Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Chapter 9

A Lover’s Request

 Hiei suddenly kissed Kurama on the cheek. Kurama smiled and winked at the boy. “What is it, koi?” he asked the boy in his arms. “Where are we going afterwards?” he asked. Kurama playfully put on his thinking cap. “What about we help kaasan buy some groceries?” Kurama suggested. Hiei nodded. “Can we buy sweet snow?” Hiei asked. Kurama nodded. “Yup, anything you want,” Kurama nuzzled Hiei’s neck. The boy laughed gleefully. “Chocolates?”




  “A Pureyusutasion™?”

  “Y…” Kurama blinked. “A Playstation™?” Kurama echoed. Hiei smiled broadly and nodded. “Sou, A Pureyusutasion!” He repeated. Kurama nearly fainted. “We cannot buy a Playstation, Hiei…” Kurama trailed off as they crossed the road. Hiei frowned. “Why not?” Kurama opened the door to his house. “Tadaima, kaasan!” He hollered and turned his attention back to Hiei. “Because…” He was cut by Shiori who greeted them. “Okaeri yo, Shuu-chan… err…” she blinked at the sight of the 5-year old Hiei. :… Damn, I forgot that kaasan doesn’t know …:

  “Kaasan, you know the baby Hiei?” he asked. Shiori nodded. “Well, something had happened and Genkai-san’s magic :… Sorry baasan, had to use your name! …: Had mistakenly turned him into a 5-year old ^_^;,” Kurama tried to explain. Shiori nodded. “Okay…” she managed to digest the scene. “We’re going to help you buy groceries afterwards. Just leave the list on the table okay?” With that Kurama went to his room with a sulking Hiei. Shiori blinked. Her son was sure making friends with weird people.

  Kurama put Hiei on the bed and started to change. “Why can’t I?” Hiei repeated his question. Kurama blinked. “You’re still on it? Well, because it’s a waste of time and I don’t have money,” Kurama said. “It’s not a waste of time! I was so bored sitting at Genkai’s house alone!” He exclaimed. “You can play with Yukina-chan,” Kurama reasoned. “I don’t wanna catch butterflies! It gives my nose an itch,” Hiei told Kurama. Kurama looked at Hiei. “Hiei,” Kurama sighed as he came over and put some baby cologne on Hiei.

  He gave the boy a kiss and pulled his gently. “Let’s go,” Kurama said. “But, Kuramama!” Hiei whined, letting go of his hand. Kurama stopped and turned. “Are you coming or not?” he asked. Hiei’s lips trembled and trotted after Kurama with tears in his eyes.

  Kurama went to the kitchen and took the list from the table. They walked their way to the store and Kurama took a trolley, putting Hiei in it. Kurama looked at the list. “Hhmm…” he uttered thoughtfully. Hiei kept his words to himself since just now and didn’t even squeak. Kurama put some stuff into the trolley and stopped by the ice-cream section. “Which one do you want Hiei?” Kurama asked. Hiei didn’t answer because he was too busy sulking. Kurama smiled and pop in a few flavors inside. When Kurama walked by the candies and chocolate section, Hiei didn’t even say anything but Kurama bought a few of Hiei’s favorites. After picking up a few more items, they went to the cash counter. Kurama looked at Hiei who was still sulking like a pig in the trolley.

  Maybe if he used all the money in his wallet now, he could get one for Hiei with a CD to play with. Skipping lunch, he could buy him a new Playstation CD every two days.

  Kurama smiled secretly. After paying, Kurama dragged the trolley to the game’s department that was outside the supermarket. Hiei blinked. "Kuramama?" he asked. Kurama smiled. "You're buying it!" Hiei exclaimed. Kurama shrugged. "Ei! Aishiteru, Kuramama!!!!" he jumped out of the trolley and hugged the redhead.

  Kurama kissed the boy and put him back into the trolley. “Now sit properly while I talk business with that guy,” Hiei nodded impatiently.

  Kurama approached the guy who was standing behind the counter and smiled. “Yes, can I help you?” he asked. Kurama nodded and started talking.

  The phone rang. Yuusuke blinked and looked at the phone. “You answering it?” he looked at Atsuko who was swinging from left to right drowsily to the music on the television. “Maybe not…” he uttered, rolling his eyes walking his way to the phone. “Moshi-moshi?” he answered.

  “Hiei wants to talk to you, hold on a sec,” Kurama’s voice was on the other side. Then another slightly younger voice answered the phone. “Ne, Yuusuke? Come over!” he exclaimed. “Come over? Why?” Yuusuke asked, a smile on his face. This Hiei was definitely more fun to be with than the normal sulking Hiei. “Kuramama bought me a Pureyusutasion! Come and play with me! I have ‘Rival School 2’ with me!” Hiei exclaimed excitedly. “A Pureyusutasion? Ahh!!! A Playstation! Honto ni? He really bought you one?! I’ll come by after dinner,” he agreed.

  “No! Come now, call Kuwa-san as well!! Kuramama is cooking dinner!” he told Yuusuke. “Me? Cook dinner?” Kurama pointed at himself. :… Boy, was Hiei good at making his own plans …: Kurama blinked at the boy.

  Yuusuke thought for a while. “Sure thing…” he smiled, Kurama’s cooking was never a refusal. “Okay, I’ll wait for you two okay!? Bye!” with that he slammed the phone and jumped into Kurama’s arms. “Arigatou Gozaimashita, Kuramama,” he uttered and kissed his lover skillfully on the lips. Kurama smiled and returned the kiss.

  Kurama looked at the already assembled gadget. “Where’s the disc?” Kurama asked. Hiei opened the CD box that had the title ‘Rival School 2’ on it. He took the CD and looked at its undersides. “Black,” Hiei uttered. Kurama nodded. “Cool, ne?” Hiei grinned and gave Kurama the CD.

  Hiei started playing with the game with Kurama giving in every game. End up with Hiei winning every battle and jump in joy. Then there was a knock on the door. Kurama went to his bedroom door and opened it. “Hiei!” a holler was heard. Hiei jumped up and grinned. “Kuwa-san! Yuusuke-san!! Come and play!!!” Hiei was excited. So excited that he began to act like a normal 5-year-old.

  Kurama looked at his lover. What if he was to stay forever in that form? He couldn’t possibly make love to him, it’ll be like raping a little kid. Kurama closed his eyes… some things a best not to be thought about sometimes.

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