A Lost Cause

Historical note: This fanfic is the first of three.  This one, A Lost Cause, the second one, A New Hope, and the third, Bridge to a New Beginning (It may change), will be out sooner or later.  Hope you enjoy this trilogy as much as I liked writing it!  (Does that line sound familiar to the really dedicated Sailor Moonies out there, yeah you know who you are^_~)
Standard Disclaimers Apply.
Please E-Mail me with feedback, compliments, flames, I luv it all!  My address is ww4475@dragonbbs.com.

 “Oh god, the wedding’s in a week,” Serena screamed to her friends frantically, “What am I going to do?  There’s a ton to do and not enough time to do it!”
 Sighing with frustration, Raye said with surprising calm, “Well, I talked to your mom and she said that she, your dad, and Sammy would handle everything for a day, so you could go shopping with us!”
 “Yeah, she’s right Serena.  You definitely need a day off.  I mean, you haven’t been taking it easy since the preparations began,” added a concerned Mina.
 “They’re right,” concluded Lita.
 “Yes, Luna told us that you’re doing the preparations in your sleep.  You need to relax and go have some fun,” finished Amy, “we’ll have a girl’s day out.”
 Serena looked at them and knew that there wasn’t any way out of this and agreed.

 At noon, the girls met at the arcade for lunch before heading for the mall.
 As they sat down at a booth, Lizzy, Andrew’s little sister, came over with a pad, saying, “Hey guys, what can I getcha today?”
 “I’ll have a chicken sandwich with mayonnaise only, French fries, and a chocolate milkshake,” said Serena with hungry eyes.
 “I’ll have a piece of cherry pie with a hot fudge sundae on the side and some green tea,” Lita gave her order.
 “I’ll have a cheeseburger with a lemonade,” conquered Amy after careful consideration.
 “I’ll have a salad with no tomatoes or onions and with Italian dressing, and with that I’ll have a lemonade also,” said Raye.
 “And I’ll have a piece of apple pie with some milk,” finished Mina.
 “Okay, that should take a few minutes,” checked Lizzy, she then turned to Serena, “Anyway Serena, I’d like to say congratulations about your wedding to Darien next week.”  She smiled and headed to the kitchen.
 Mina turned to Serena and said with an almost sad voice, “I can’t believe you’re getting married!  It seems like it was almost yesterday when you were tripping over everything, rushing over to the new Sailor V game, and drooling over food and Darien.”
 “I know, you sure have changed Serena,” agreed Amy.
 Serena shrugged her shoulders and responded, “We all change.  I mean, you’ve changed too.  Amy, your not as much of as a bookworm as you used to be, Raye, your temper has cooled down, Lita, you’ve finally stopped growing, and Mina you’re an actress now.”
 They spent the rest of the day chatting about old times and shopping like schoolgirls, something they hadn’t done in a long time.

 On a bright Monday morning, Serena awoke for the last time in her room.  She looked up and burst into tears.
 Luna looked up and asked, concerned, “What’s wrong Serena?”
 “Two things,” Serena wailed, “this is my last day as a kid and,” she lowered her voice, “Mama isn’t here to see me and Darien finally get married.”
 Luna smiled sadly.  Serena was right.  Her mother, Queen Serenity, wasn’t here anymore.  She knew that Serena still missed her mother terribly, even after all these years.
 She smiled assuredly, “Not in physical form no, but wherever she is, I’m sure she’s very proud of you Serena.  She has been proud of you since the day you were born, both times!”
 Sniffling, Serena looked at her friend with a hopeful look, “You think so, Luna?”
 “I know so.”
 Serena hugged her feline friend tightly, and whispered, “Thank you Luna, for everything you’ve ever given me.”
 Luna just smiled sadly at her as she watched her begin to get dressed.

 At one in the afternoon, a limo showed up at the door of Serena’s house.
 Serena’s mother, Irene, called upstairs to her daughter, “Serena, the limo’s here!”
 “I’ll be right down,” the calm voice called back.
 “Dear, I’ll go up and bring her down,” Serena’s dad, Kevin, told his wife.
 “Alright, but you’d better hurry.”
 Nodding, he jogged up the steps and to her door.  He knocked on the door.
 “Come in, I’m ready.”
 Kevin entered and there stood his daughter in her wedding gown.  It had gold trim at the low neckline, pearls just below it, and slightly puffed sleeves.  To him, she looked like a princess.
 She turned to him and asked, “Well, Daddy, what do you think?”
 Smiling with tears in his eyes, he replied, “You look like a princess.  It’s hard to believe that just a few years ago, you were a terrible student who was a major klutz.”
 “Funny Dad, now we’d better get going or we’ll be late.”
 It only took only fifteen minutes for the limo to get them to the church.  When they arrived, the men began to talk for a few minutes, while the women started to peek through the doors.
 “Hey, doesn’t Ken look great in that tux,” asked Lita with a dreamy look as she stared at her fiancé.
 Serena shrugged and replied, “Yeah sure, but he doesn’t look as half as good as Darien.”
 Kevin called over to them, “Ladies, I hate to interrupt, but it’s time.”
 The group of six girls, Serena, Molly, Amy, Lita, Raye, and Mina, hugged one last time before getting in line.
 Once the doors were opened, the girls went down the isle, first Molly, Amy, Lita, Mina, then Raye, who was Serena’s Maid of Honor.
 A moment after they’d all moved to the sides, Serena and Kevin started down the isle, walking in beat with the wedding march.
 When they arrived, Serena held out her hand to Darien, who took hold of her and they stood in front of the pastor.
 “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this day, April twenty-third, 1999, in the presence of these witnesses to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.  Who gives this woman to be given to this man?"
 Kevin spoke softly, “I do.”
 Nodding, he turned to Darien he continued, “Repeat after me.  I, Darien Shields, take thee Serena Williams, to love and cherish for as long as I live and beyond.”
 Darien repeated it.  The pastor turned to Serena, “Repeat after me.  I, Serena Williams, take thee Darien Shields, to love cherish for as long as I live and beyond.”
 Serena repeated it with tears of joy in her eyes.
 “Then in the eyes of these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  Kiss your bride young man!”
 Smiling, Darien lifted her veil and pressed his lips to Serena’s in a kiss of passion and happiness.
 A loud cheer went up in the crowd.  Raye, Chad, Lita, Ken, Amy, Greg, Mina, and Mike were the first to congratulate the new couple.
 “It’s about time you two got married Serena,” Amy exclaimed happily.
 “Yeah, I still think you two should have tied the knot a long time ago,” added Greg.
 “We wanted to wait until Serena had finished College and I’d finished my MED training guys you know that,” Darien shot back as he and Serena started back down the isle.

 At the end of the wedding reception, Serena was hugging her mother and her friends; Darien was talking to her dad and brother, Sammy.
 “Take good care of my daughter Darien,” said Kevin for the millionth time.
 “I will Kevin, I swear.”
 “You’d better man, you’ve got a great girl.  Don’t ever let her go,” added Sammy.
 Nodding, Darien and Serena walked outside where the limo was taking them to their new apartment.
 Just before Serena got into the limo, she yelled, “Bye everyone, bye Raye.”

 When they arrived, two of the janitors helped them put their things into their apartment at Tokyo Towers.  The two spent an hour putting everything away.  They were grateful that Luna had offered to stay with Artemis and Mina.
 Tired after a long day, they walked out onto the balcony and stared at the full moon.  Sighing with contentment, Serena put her head on her love’s shoulder and he put his strong arms around her waist.  Suddenly, a bright light came shooting down from the moon.  The two covered their eyes the light was so bright.  When it faded there stood Serena’s mother, Queen Serenity.  Saying nothing, she smiled at them.
 “Mama,” Serena gasped, “what are you doing here?  Are we in danger?”
 Serenity’s soft voice said, “Still asking so many questions.  No, my daughter, you aren’t in any danger.  I merely came to say how happy I am for you.”
 Darien smiled.  If he remembered her correctly, she hadn’t changed after the past thousand years.  He quickly answered, “Thank you, Queen Serenity.”
 “Who would have figured, my daughter and the one who was like a son to me are now married,” she sighed with happiness and then straightened, “Well, I must now go, but you know that I love you.”
 Serena ran into her mother’s arms, saying, “Of course we do Mama.  And we love you.”
 Looking at her daughter with great tenderness, she hugged her daughter.  After a moment, they broke apart and Serena moved to stand with her husband.  Smiling at them one last time at her daughter and son-in-law, Queen Serenity dashed back up to where she would wait for her daughter, the remains of the Moon Kingdom.
 Darien pulled Serena close to him as they watched the Moon.  He looked down at her and saw that she was still as beautiful as she’d been since the day he’d met her.  Slowly, he lowered his lips to her neck.

 Serena felt Darien’s breath on her neck, then his lips.  She closed her eyes and turned around.  Slowly, his lips made their way up to her jawbone, and finally to her lips.  Standing it no longer, she kissed him back with a ferocious intensity, barely noticing that Darien had lifted her into his arms and was carrying her into their bedroom.
 Gently, he lay her down on the bed, still kissing her with all his strength.  Unconsciously, his hands began to roam her body, causing Serena to moan quietly.  Just as unconscious, her hands began to explore his strong body, which caused him to moan as well.  Finally, his hands found the top button of her shirt.  They both became lost in exploring each other for the first time.
 Neither of them noticed a picture containing the two of them, the eight Sailor Scouts, and Queen Serenity appear on the stand next to their bed, also right beside their wedding picture.

 For a week, the newlyweds enjoyed the time they had alone at home.  Once the week was over, Darien went back to the hospital that he was working at and Serena started to work as a history teacher at her old middle school, Crossroads Junior High.
 On her first day working at Crossroads, Serena made her way around the school and saw that it hadn’t changed that much since she’d last been here.  Then she came to her old room, 3-C.  Glancing in, she saw Miss Haruna, her old English teacher.
 Smiling, Serena stepped inside and said, “Hey, I told you I’d be back, Miss Haruna.”
 She froze and then looked up from her papers, and whispered, “Serena, your back?!”
 Laughing at her, she replied, “Yep, I’m back, Miss Haruna.”
 “Serena, the little meat-ball head is back,” she yelled.  In a matter of seconds, all of Serena’s teachers, including Miss Lambert, crowded around her, asking what she was doing back at her old school, and if she was married yet.
 Giggling, Serena answered, “Okay, I’m here because I’m the knew history teacher, and yes I married Darien Shields just a week ago.”
 “I always knew you would,” said Miss Lambert who was still a sap for romance.
 They talked for a few minutes about the old times when Serena was a student at the school until they had to return to their rooms.
 By lunch, Serena was really having a great time; almost all of her students were really great, except for the few that tried to hit on her.  One particular student caught her interest, and that was Maria Umino.
 At the end of her class, which was right before lunch, Serena pulled her aside, and asked, “Maria, are you by any chance related to Melvin Umino?”
 “Yeah,” she said quietly, but in a proud way, “he’s my dad.”
 “Who’s your mom?”
 “Molly Baker.”
 Smiling, she said with a distant voice, “I somehow always knew that those two would get married one day.”
 Looking confused, Maria asked, “You know my parents?”
 “Yes, your mom was my best friend when we were growing up, and your dad was the one who always pestered us, but we were always fond of him.”
 “Yeah, Dad’s great, and so is Mom.”
 “Well, be sure to say hello for me.”

 When Serena arrived home that day, she found a candlelight dinner waiting for her.  In the kitchen was Darien cooking something.
 She smiled, how did he know how to get her to smile so easily, she thought.  She sniffed and asked, “What cha cooking Muffin?”
 “Chicken curry, salad, and some Burgundy wine.  Why, did you want brownies too?” he asked teasingly.
 “Sounds great to me,” she said as she reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek.  He tried to gather her in his arms, but she dodged him and admonished, “Not while you’re cooking Darien.  You might burn the place down.”
 “Who me?”
 With a teasing look at him, Serena dashed into their bedroom and over to their closet.  Looking at her selections, she picked a silk pink slip dress just to annoy Darien.  She heard him moving around more so she hurriedly put on a little make-up and his favorite perfume.
 Darien was already sitting at the table when she walked over to him.  When he glanced at her, he nearly dropped the salad bowl.
 He breathed, “Where’d you get the idea of wearing that to the table?”
Smiling innocently at him, “Since when have you ever known me to ever have a personal agenda?”
 “Since the day I met you, now sit down and eat before I decide to change the menu.”
 Throughout dinner, Darien told her what was happening at the hospital.  When he’d finished, he asked her curiously, “So how was your first day back at Crossroads?”
 “It was great,” she replied, “you should have seen the look on Miss Haruna’s face when I walked into her room.  I seriously thought she was going to faint,” Serena paused when he laughed, “oh by the way, there’s an extremely quiet girl, her name is Maria Umino, and she’s in my fifth period class.  Does her name ring a bell?”
“Hmm, Maria Umino,” Darien looked at her ridiculously, “do you mean that she’s related to Melvin?”
 Grinning, she nodded, “yeah, and her mom’s Molly.  Oh, and by the way, Melvin is Tuxedo Melvin to you.”
 “Serena, that gag wasn’t even funny!”
 Still laughing, she began to take the dishes to the dishwasher.  Darien watched her with a content look on his face.  Even after all these years he’d known her, she was still his Meatball head.  Serena was one who always knew how to put a smile on his face, even when she was feeling rotten.
 A beep interrupted his thoughts.  Serena looked up in alarm.  It was her Scout watch and it hadn’t made a sound in over two years.  Serena left the dishwasher half filled and ran to it.
 “Serena, this is Mina.  We’ve got some kind of monster attack down by the docks.  You and Darien had better get here fast, this thing’s strong.’
 “We’re on our way,” she replied.  Serena looked at him and said with an annoyed tone, “why do these monsters always come at the worst times?”
 “Probably just to make us upset,” he said without humor, “you’d better get your locket.”
 Nodding, Serena looked towards their bedroom and dashed inside and grabbed the locket.
 Her look said that they’d talk about it later.  She held it up into the air and yelled, “Moon Crisis, Make-Up!”
 For a moment, Darien watched her transform into the figure he, or the world for that matter, hadn’t seen in over two years.  She was the champion of Justice, Sailor Moon.
 After watching his beloved for a moment, he pulled out a rose and transformed into Tuxedo Mask, the Guardian of Sailor Moon.
 Once they had both transformed, Sailor Moon started to walk out of the door, but Tuxedo Mask called to her, “Wait Sailor Moon, there’s a quicker way than through the building.”
 She was about to ask him what he was talking about when he swept her off her feet and jumped off the balcony, with a terrified Sailor Scout in his arms.
 When they arrived at the dock, they were horrified at what they saw.  Sailor Jupiter was lying on the ground, unconscious.  Sailor Mercury was kneeling over her, scanning her friend with her computer.  Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars were trying to attack the monster, but were not having much luck.
 Venus yelled, “Venus Love and Beauty Shock!”
 The monster brushed her attack off as if she’d tickled him.
 Mars screamed, “Mars Flaming Sniper!”
 The monster again brushed off the attack.  Quickly it threw an attack at the two of them, knocking them to the ground beside Sailor Jupiter.
 “How dare you attack my friends you Negaverse lackey,” Sailor Moon cried, “I won’t let you hurt them anymore.  In the name of the Moon, I will punish you,” she lifted up her tier and shouted, “Honey Moon Therapy Kiss!”
 The attack only seemed to stun the monster.  Roaring at her in fury, he threw a dagger right at Sailor Moon’s heart.
 Sailor Mars, who’d come out of unconscious screamed in terror, “Sailor Moon look out!”
 Before even Tuxedo Mask could react, Sailor Moon’s crescent moon appeared and began to glow, causing the dagger to disintegrate.  The crescent beam shined upon the monster, causing him to die a painful death.
 A voice cried out, “Princess Serenity!”
 Everyone looked up and there, floating a few feet away, was a woman with dark brown hair pulled up at the nape of her neck.  She wore a tan dress that went down to her thighs.  The aura surrounding her seemed to glow almost as brightly as Serenity herself.
 With a look of pure joy, Serenity cried, “Cassandra, it’s really you!”  Faster than she had ever moved, Serenity had dove for Cassandra’s arms.
 For a moment, the two hugged, then separated.  Smiling a small smile, Cassandra said, “It’s good to see you too, my old friend,” she glanced at the others and nodded to them, “I see that you’ve found your guardians and your prince.  That’s is most definitely good news.”
 “Who are you,” asked a very confused Sailor Mars.
 Serenity turned to her and answered, “Prince Endymion wasn’t the only one I visited when I descended to Earth.  Cassandra, daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy, was another one that I visited.  I just never told you guys, since you weren’t exactly happy that I came down here in the first place.”
 “When Troy fell to the Greeks and their horse, I was taken back to Greece as Agamemnon’s battle prize.  When his wife, Clytemnestra, murdered him to avenge her daughter, many people thought that she’d murdered me as well.  That wasn’t true.  I was hidden by Serenity until she could locate my brother, Helenus.  Once I found him, I joined him and his wife, Andromanche,” explained Cassandra.
 Sailor Venus nodded in understanding, “Now I remember.  Princess Serenity always seemed to be looking for something on the planetary scanners.  It took her three weeks to find what she was looking for, but we never knew what she was looking for.”
 Sailor Mercury asked, “But wasn’t Andromanche married to your older brother, Hector?”
 A sudden sadness overcame Cassandra’s face and she nodded quietly, “Yes, when the twenty Greek warriors had taken Troy, they made their selections of the Trojan women.  Agamemnon chose me, Polyxena was killed for causing the death of Achilles, Liaodice was swallowed by some great hole, Sabrina, Hector’s daughter, was taken by Greater Ajax and he raised her himself, Hectors son, Astyanax, was thrown off the walls.  The only reason Sabrina wasn’t killed was because Ajax had known that her father was an honorable man.  It didn’t matter though, Sabrina killed herself ten years afterwards.”  By now, Cassandra had tears running down her face.
 Serenity quickly hugged her friend and whispered, “It’s okay.  I’m here for you, old friend.”
 Once she’d dried her tears, Cassandra told them, “You’re probably wondering why I’m here, aren’t you?”
 Laughing slightly, Serenity replied, “The thought had occurred to me.”
 “I’m here to give you a new power.  As you know, a new enemy has emerged.  They are powerful, but with the new powers I will give you, you shouldn’t have much trouble defeating them.”
 Slowly, Cassandra turned to Mercury, “Sailor Mercury, true to your patron god, Hermes, you are clever and smart.  I give you the power of Hermes.”  A bright blue locket with the sign of Mercury appeared in front of her.  Cassandra continued, “Call out Mercury and Hermes Combined Power Make-Up!”
 Mercury followed the instructions and was surrounded by not only water, but calculations as well. When they cleared, Sailor Mercury was in a sailor suit with a blue skirt, two red bows, and silver winged shoes.
 Cassandra turned to Sailor Venus, “Sailor Venus, true to the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, you are beautiful and mischievous.  I give you the power of Aphrodite.” A bright orange locket with the sign of Venus appeared in front of Sailor Venus.  She continued, “Call out Venus and Aphrodite Combined Power Make-Up!”
 Doing as she was told, Venus was not only surrounded by hearts, but ribbons as well.  When they stopped, Sailor Venus was in a sailor suit with an orange skirt, two golden bows, and slippers made of pure silk.  “Whoa,” she breathed.
 Next, Cassandra faced Sailor Mars, “Sailor Mars, true to the god of battle, Ares, you are agile and cunning.  I give you the power of Ares.”  A bright red locket with the sign of Mars appeared in her hands.  Cassandra told her, “Call out Mars and Ares Combined Power Make-Up!”
 For once listening, Mars did this and was covered with fire and battle gear. When they disappeared, she was wearing a sailor suit with a red skirt, two blue bows, and red boots.
   Following Mars, she turned to Sailor Jupiter, “Sailor Jupiter, descendent of Zeus, king of all the gods, you are just and fair.  I give you the power of Zeus.”  A glowing green locket with the sign of Jupiter shimmered into view.  Cassandra informed her, “Call out Jupiter and Zeus Combined Power Make-Up!”
 Not about to be left out of the fun, Jupiter did as she was told.  Not only did lightning surround her, but you could hear loud thunder crashing inside her transformation.  When it all cleared, Jupiter was wearing a sailor suit a green skirt, two yellow bows, and green sandals.  “Whoa,” whispered Jupiter with awe.
 Smiling, Cassandra turned to Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask.  She spoke, “Prince Endymion, Princess Serenity, you two already possess great powers, so there is little that I can offer you.
 “What do you mean, Lady Cassandra,” asked Tuxedo Mask, confused, “I do not possess any special powers.  Serenity has the possession of the Silver Imperium Crystal, so that is her special powers.”
 Cassandra shook her head, “You’re wrong, young prince, every planet possesses a special power, including Earth.  You just haven’t discovered that power yet.”  As she spoke, two staffs appeared in her hands.  She handed the silver one to Sailor Moon and the gold one to Tuxedo Mask.
 Cassandra spoke to Tuxedo Mask, “Your staff can help you access the power of Earth, you merely have to concentrate on the staff.”
 She turned to Sailor Moon, but before she could speak, Sailor Moon blurted out, “Cassandra, I thought that I’d already received my ultimate power, so what power do I also possess?”
 “Serenity, the Imperium Crystal is only a family heirloom.  Your real power has lain dormant for the past thousand years, waiting for the time when it would be needed once again.  Now receive your power.”
 A bright light erupted from the silver staff and surrounded Sailor Moon.  Her suit changed from blue and red to gold and silver, the colors of the Earth and the Moon.  The tiara on her forehead was gone, her crescent moon in it’s place.  Her locket dissipated and the Imperium Crystal floated up and joined with the crescent moon on top of the staff.
 “Sailor Moon, you know that there was no Sailor Scout of the Moon during the Silver Millennium,” spoke Cassandra, “but, in case the Sailor Scouts were to fight a battle in which they needed help, you were able to transform.  Use it well.”
 Smiling, Cassandra floated up into the air once more and disappeared in a ball of light.  For several minutes, Sailor Moon stared at the place where her friend had been, saying goodbye to her dear friend once again.

 For the next year, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask spent much of their time defeating the new enemy, the Nega Order.  They were powerful, but against the Sailor Scouts new powers, they were no match for them.
 A week after the defeat of the Nega Order, Serena awoke and ran for the bathroom, awaking Darien as well.  After a few minutes, Serena slowly came back into their bedroom.  When she arrived at the bed, she whispered, “Darien, I think I’m pregnant,” and with that she ran back to the bathroom.  In the mean time, Darien fell back onto his pillow with a totally amazed face.
 Around noon, Serena and Darien paid a visit to the doctor’s office.  Darien would have examined her himself but he considered himself too close to the subject, as did Amy, the only one of the group they’d told.
 When Doctor Gordon came in with Serena’s blood tests, he had a smile on his face.  He sat down at his desk and said, “Congratulations kids.  Serena’s pregnant… with twins!”
 Darien looked at Serena with amazement and Serena looked like she was going to faint with shock.  So Darien gave her a kiss on the cheek and she gave him a big hug.  Thanking the doctor, they went out to the nurse’s office to call the Scouts merely to tell them to meet them at the temple when they got off work that afternoon.
 Around four o’clock, Serena and Darien arrived at the temple to find the four girls, Luna, and Artemis there.
 “Why didn’t you call us and tell us to come over early?  We’ve been sitting at home for an hour and a half,” Serena demanded.
 Smiling mischievously, Mina simply told them, “We wanted time to speculate on what you wanted to tell us and try to suck it out of Amy, since she’s the only one who has any idea as to what’s going on.”
 “Well, what is going on you two?  It’s not like Serena’s pregnant,” Raye said indignantly.
 Lita admitted, “Actually, that is what I’d hoped it would be.”
 “So did we,” added Artemis and Luna.
 Serena glanced at Darien, keeping them in suspense for another moment before blurting, “Well, your wish came true!  We’re not only going to have a baby, but two instead!”
 “Twins,” Artemis gasped before fainting, while Luna smiled with tears streaming down her black face.
 Serena, immediately concerned that her friend was crying, picked Luna up, asking, “Luna, I thought you’d be happy about this.”
 “Oh I am, don’t get me wrong.  It just feels like only yesterday that you were tripping over everything in sight and pigging out on ice cream and brownies, or just acting like typical meatball head Serena.  You definitely grew up too fast.”
 She smiled, “Luna, I haven’t changed much.  I mean, granted that I don’t klutz out as much anymore, but I still pig out on ice cream and brownies.  In fact, I’m having a craving of that right now.”
 For the first time, Amy spoke up, “I thought you might, so did Mom, so we both baked you some brownies and made home-made ice cream.  It’s not as good as Lita’s, but we thought that you might enjoy it.”
 Serena squealed, dropped Luna on top of a still unconscious Artemis, therefor waking him up, and tackled Amy, “Thank you soooooo much, Amy!  You’re a real pal!”
With that, everyone sat down and began to munch on the ice cream and brownies.

 As the months past, Serena grew larger, as did everyone’s concerns.  During the final battle with the Nega Order, Serena had been given a nearly crippling blow to the stomach.  Even though she’d gone through several tests and found nothing wrong, they still worried.
 Then, on April sixth, around two in the afternoon, everyone was lounging around the temple when Serena gasped.  Instantly, everyone was at her side.
 “Serena,” cried a very concerned Mina, “what’s wrong?”
 “I think… it’s… time,” Serena managed between gasps.
 Without hesitation, Darien picked her up and quickly but carefully made his way to the car.  After sitting her in the seat, Darien turned to the girls and offered, “If the rest of you can find a way to the hospital yourselves, I can take two of you plus the cats.”
 Quickly, they decided that Raye and Mina would go, while Amy and Lita would follow in Amy’s car after notifying the Outer Scouts and Serena’s parents and brother.
 For six hours, everyone sat outside, waiting for some news.  Amy’s mom, Dr. Anderson, was delivering the twins, so they knew that they would get the best of care.
 After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Anderson came out with a solemn look on her face.  Immediately concerned, everyone dashed over to her, asking at the same time, “Is Serena okay?”
 Sighing tiredly, the doctor told them, “The twins and Serena are fine, except that Serena had a hard time getting the final twin out, so she’s extremely exhausted.  I’ll let you each visit for a few minutes, then I suggest that you each go home and get some rest.”
 Corrine entered first.  Quietly, she sat down next to Serena’s bed, took her hand, and said, “Well, my little kitten, it seems that you’ve grown up, gotten married after enormous trials, and just had two little bundles of joy.  I can’t really tell you how proud of you I am.  I just want you to know that, little kitten.”
 Slowly, Corrine turned to go.  She stopped when a voice said, “Thanks Corrine.  Coming from you that means a lot.”
 She smiled at her small friend, “Hey, someone’s gotta say it!”  With that final comment, she walked out.
 Nerissa walked in next, and softly told Serena, “Oh geez Serena, they’re gorgeous!  Have you held them yet?”
 Serena shook her head, “Not yet, but they’d better let me soon or I’ll blow like a steam engine.”
 Nerissa smiled, “Well, what are you going to name them?”
 “Before I answer that, get the others in here so I can tell everyone at the same time.”
 Quickly, Nerissa ran to the door and brought the others inside.  Once they had gathered around Serena’s bed, Serena asked them, “You’re all dying to know what we’re naming them aren’t you?”
 Raye tried to snap, “Out with it Serena!  Kill the suspense!”
 Serena smiled at the silent Darien, who nodded.  She turned back to them and informed them, “Well, we decided to name the oldest daughter Serenity Marie Shields and the youngest would be named Cassandra Coral Shields.”
 Mina’s eyes stung with happy tears, “Oh Serena, Darien, those names are sooo sweet!  When are you going home?”
 “Probably in a few days,” came Dr. Anderson’s voice from behind them.  The large group turned to her and saw that she was smiling, but tried to look stern as she informed them, “Now everyone out, Serena needs her rest.”
 Everyone moved to leave but Serena called, “Dr. Anderson, can Celia and Darien stay for a few more minutes?  There’s something I need to ask them.”
 Though she was worried that Serena wasn’t going to get any rest, she agreed to two minutes.
 Once the three were alone in the room, Serena demanded with hysteria, “Pluto, have we changed the timeline?  I’ve been worried about that for the past months.”
 “Serena there are many futures.  None can be erased.  Somehow, they all exist.  Right now, Crystal Tokyo exists, but in the future that now lies ahead you and Darien are not only King and Queen of Earth, but of the entire Universe as well, just as your mother was.  With the choices that you’ve made with your lives, you also recreated the Silver Millennium, now called the Crystal Millennium.”
 “What,” Darien asked with concern, “about Rini?”
 Celia smiled at the concern, “As far as I know, she still exists.  I haven’t been to the timegate in over eight months, but the gate would alert me to any unplanned changes.  Don’t worry about it,” glancing at the door, she told him, “we’d better go before Dr. Anderson comes in to order us out.”
 “You are right,” Darien turned to his tired wife, kissed her on the forehead, and whispered, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”
 Smiling before dropping off to sleep, she whispered, “I’m sure you will.”

 After spending three weeks at home, Serena returned to work, but things were not going well between her and Darien.  The night before, they’d argued on who would do certain things, such as grocery shopping and going to the laundry mat.  At first, it had started out as playful arguing, but then it had turned into a full-blown screaming match.
 Then, two days later, the argument they’d had got so bad that Serena took the twins and spent the night with Raye at the temple.
 “Serena,” Raye growled, “you two had better stop the arguing.  You are driving everyone insane.  Are the two of you ever going to grow up?”
She admitted, “Well, it was partially my fault, but still, he wasn’t helping matters.  It’s like he expects me to do everything, and with school and taking care of the twins, that isn’t possible.  You know that.”
 Raye sighed, “I know, it’s just that I hate seeing my two dear friends so upset.”
 Serena smiled at her friend, “Raye, you are such a great friend.  I don’t know what I’d due without you, or the others.”
 “You’d probably still be at the arcade drooling over Andrew and screaming at Darien!”

 Famous last words.  Three weeks later, Darien and Serena decided that they could no longer make their marriage work.  So, sadly, they decided to get a divorce.  The prenuptial agreement was that Serena would take Cassandra, or Cassie, as everyone called her, with her, and Darien would take Serenity, whom they’d dubbed Serene.  Once the case had been officially settled in court, Irene and Kevin asked Serena if she wanted to move back in with them.
 “We don’t really mind and we have plenty of space, now that Sammy has moved out with Mika,” the two assured their daughter.
 Serena answered them, “I really appreciate that Mom, Dad.  Still, I was thinking of moving to Greece, where Aunt Melody lives.”
 Irene asked with confusion, “But you haven’t heard from Melody in years.”
 “Not true, we’ve been writing letters back and forth for years now.  She’s been pestering me to visit her in Athens for the past three years now but there has never been time.”
 Kevin glanced at his wife and told his daughter, “If it’s really what you want Serena…”
 “It is Dad.  I need to get away from here for a while.  I’ve also been thinking about returning to college and becoming an archeologist…”
 And so it was decided.  Serena’s Aunt Melody was delighted to have Serena and Cassie live with her in Athens.
 In one conversation over the phone, she bubbled, “If you really want to return to college and become an archeologist, then while you’re at your classes, I can take care of Cassie!  Oh Serena, I can’t wait until you arrive!  When are you coming?”
Smiling at her Aunt’s enthusiasm, she told her, “We’re taking the flight on Monday.  I should arrive around three o’clock your time.”

 On Monday, it was a raining furiously.  It seemed as though the Gods themselves were objecting to Serena and Cassie leaving.  Lita drove them all to the airport, Serena already having said goodbye to her parents and brother, as well as the outers.  Corrine, Nerissa, and Celia hadn’t been happy, but agreed that Serena and Darien had to be happy.  Much to everyone’s surprise, Corrine had burst out crying because her kitten was leaving.  Everyone was silent on the entire way there.  They weren’t happy that Serena and Cassie were leaving either, but they understood.  Besides, according to Raye, who’d done a fire reading, she saw that there was a chance that Serena and Darien would get back together.  That fire reading became the only hope for Rini and Crystal Tokyo.
 When they arrived at Gate 13, Serena hugged Lita tightly.
 “Lita,” she whispered through her tears, “try to stay out of any fights you come across.”
 Tears steaming down her own face, Lita replied, her voice cracking, “I’ll try, dear Serena.”
 Nodding, Serena moved onto Amy, “Amy, I’m sorry about leaving Luna with you, but I know that she can’t leave Tokyo since she and Artemis are going to have a litter of kittens.”
 “Its okay Serena, I understand,” Amy whimpered, “but right now, this day is worst than when you died saving all of us from Fiore’s attack.  You were my first real friend.”
 Despite her mood, Serena smiled slightly, “Amy I’m not leaving forever.  I’ll be back for visits.  But I have to go.  Right now, there are too many painful memories.  I promise to call.”
 With those parting words, she moved to Mina, “Well, I was right about one thing Mina.”
 “What are you talking about,” Mina sobbed.
 “Luna and I decided to leave you as leader of the Sailor Scouts.  Though I’m the only one who can use the Imperium Crystal, we still need a leader when I can no longer be one.”
 When Mina just stared at her friend and leader in shock, Serena hugged Amy one last time, handed her Cassie, and pulled Mina into her arms and held her for a moment.  Once they stood apart, she wiped the tears from her friend’s face and turned to her best and dearest friend, the silent as a stone Raye.
 For a moment, the two stared at each other then fled into each other’s embrace.  For the next minute, they wept silently.  Finally, Serena whispered, “Raye, do me one last favor.”
 “Anything, my little meat-ball head,” Raye choked.
 “Watch over Darien and Serene for me.  I can’t watch them any longer, so will you do this for me?”
 “For you anything.  I would be honored to keep an eye on my best friend’s daughter.  Be sure to call us frequently Serena.  I… love you, my friend.”
 “And I you.”  With these final words, Serena took Cassie into her arms, turned to the gate, and marched off to it.  As the attendants checked over her passport, she took one long last look the girls who’d been her friends for the past thousand years.  When she was permitted to board, she did so without ever looking back.

 She hadn’t noticed him, Darien thought, which was good.  He knew that all of the Sailors were still angry with him for driving Serena all the way to Greece.  But he was determined to get one last look at his wife.  Ex-wife, he reminded himself firmly.  Walking over to the window with Serene in his arms that over looked the plane that she was boarding.  The rain continued to pound on the roof even harder as the day progressed.  Silently, he watched the plane take off.  When it was out of sight, Darien turned to leave when he saw the Sailors staring at him a few meters away.  Mina and Amy were still weeping, as were Raye and Lita, but they were also glaring at him with a fierce hatred that startled him thoroughly.  He could almost here what their minds were shrieking, how could you drive her away like that?  She was your princess, your wife, and your meatball head!  With an unbearable pain in his heart, he walked out of the airport.  Everything, Crystal Tokyo, the Crystal Millennium, the Sailor Scouts, Rini, Serena, they were all lost causes.

End of Book #1
Stay tuned for book #2, I’m working on it.

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