A Love Like No Other

Chapter 28- A Strange Discovery

        I loved working at the daycare.  I had gotten to know many of the children and through them, many of the people in the town more intimately.
        The kids grew up it seemed overnight.  They would only be in day care for about two months before they'd start real school.  It was frustrating for me.  I would barely get to know the kids, and when I finally DID figure out how to deal with a particular child, the child would begin school.
        After work, the other sitters and I would go over to one of their (or my) houses and have tea and dessert.  There were four other women that worked there: Bianca, Charlotte, Tiffany, and Chloe.  We would sit and talk for an hour or two.
        One night we were discussing our own childhoods.  I did not know what to say for mine.  I made up something around the story that I was the daughter of a Moon Delegate and had grown up in the royal palace as a result.  I told them of my love for ice skating, and how I was disappointed that Trysidia did not have such an activity.  Then I told them that I had met Skyler at one of the benefits for the Moon Kingdom armies.  We fell in love, etc.
        They were most intrigued by that fact that I had been alive so long and yet I only looked a year old (to them).  I simply laughed.
        The next day I was working with the kids on an arts and crafts project.  I was still a little disappointed that we were not going to have a baby.  I was somewhat sad all day, but I did not show it.  I was helping a little girl named Abigail with the scissors when she stopped and looked at me.
        "Do not be sad, Serena.  You will have a baby with Skyler someday."  She looked away and continued working.  She called me Serena!  And she knew about Skyler not being thrilled about a baby.  It went to the other side of her desk and I kneeled down to eye level.  She looked at me curiously.
        "How did you know my name was Serena?" I asked.
        Abigail looked at me for a long moment.  Then she leaned over and whispered in my ear.
        "I am not supposed to talk about it.  The adults don't like it when the kids say anything.  They tell us we are liars and that it is just our imaginations.  They say we'll grow out of it." she nodded and backed away from my ear.
        "Abigail, what am I thinking right now?" I asked.
        Abigail thought a moment.  "You are thinking about grass." she stated.
        She was wrong.  But even so I knew that she was telepathic.  She just had not been trained on how to use the power.
        "Abigail I want you to do something for me, okay?  I want you to look at me."
        Abigail put down her project and looked.
        "Now I want you to think really hard.  Now, picture me and the expression on my face in your head.  Now I want you to close your eyes and tell me what you see."
        She was quiet a long time.  "You are in a room with lots of seats and there are people in front of you wearing funny clothes.  They are dancing and singing and one of their names is Snow White."
        She nailed it.  This little girl was telepathic.  I thanked her and walked over to Tiffany.
        "Tiffany, I need to ask you something.  Outside."
        "Alright, Fiona."  Tiffany walked over to Chloe and told her that she and I would be outside.
        "Tiffany I have a strange question for you.  Now it is going to sound odd, but it is not  joke."
        I shut the door to the room.  "Do you ever feel like you can read people's minds by seeing visions?"
        Tiffany was silent.  She looked at me for a moment and then asked, "Why?"
        I explained.  "I am telepathic.  Many people in the Moon Kingdom are."  That was kind of a lie.  The only telepaths were the royalty.  But she did not know that.  "I have been around telepaths all my life.  Now I just got told by one of the girls that I should not be sad because Skyler and I will have a baby one day.  She also called me my official title in the Moon Kingdom and nobody knows what that is besides me and Skyler.  That girl is an untrained telepath and I have a feeling that the rest of this town is too.  All untrained telepaths."
        Tiffany glared at me a while.  Then she glanced away and started to fumble with her dress.  "Yes, I can see things." she finally admitted.  "But we are told by the elders that we are just crazy or that it was coincidence.  Sometimes they say that the gods are just sending us visions to help each other.  We aren't supposed to mention them."
        "Tiffany you have a gift!  If you learned how to use it, rather than run from it, you might be able to hold off the Nemesis better."
        Tiffany said that she could not do anything but told me to talk to the elders if I thought it was that important.
        That night I talked to Skyler about the Trysidian's abilities.  He just smiled and nodded.  "It figures you would find some way to help these people fight the Negaverse."  He sighed and touched my cheek, brushing a free strand of hair from my face.  "Tomorrow we will go to the elders and tell them of the discovery."
        That is what we did.  We went to the elders the next day and sat down in their meeting room.  There were five of them.  They really were not elderly, they were just in high power.  I guessed the youngest one was two, and the oldest, probably five.
        "What can we do for you?" The head of the elders asked.  His name was Samuel.
        "Well, my name is Fiona and this is Skyler." I introduced.
        One of the elders leaned over to Samuel and whispered something in his ear.  Probably telling about our background.
        "Oh, yes.  Joshua here tells me that you are the couple from the Moon Kingdom and that you were abandoned here by the Nemesis.  I have heard a lot about you."
        "Um, yes.  Well, I came here today to tell you that I have found something that would help the Trysidians fight the Nemesis."
        The elders all looked at me and at each other.  They were obviously intrigued.
        "Well, as you know I come from the Moon Kingdom.  And there are many differences between the people there and the people here.  However, I seem to have stumbled across a similarity.  The people in the Moon Kingdom have special powers.  One of these powers is an ability to read minds, sense emotions, and see the future.  It is an ability called telepathy.  It is a genetic gift given to us my Miota, the same person who gave us the silver crystal. Now, I know this may come as a shock to you, but I believe your people have the same gift. You see, I was speaking with this young girl yesterday in the daycare that I work at and she was able to read my mind not once, but twice.  If she were coached on how to use her abilities, she would be able to detect any new or unwanted presence in or around the town.  That is why it would be such a great asset to the armies.  They could sense attackers or intruders, and be able to fight more efficiently.  Now, I do understand that you do not like your people to talk about the visions, but they are a rare gift, and they should not be stifled, but encouraged."
        The elders were stunned.  Up until now, they had considered the visions a horrible thing to be covered up and now here I was, marching in here telling them it was a gift.  I hoped this would go over alright.  They spoke outside the door for a long time.  Then they re entered the room and said, "Have you, yourself been trained?"
        "Yes.  I have spent the last eleven years of my life using these powers."
        "So can you look at someone and know everything about them?"
        "That would require a great deal of time and energy.  I doubt if your people would have the ability to do something so elaborate.  However, you must understand, I do not read into everyone I know.  I only read their thoughts if I have their permission or if they have harmed me in some way.  That is one of the first lessons that you learn when you are taught how to use the power."
        After weeks of negotiations, the elders agreed to let me begin training the people.  The first ones to learn were the children.  I got permission from the elders to probe a child's mind completely to find out what they were capable of.  Tobin volunteered Lina.  He said he trusted me not to hurt her.
        I woke up early that morning.  My body ached as I stretched and yawned.  Skyler, peacefully sleeping next to me slowly opened his eyes and grinned at me.  He reached over and pulled my face close to his.  "Morning, Babe." he yawned and kissed my cheek.
        "Morning."  I got up from bed slowly.  I did not want to leave the warmth of the covers.  When I finally did manage to drag myself out, I headed straight for the thermostat.  I cranked it up to seventy-five and then proceeded to get a shower.  When I emerged, Skyler took his turn while I dressed.  He and I headed out the door, without breakfast and proceeded to a counselor's office.
        When I arrived, the elders, Tobin, Ivy, Lina, and Stephanie were already there.  I almost felt late, even though we were still fifteen minutes early for the appointment.  We all said our greetings and we sat down in a small conference room.
        "Now what exactly will you be doing today, Fiona?  What will this procedure entail?" Samuel asked while glancing down at a notepad of paper.  He obviously still had a lot of questions for he must have had four pages full of notes in front of him.
        "Well, first we will sit down and I will try to get her to relax.  Then I will envision her mind joining as one with mine.  Then my 'mind's eye' will relay the messages of her thoughts, desires, capabilities, anything that has gone on or that she has ever felt, into vision form.  For instance, if she likes to play tag, I might see her laughing and running from me yelling for me to chase her.  Of course, part of telepathic training is learning how to interpret visions."
        "I see.  Is there any possibility that this will hurt the girl?" Samuel questioned glaring at me.  I could tell he was still not sure that this was a great idea.  I had not yet earned his trust and it would not be easy for me to do so.
        "No.  No possibility.  The only possibility is if I did something intentionally." I stated.
        "How do we know you won't?" Joshua barked, all of a sudden protective of Lina.
        "Sir, if I had wanted to hurt anyone, I would have done so by now.  You would have never have known of my capabilities and I could have done whatever I wanted and nobody would have tied me to it.  Why do something now that you know?"
        "She has a point, Joshua." Jeremiah, another of the elders stated.
        Joshua seemed perturbed and merely folded his arms and leaned back in his chair in a huff.  They continued questioning me until they felt we were ready to begin.  I cannot say I was accustomed to other people judging me.  After all, I had been Princess of an entire Kingdom.  The only person who had ever had the audacity to question me was Tuxedo Mask.  Ironic actually, that out of all the people in my Kingdom, I ended up loving probably the only one who disliked me.
        I sat Lina down in a room by ourselves.  The elders, Tobin, Ivy, Stephanie, and Skyler watched through a one way mirror as I began to probe her mind.  I put my hand on her face and told her to relax.  Lina was very trusting and was actually looking forward to this.  That I could sense even before we started.  I just sat there looking into her mind.  I knew everything I needed to in an instant.  I took my hand away from Lina and told her, "That is all.  We are done."
        I took her hand and we left the room.  We joined everyone on the other side of the mirror.  I made my report.
        "Your people are very strong in this ability.  That is why, despite your attempts to suppress it, it still is present.  Your people have the ability to see into people through the use of a vision.  With that comes the ability to project an image into another's mind.  Then there is the most shocking power.  You have the ability to summon energy within or without of your body and blast it at your enemy.  I take it that sometimes when children or adults anger, there might be a burst of light that is released at something or someone, thus destroying it.  Correct?"
        I was.  The elders were amazed and with that immediately allowed me to train the children.  The children on Trysidia took to their abilities much faster than the children on the Moon.  I suppose that made sense, considering that everything had to be quicker for these people.
        Next, I began training the armies, who did not take to the power quite as quickly.  They eventually got it and afterwards were more confident in their ability to fight the Nemesis.  I trained twenty-four people how to instruct others and they helped me train the people faster.  Soon the whole town was trained.

        I headed for bed.  It had been a long day and I needed to relax.  Skyler came into our room and walked over to me.
        "Hey you.  Miss me?" he asked.  I nodded and carefully draped my arms around his shoulders.  He brought my mouth to his and kissed me.  "I missed you too,” he said after a moment.  He scooped me up in his arms and gently placed me on the bed.  He climbed on the bed with me and laid his head against my chest.
        "I am so happy here, Skyler.  Everything is going so well."  We had lived here close to a year now.  "I do not know what I would be doing with myself if I was still on the Moon.  I would have died without you." I began lightly running my fingers through his hair.  He sighed.
        "I do not know what I would have done without you, Fiona.  You have completely changed my life, even before we came here.  I look at things and people so much different now.  I love you so much."  He squeezed my body gently.
        Skyler tilted his head and kissed my neck.  "I have a great idea."  He said.  He got up and pulled me across the room with him.  He opened the bedroom door and we ran out of the house.  "Where are we going?" I exclaimed.  He had pulled me outside and although it was only moderately cold because of the summer, I still felt as if I needed a coat.  We were heading towards the hills that were not too far out of town.
        "Skyler, I am barefoot!" I called.  I was tired and I did not like running through the dark like this with no shoes.  Heaven only knows what I could have stepped on.  Skyler, rather than take me home, picked me up and carried me as he ran into the surrounding brush.  He ran for a good ten minutes before we came to a clearing.  I could see a huge waterfall that was coming out from the side of the mountain.  There was a pool below it and it filtered out into five different streams.  Skyler approached the side of the waterfall and walked right into it.
        "SKYLER!  I am soaked!" I exclaimed accusingly, as if he did not already realize this.  My clothes were drenched now.  To my surprise, there was what looked like a cave at the other side of the falls.  Water had pooled inside making it completely secluded.
        "We need some light." Skyler told me.  "Princess, would you do the honors?"  I looked into his eyes.  They had the reflection of the light of the three moons that circled Trysidia in them.  The light showed though the water at the mouth of the cave.  Enough to see outlines but not enough to see anything clearly.  He set me on my feet.
        I knelt down to the water.  I summoned some of my energy and touched the water.  The pool lit up in an iridescent aqua color.  It was beautiful.
        Skyler began to strip off his clothes and, to my dismay but not surprise, he jumped in.
        "Come on, Serena!" he called to me.  I groaned.  I was tired, but I could not say no to him.  I stripped off and jumped in after him.  The water was surprisingly warm, probably because of the energy I had released into it.  We swam around a while and it ended up in a splash fight.  I laughed.  I had never done this type of thing with Tuxedo Mask or Skyler before.  Skyler swam over to me and put his arms around my waist.  He pulled me close and whispered in my ear, "Happy anniversary, Serena."
        Anniversary?  I had completely forgotten.  Today was the anniversary of the day that we met three years ago.  "Happy anniversary, Tuxedo Mask."  He kissed me.

        We put on our wet clothes and headed home.

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