A Love Like No Other

Chapter 29- The Attack

        Fiona climbed on my back as we headed back to town.  It had been an exhausting night, but a memorable one.  I knew she had not remembered our anniversary, but I did not give her a hard time about it.  We had both been busy and I would have forgotten also if it hadn't been for Lucas mentioning that he and his wife had just had theirs.
        On our way back to our home, I noticed some dark objects flying around in the sky.  At first, I thought they were birds.  But then I knew.  It was the Negaverse preparing to attack the town.  I sent Fiona home.  She ran through the streets yelling, "It's the Nemesis!  Wake up!  They are here!  Wake up!"  I went to the weapons locker.  I got my sword and put on a uniform.  Fiona didn't want me to fight.  I did not have the same mental abilities as everyone else here.  I was not royalty in the Moon Kingdom and I was not Trysidian.  The dark portals opened up above us and soldiers started to infiltrate the town.  Boy would they be surprised!
        I saw the first Negaverse soldier come to a house.  He was greeted with a blast of energy from the owner.  He fell back, dead.  The training had paid off!  Our armies had surrounded the town, making a defense perimeter around the edge.  Good thing too, because the Nemesis soldiers began attacking by coming through the brush surrounding the town so that no one could escape.  Our men were hidden up in trees, so they could surprise the Nemesis by blasting them from above. Several of our troops stayed in town to protect the civilians.  They hardly needed to be there however.  When the Nemesis tried to attack the daycare, they were met with not only the experienced and powerful Fiona, but the children combined their strength and used their energy to kill over a hundred enemy soldiers.
Fiona turned in surprise to the children and just said, "Well done."  The children laughed.
        Our armies were now better able to defend themselves because they could sense their attacker if he tried to come from behind by using their mind's eyes.  I fought by sword against thirteen men considering I had no other line of defense.  One of them, the last one I fought stabbed my side.  I came back to the town wounded.  I saw flashes of light everywhere.  It was hard to see and I would have been helpless to an attacker.
        Unfortunately, one of the Nemesis soldiers noticed me.  He snuck up behind me and threw me to the floor.  He stuck his sword in my face and laughed at me.  "Today, is your day to die Trysidian!"
        He brought the sword up and held it over my chest.  As he raised, it I heard Fiona's voice in my head.  I saw her image flash before my eyes and began to feel tears swell in them.  "Goodbye, my only love." I said.
        Then I realized her voice had said, "You will not live long enough to regret that mistake, you Harpie!"
        Harpie?  She called me, her love, a Harpie?
        That's when I saw what seemed like a lightening bolt hit the soldier above me.  He began to shake and turn to a kind of brownish-gray dust.  I looked up to see Fiona.  "Moon dust!" she cried with triumph.  Must have been a Moon thing.  She smiled at me before running back into the fight.  She didn't realize I had been stabbed.  I got back up slowly.
        The battle was over within two hours.  The Negaverse had come hoping for an easy target.  They were not equipped for a real fight.  They might even leave the town alone completely from now on.  There must have been other colonies they could attack; they would most likely just go to those and not trouble with us.
        When I stumbled in the door to our home, Fiona greeted me and told me that the Negaverse had retreated.  Then she saw me gripping my side.  I had lost a lot of blood and was feeling quite weak.  She gasped loudly and began to fuss over me.  She helped me over to the couch and used her own power of telekinesis to heal me.  I immediately had my strength returned.  I kissed her.
        "We totally stopped the Nemesis, at least for this battle.  They left after only a few hours.  Oh, Skyler it worked!  And I have other news.  I talked to the elders and explained to them why the Nemesis was cutting out their eyes and hands."  She proceeded to explain.
        I was quite pleased myself.  All of the training Fiona had given them had paid off.  I looked into her eyes.  It was still not even noon yet.  The day was young, even though she and I were quite drained from being up all night and now this.  It was then that we got a knock on the door.  It was a few of my soldier friends.  They came in and thanked Fiona for training them.  They said that the armies would have failed if she hadn't helped.  They left after staying a while and talking.  Then Ivy came over.
        "Oh, Fiona!  They are having a huge celebration tonight!  The fight went so well, not one man was lost.  On our side, of course.  This is the first time any Trysidians have ever won a fight against the Nemesis.  Of course, we haven't been in contact with any other colonies recently, but we are sending out three people from our town to go find other towns and train them the same way you trained us!  Isn't that wonderful?"
        "Yes, it is!" Fiona exclaimed.  That must have made Fiona feel overjoyed to know that she had saved a whole planet from the Negaverse.  I smiled.  Ivy looked at me.
        "Will you and your husband be attending the celebration?" she asked Fiona.  Fiona's face fell slightly.  I knew why.  I had been thinking the same thing for quite a while.  We were not even officially married yet.  We had no ceremony, no rings, nothing.
        Fiona said that we'd be there and went and sat on the couch.  Fiona did not know it, but I had already bought her a ring.  Custom made.  It was a gold ring with one star shaped diamond and a crescent moon shaped diamond.  I had to haggle with Ambrose, the diamond cutter for an hour.  He had never cut a star shaped diamond before.  I paid him good though, so he didn't mind.
        I knew then that I would propose to Fiona that night at the celebration.

        The celebration was huge.  There was music and dancing, and the markets had gotten together and prepared a huge feast.  Fiona went around talking to everyone in sight.  She knew every single person in town, thanks to training all of them.  I knew all of the army, but I was not nearly as talkative as she was.  She had been throwing parties and entertaining guests her whole life, while this was one of my first big parties.  Fiona may as well have been the hostess, for she was so social, and had practically saved the entire colony.
        I had many of the men come up to me and thank me for training them in how to keep quiet.  Between the skills I had taught them and the ones they had learned from Fiona, they easily defeated the Nemesis, or so they said.
         Dinner was delicious.  I enjoyed the atmosphere almost as much as the food.  There was music all throughout the meal.  I looked over at Fiona.  She was so funny.  Here I was stuffing my face and there she was, as dainty as could be.  She refused to eat anything with her hands.  Finally, I picked up the biscuit and shoved it in her mouth.  To her horror, crumbs and butter went everywhere.
        "Skhuhuh!!" she said as I shoved the biscuit in.  I think she tried yelling my name, but when she spoke crumbs blew everywhere.  Then she turned to me and blew them all on my shirt.  I laughed and then got a mischievous look on my face.  I threw some pudding at her but she ducked and I ended up hitting Tobin.  She covered her mouth and started bursting out in laughter.  Needless to say, We started a gigantic food fight.  I ducked under the table with Fiona who was cracking up.  Well, here goes nothing.  This is as good a place as any.
        I touched Fiona's face.  She looked at me with the biggest smile on her face I had ever seen.  I kissed her lips.
        Fiona saw my serious expression and quieted quickly.  She stared at me for a moment as I reached into my pocket.  I brought out the tiny box that held her ring.  Her eyes widened and I smiled sweetly at her.  I took her face in my hand and with my other hand, I handed the box to her.
        "Serena, Princess.  Would you marry me?"  I brought out the ring and she opened the box.  Tears filled her eyes and she nodded.  "Yes of course I will!"
        She looked at it for a long while before I reached in and retrieved the ring.  I took her hand in mine and I placed the ring carefully on her finger.  It fit fine.
        We let the town fight.  We stayed under the table and kissed.  When things calmed down we came back up.  Dessert was served.  It was some sort of cinnamon cake.  I pulled the cake to my face and smelled it.
        I had a flash.  I saw for the first time my mother's face.  I knew it was her.  I remembered looking in a mirror as a child and turning to the woman behind me and calling her Mommy.  Then I remembered the smell.  She smelled like this cake.  Cinnamon.
        I ate the cake and as soon as I was able, I pulled Fiona home.  She was reluctant to leave.  She was chatting with everyone still.  Ivy had noticed the ring and there was a gigantic squeal-fest.  Everything said was even in a high voice.
        "Oh how sweeeeet!"
        "AAAAH!  You're so lucky!"
        "It's BEAUTIFUL!"
        "Oh my God!"
        "When is the wedding?"
        "That's so adorable!"
        "I wanna get married!"
        "That's a beautiful ring."
        There were various screams and squeals going on the entire time.  The men gathered around me and Tobin shook my hand.  "Way to go." he said.  The other men just said, "Yeah."  We sat down.  That was it for us.  We continued to watch our women swoon a while before Alexander came over to me and said, "Oh my stars!  It's so beautiful!" in his falsetto, purposefully lisping all his 's's.  Then the other men gathered around me and started mimicking the ladies.  We all turned and laughed at how when we started squealing like them, they all stopped and glared at us like WE were the strange ones.  Didn't they know how stupid they looked?

        I finally got Fiona home.  I sat her down on the couch.
        "Serena, I remember.  I remember my mother's face.  I was in a fancy room and I remember her face.  She smelled like cinnamon.  She had short brown hair that was always in a loose bun, and she wore burgundy dresses that came to her ankles.  She had high cheekbones, and blue eyes.  Serena, my mother was..."
        "The Queen of Earth!"  She screamed.  Tears filled her eyes once more and she threw her arms around me.  "Oh Darien!!"
        Memories flooded my mind.  I remembered everything.  From Nanny Wildman, to the crash, to my mother, my crush on Serena, to finding my way to the center, then meeting Serena, falling in love with her again.  It was complete.  I told Serena all of it.  She sat in amazement as I revealed the reasons for running away and how I had done it.  Everything was explained.  I finally felt complete.  She was relieved to now have all the gaps filled in.  We made love all night that night, for the first time as a Princess... and a Prince.

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