A Love Like No Other

Chapter 30- The Truth Bared

        I woke up in the morning next to Darien.  It all fit together.  I was so happy.  I reached over and brushed his cheek with my lips.
        "You do realize this means that we could have children and still keep the pure bloodline."  I stated.
        Darien sat up.  "You're right!  We could go back!"  His face fell.  "Do we really want to?"
        I stared for a minute, silently urging him to explain.
        "I mean, we have lives now.  We have a house, friends, jobs...  Do you really just want to walk away?  Besides, these people could use our help.  Everyone back there won't miss us."
        He turned away from me, his feet now hanging off the bed.  I sat up and came behind him, putting my arms around his shoulders.  I kissed his neck.  "Honey, I know.  But I must say that I do miss my family.  And my friends, and my old life.  I know we have it good here.  But think about it.  Your mother will never know that you are still alive, my mother and friends think I am dead.  Is that really fair to them to have lied and now live our lives like nothing's changed now knowing what we know?  It is not right."
        "It is not right what they did to us in the first place, Serena.  They banished me because I didn't have the right blood type.  They put power over love.  We are not like that."
        "But we will rule one day if we go back and we can change things."
        Darien turned and looked me in the eyes.  He sighed.  "Well Serena, you gave up your life to be with me.  I can give up this one to make you happy.  We'll go back."
        I hugged him.  "Thank you Darien, my Prince."
        "Will the crystal work this far away?" he asked.  I had not thought of that.  The Silver Crystal was how I transported to begin with.  I did not believe that I could get it to work all the way over here.  I have to give myself a boost of energy to kind of propel my body from one place to another.  If I could not create the boost...  "Well there goes that idea."
        "Not necessarily." Darien stated.
        Darien told the town our problem.  He said that we had found a way to go home, but we needed their help.  Some of the people did not want us to leave for the reason that if the Nemesis came back, they might not be able to win.  Darien assured them that with the help of the other colonies they would be fine.  They had already received word by telepathy that they had found another colony.  Besides, they had solved the mystery of why the Negaverse was killing them and took their eyes and hands... That was the source of their power.  The eyes of a telepath and the hands of one who can shoot energy would bring a great deal of energy to the Negaverse.  Considering they were in the business of stealing energy, the Trysidians who had not even realized their power had made perfect targets.  It also explained why so many were allowed to escape the first sweep. The Negaverse had planned on letting them procreate, making even more energy.  A sort of energy cultivation.  They had separated them over the planet to try and make sure that they did not join forces against the Negaverse's attacks.  That would no longer be the case now that the Trysidians had realized their powers.

        We convinced the whole town to get together and they summoned their energy.  We said our good-byes and Serena summoned all she could get from the Silver Crystal.  We stood in the middle of a giant circle of people.  We managed to transport back to the Moon.
        Serena and I landed in her room.  Serena had concentrated on landing there.  The room was just as she left it.  I guessed her mother had probably not accepted the idea that her daughter was gone and was therefore still holding onto her things.
        She got in one of her old gowns and she reached for an old tuxedo.  We stepped out of the room, after she did her hair back up in meatballs.  A court meeting was being held.  The servants all gasped and were stunned when they saw us walking down the hall, her arm linked in mine.  We pushed open the doors to the meeting hall.
        Mouths dropped to the floor and the room fell silent.  "Mother, I have an announcement."

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