuwabara left the Hatanaka household, Kurama would have to leave his homework and attend to Hiei until the boy sleeps and maybe resume his homework after that.

  Lack of sleep, lack of nutrition…

  Yuusuke snapped open his eyes. “Kurama need help,” he assured the doctor. The doctor nodded. “We’ll be having him in the hospital for a while and give him a drip,” he said as the nurse gave Kurama dripping and set the needle into the back of his hand.

  “Why are they putting needles into Kuramama?” Hiei asked Yukina. Yukina smiled. “To give him some food while he was sleeping,” the ice maiden told the boy. Hiei blinked and leaned on Yukina’s chest.

  The doctor and nurses left the room.

  “When will he wake up?” Hiei asked again. Yuusuke was suddenly raged in anger. “Hiei did you know you were the cause of Kurama’s illness?” Kuwabara put a soothing hand on Yuusuke’s shoulder to cool him off but to no avail.

  “He’s lying there because of you… because of your need of attention and all those things! Because of attending to you he had to do his home works until late at night, he had to skip lunch everyday to get those CDs and candies for you, because of you he had to do all those things… poor Kurama… look at him now, lying on the bed. God knows how long hadn’t he been eating?”

  Yuusuke’s eyes were glassy. He knew Kurama loved Hiei. But the love he showed was more than anything he had ever seen and could bare with. He would do anything and everything just to keep Hiei happy.

  “Kurama! You’re sometimes too much!” Yuusuke walked away and slammed the door as he left the room. Kuwabara sighed and made his way towards Hiei. The boy knew nothing. All he knew now was that he was the cause of Kurama’s illness.

  Kuwabara lent him his shoulder to soothe the boy as he carried Hiei on his shoulder, rubbing soothing circles on his back. “Kuwa-san?” he asked. “Yes Hiei,” he replied. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked. Kuwabara shook his head. “No Hiei-dear, you didn’t,” he said softly. “Then why was Yuusuke-san so angry at me?” he asked, the boy’s voice was shaking with tears. “He wasn’t angry at you, he was just… pissed off that Kurama was sick because he didn’t eat. That’s all. It has nothing to do with you,” Kuwabara answered.

  “Maybe I should die. So Kuramama can eat,” Hiei pondered aloud. “Hiei! Don’t you ever think like that! Kurama had done all those things for you and you’re just going to die on him?” Kuwabara looked at Hiei. The boy burst into tears and cried on Kuwabara’s shoulder. “I am sorry… I didn’t knew… Gomen nasai…” he uttered between his sobs.

  Kuwabara patted his back gently and walked around the dark room until the little boy cried himself to sleep. After he was sure Hiei was asleep, Kuwabara gave him to Yukina. “Take care of him while I go find Yuusuke,” he told her. Yukina nodded.

  Yuusuke was walking through the back lane and threw away his empty can of beer. Walking his way towards nowhere, he eventually reached Kurama’s house. It was empty. Mr. and Mrs. Hatanaka had already went to China for a business trip and since Kurama’s stepbrother Shuuichi was already on vacation, he followed them. Poor Kurama, he was in hospital and none of his family members know.

  He was about to leave when he saw something on Kurama’s doorstep. It was a small bag. Yuusuke smiled. :… The imps brought the antidote!!! …: He exclaimed to himself.

  He ran towards the doorstep and picked up the bag. Like always, it had a small note attached to it.

  “Sorry for the delay. We were sick with Makai flu that we had to stop researching for a while. But here it is. We guarantee that it’ll work because we had already tried it. Good luck on Hiei-sama and once again forgive us for the trouble we had made. Fate had really been playing mean tricks. Doumo Arigatou Gozaimashita! Ja!”

  Yuusuke smiled and nodded. “Thanks to you too!” he ran his way back to the hospital. His mind, to turn Hiei back to normal and stop creating havoc in Kurama’s live.

  He bumped into Kuwabara on the way. The big guy was carrying some ramen in his hand. “Yuusuke! Where were you? I tried to find you! Good thing I bought your share of the ramen…”

  “No time to talk now! We have to change Hiei back!” Yuusuke grabbed Kuwabara and practically flew into Kurama’s room. “Wha..?! Nanda?!” Kuwabara gaped.

  Yukina shushed them when Yuusuke came in. “Shizuka kudasai yo, Hiei-san is still sleeping,” she said softly. “Did Kurama wake up?” Yuusuke asked. Yukina shook her head. “Unfortunately no,” she said. Yuusuke smiled. “It’s good then! He’ll have a surprise when he wakes up,” Yuusuke beamed.

  “Naze desu ka?” Yukina asked. “The imps left the antidote for Hiei!” he showed them a bag. Yukina smiled. “Kore wa ii desu ne,” she smiled.

  Kuwabara laughed. “Hehe… now all we have to do is turn Hiei back to normal!” Yukina nodded. “I hope Kurama-san will be happy once he saw the real Hiei-san,” she smiled brightly. Yuusuke nodded.

  The bag was opened. Yuusuke peered into it. Like before, it glittered slightly in the dark. Those dusts eliminate a dim purplish glow this time instead of the previous one that had a pale yellowish green glow. Yukina put the sleeping Hiei on the couch and backed away. The little boy stirred but then he when back to sleep just as Yukina brushed his hair a few times.

  Kuwabara looked at the boy. “Goodbye Hiei-chan,” he smiled, tears were welled up in his eyes. He had grown attached to the sweet little boy and now he had to leave that all behind because the little sweet innocent boy will turn back into the normal Hiei who will forever make his nerves burn in irritation. Kuwabara rubbed off his tears and knelt down next to Hiei. “Sayonara, kawaii-hito… sayonara…” with that he gave the small boy a peck on the cheek.

  Hiei stirred again and rubbed his eyes. For an instance, they thought that the boy was going to be wide-awake. But because of the soft and sweet lullaby song Yukina was singing, he felt safe and went back into deep slumber.

  Yuusuke smiled. “Goodbye boy… it’s been nice meeting you. But we need the real Hiei to fight and the real Hiei to really cheer Kurama up. No hard feelings, right?” Yuusuke smiled, but his own eyes were glassed with tears.

  Yukina took a blanket and slowly unbuttoned Hiei-chan’s shirt. “What are you doing Yukina-chan?” Kuwabara asked. “Well, if Hiei-san is going to grow, I don’t think these clothes were ever going to fit in him. So, I’m taking it all off and cover him with a blanket for the time being,” she explained. Kuwabara and Yuusuke nodded.

  “That’s good,” Yuusuke said softly. “Now, we’re going to start,” he sighed. Yukina nodded and put away Hiei’s other clothes and wrap him properly in the blanket. “Ganbatte ne, Yuusuke-san,” she wished. “Onai yo,” Kuwabara nodded.

  Yuusuke took a deep breath and silently prayed to the gods. “This is it,” he said and turned the bag upside down on Hiei’s hair and face.

  There was a bright bluish glow and then after it faded, fog took over its place. Yukina dared herself to call out Hiei’s name.

  “Hiei-san?” she called. “Yukina?” a familiar voice replied. “Hiei-san!” Yukina smiled happily and hugged Hiei in the fog that was slowly dying away, revealing a pair of siblings in a warm welcoming embrace. “What happened?” he asked. Yuusuke and Kuwabara smiled. “Welcome back, Hiei,” Yuusuke said. “Yeah shrimp,” Kuwabara agreed.

  “Welcome back? Where was I?” he asked, completely confused about the fog and didn’t even bother to think where he was. “Long story, Hiei… long story…” Yuusuke sighed as he sat down on the couch.

  Hiei felt weird. He blinked as he looked at himself. He was wrapped in a blanket. “Why the hell am I wrapped up like this?” he demanded. Then his eyes darted around the room and landed on Kurama who was sleeping on a weird bed with gadgets around him. The place looked odd. It was the hospital…

  “Why am I like this and why is Kurama lying there!?” He demanded. Yukina patted him. “Hiei-san. Why you were wrapped like this, I will tell you later. But you cannot get it off you because you have nothing underneath. Kurama-san is lying on the bed because of a certain illness that he’s going to get out of soon,” she smiled.

  “Kurama, ill?” he echoed. He was in total confusion. He closed his eyes and wiggled out his hands from the blanket. He walked stiffly over to Kurama and touched the redhead’s face. Somehow he looked paler than usual to him. Then he held Kurama’s hand. It was lifeless. Hiei’s eyes grew big. “Someone better tell me what the fucking shit is happening here before I get really confuse and cannot different shade between what’s right and wrong,” his breathing was starting to get unstable.

  Yuusuke opened his eyes. “Okay Hiei. I’ll tell you. Just don’t hate yourself after this,” he smirked.

  Hiei was silent. After the long story that Yuusuke had told him, he thought that the whole incident was his fault. So he couldn’t blame it on anyone. The only thing important now is to wait for Kurama to wake up.

  Kuwabara had went home and came by later on to handed Hiei one of his old checkered shirts and shorts for the boy. Hiei didn’t say anything, just a simple thanks to Kuwabara. The orange top smiled. He understood what Hiei’s feelings were like now. Maybe he would have reacted more aggressively if it were Yukina who was lying on the bed.

  Hiei let out a heavy sigh. He rested his head on Kurama’s chest and wrapped his arms around the boy’s middle. “Wake up, Kurama,” he said softly, it was barely audible for anyone else. Yuusuke smiled. “Keep on talking to him Hiei. Yukina, Kuwabara and I are going to get us some food,” he signaled them to follow him and they did.

  “At least he stopped calling Kurama ‘Kuramama’,” Kuwabara chuckled. “But Kuramama sounds cute,” Yukina smiled. Yuusuke nodded sarcastically. “Yeah cute,” both of them cracked their heads off.

  Hiei looked up at Kurama and reached out one hand to brush away some stray strands of hair from Kurama’s face. “Itoshii… wake up,” he said again. Kurama’s eyes were welled up with tears and it rolled off his face, wetting the pillow. Hiei blinked at the sight of this. “Kurama? Are you in pain?” Hiei asked softly.

  Kurama, with eyes that were still shut sighed softly. “Hiei…” he uttered softly. “Kurama… I’m here,” he answered. Kurama’s tears ran even freely. “Your sweet voice Hiei… How long had it been since I heard that sweet voice of yours?” he uttered in his slumber.

  “Open your eyes Kurama,” Hiei said softly. Kurama shook his head. “If I close my eyes. This sweet voice of yours will fade away. I want to listen to it a little longer,” Kurama said.

  Hiei sighed. “It doesn’t matter Kurama… I’m here,” Hiei said, brushing away the tears. “I know you’re here… but it’s this voice that soothes the very inside of me. I want to stay longer here… I don’t want to open my eyes and loose it so quickly,” Kurama sobbed. Hiei rubbed his own eyes, a watery smile was painted on his face. He was happy that Kurama was talking to him, but Kurama wouldn’t even open his eyes.

  He smiled. He climbed up the bed and looked at Kurama. The redhead was so pitiful that he had such a beautiful flushed face on. Hiei slowly lowered himself and kissed the redhead’s slightly parted lips. At first softly, then it started to get passionate as Kurama responded a little to the kiss.

  Hiei smiled and pulled away from the kiss. “No, don’t!” Kurama’s eyes snapped open as he reached out for Hiei. Then he paused. His Hiei-chan seemed to grow. A lot. Kurama was stunt for a while. He was looking at the most familiar red orbs that were already part of him. Was he dreaming?

  “Tadaima…… itoshii,” Hiei smiled.

  Kurama blinked then smiled. “Hiei!!!” he lunged forward and hugged lover tight. It was the tight muscled Hiei who was his lover. It was the Hiei who had loved him the way that he wanted to. It was the Hiei with his damned sexy voice that would soothe even Kurama’s saddest soul.

  “Oh Hiei… you don’t know how much I missed you!” Kurama hugged his lover. Hiei patted Kurama’s back and kissed his neck. “It’s over now, koi… it’s over now,” he closed his eyes.

  “Ano, Keiko-chan… that’s like so much?” Kurama smiled innocently as he saw Keiko put tons of food on his plate. “Oh, okay then,” she smiled and stopped scooping the goulash for the poor redhead. Genkai nodded. “You, eat more,” she smiled. Kurama nodded. “Hai, Genkai-shihan,” he smiled.

  “You guys are all spending the night here. Yukina and I had made all the rooms available for you all,” she smiled and she gulped down another cup of sake.

  “This thing is good,” Kurama commented. Everyone giggled. “Hiei who was the one who cooked it with me,” Yukina smiled. “You did?” Kurama looked at Hiei with big emerald gems. Hiei looked at Yukina. “Thanks for the blowup,” his voice was playful. “No wonder you didn’t show up until late this afternoon. And I did wonder what was that weird patch on your pants,” Kurama pointed at a yellowish patch on Hiei’s snow-white jeans. Hiei turned red and turned his back to everyone, eating his own dinner.

  “Aww, Hiei…” Kurama put down his plate and scooped Hiei into his arms. “Don’t be such a spoiled sport,” Kurama playfully teased the fire demon. “Yeah Hiei. Take this!” Yuusuke threw a spoonful of mashed potatoes on Hiei. The fire demon got aroused and threw his plate of half eaten dinner on Kuwabara’s head. “Food fight!” Botan exclaimed.  Everyone stated to laugh and throw food at each other.

  After a few seconds of fun, comes the old and angry voice. “YOU IDIOTS! CLEAN UP THE WHOLE MESS!” she shouted and walked out of the room. “No one leaves the room until the room is squeaky clean. HAHAHA!” she laughed outside.

  The other continued to laugh and it died out as they wipe and picked up the chunks and lumps of food on the floor, wall and ceiling.

  Kurama walked over to the futon with Hiei after dealing with the lights. It was dimly lighting the room, creating a romantic atmosphere for the both of them.

  “God it’s nice to have you beside me,” Kurama smiled as he played with Hiei’s hair. Hiei nodded and gave Kurama a light kiss on the lips. “Me too, my beautiful redhead.”

  Kurama smiled and slowly get on top of Hiei. “Waited for a while to do this to you again,” he smiled. “Well… I am here and… I’ll let to you lead it this time,” Hiei smirked and they closed the space between them with a warm and loving embrace topping it with a kiss.

Owarimashita… ^_^

God, It’s long! Took me a while to write it. The idea started when I got a new brother. (Some people might already know about it) and it made it’s way here. This is my first illustrated fic and all the pictures are rightly owned and created by me! Background, courtesy of Otsu-chan who is a good artist!

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Bulma's Manga Mansion

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