A Love Like No Other

Chapter 27- A Question of Importance

        I signed up to train to become a warrior.  Fiona had talked me into it.  I figured it wouldn't be so bad.  I enjoyed spending time with the army guys.  I loved being outdoors and talking with these people.  It was an experience that was new to me.  Before this, the only person I had even had a semi-long conversation with was Fiona.  I had been an outcast.  But now, I was accepted for who I was and what I could do.
        I never really went through an exact training procedure.  Since the army was small, I just got assigned to a group and learned as I went along.  I was assigned to a group of six; I made it seven.  Our leader was named Alexander.  The second in command was Brent.  The other four were Derrick, Lucas, Stephanie, and Kevin.  This particular group was quite relaxed.  They did train me well, but I had a hard time keeping up with all their jokes.  We had the day shift.  At night, we traded posts with another group, this one of nine.  I caught onto my job quickly.  Our main objective was to hide in the wooded areas and watch the skies and the ground for the Nemesis.  I soon found that the Trysidians were terrified of this enemy.  They told me the horror stories of what had happened to their ancestors.  It became my duty, as well as the other men's duty, to make sure that the Nemesis did not succeed again as it had on some of the other colonies.  It was also my duty to protect the other men in my group, and in battle I defended anyone.  I took the job of insuring the welfare of my group seriously.  One day, one of the men saw a snake that was about to bite Derrick.  I crept up from twenty yards away and didn't make a sound. Derrick was frozen and the others did not know what to do.  They knew if they spooked the snake, it would attack.  I crept up silently and then cut off the head with one quick slash of my sword.
        Alexander came up to me and looked me in the eyes.  "You are here to be trained by us.  However, you were silent while sneaking up on that creature.  It seems to me that the army should be taking lessons from you."
        First I taught my group how to sneak around.  It was easy, really.  They already had the necessary skills, they just needed to learn how to use them.  When that went over so well, Alexander reported me to his superior.  I was called in and talked to by the head of the army, Montgomery.  He said he wanted me to begin training the other groups immediately.  They needed all the help they could get, and I agreed.  I remembered the first time they tried to ambush me; I had known that they were there.  Had they been silent, I would have been completely surprised.
        That night I went home to tell Fiona the good news.
        "Fiona, this means I will not have to patrol anymore.  I will be in town, training the men.  That allows me to come home sooner."  Fiona beamed at me and threw her arms around my neck.  She kissed my lips.  She was so affectionate.  I would have to do something nice for her.  I loved her so much.
        "That is good news, my love.  Which brings me to a question that I have had for quite some time now.  As you know, I applied for work at the daycare and have been working there for almost two months now." she started as we walked down the hallway to the bedroom.
        "Yes, I know.  An you love it, Fiona." I said, sitting down on the bed.  She crawled in the middle with me and looked me in the eyes.
        "I love children, and working with them has made me realize how much I want one of my own.  Skyler... Could we have a baby?"


He fainted.  I had never seen a man faint before in my life!  I lightly slapped his face.
        "Skyler.  Skyler!  Wake up Skyler!" I said, begging him to come to.  He had fallen onto the bed and I was now propped up over his body.  He was motionless.  I did not think this was a good sign as far as my question was concerned.  His eyes slowly opened and he sat up.
        "Skyler!  I have never seen a man faint before in my whole life!  I did not think that it would be such a problem." I stated.  Skyler closed his eyes and rubbed them with his left hand, grabbing his nose and pressing his eyes at the same time.
        "Fiona, a baby is a big step.  It's not that I don't want one.  I do want children and I want you to mother them, but isn't it a little soon for that?  We are barely settled here.  Why don't we wait?"  He opened his eyes as he told me that he wanted me to mother his children.
        I sighed.  He was right.  We had barely gotten our feet on the ground and here I was asking to have a child.  I was only seventeen and he was probably only twenty or twenty-one.  I felt bad for troubling him.  He saw that I was disappointed.  He took me in his arms and pulled me into his lap.
        "I love you, Serena." he whispered into my hair.  He always called me Serena when I was upset.  I guess it was his way of showing me that he still loved me the same as before.  "I just don't think I'm ready to be up all night rocking and feeding a baby yet.  I want to enjoy just having you and living with you the way we want to right now.  Not tied to anything or anyone.  But if it means that much to you, I will be happy to father our child now."
        I glanced up at his face.  "Working with the kids is fine for now, Skyler." I said.  I knew we would one day have a baby, but it did not have to be right now.

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