An Old Legend

Historical Note: This story is the second of three.  It takes place eleven years after the First book, A Lost Cause.  This book, which I has been taking form in my head ever since I started the first book, is called An Old Legend.
Standard Disclaimers Apply.

 “Mom you mean I can finally go to that site where they think the city of Troy was located?!” Cassie Williams screeched.
 Laughing at her daughter’s response, Serena Williams replied, “Yes, I only wish I could go with you, but with my classes this week, I just can’t find the time.  Will you take some pictures for me?”
 “Sure anytime Mom,” said Cassie, “and thanks for giving me this chance Mom!  Oh wow, I gotta call Helen!  Later Mom.”  With that, Cassie ran off to her room, leaving her mom standing there smiling with delight.
 Serena moved into the den, where her Aunt Melody was going over a few papers for her private business.  She looked up and said with a bright smile, “I take it you told her about Harold’s offer?”
Giggling, she answered, “Yes and she was ecstatic.  She ran off to call her friend Helen.”
 Laughing, Melody asked her, “So, are we going to Tokyo for Christmas this year?”
 Abruptly, Serena’s smiling face was gone, replaced by a look of pain and she quickly informed her, “No, Mom, Dad, Sammy, Mika, Carrie, Harry, Mina, Raye, Lita, and Amy, are coming here for the holidays.”
 “Serena,” Melody frowned, “you haven’t been to Tokyo in eleven years.  Why is that?”
 “Aunt Melody, I’m afraid that I’ll run into him while I’m there.  I still don’t think I can handle it.  We came up with this arrangement so we wouldn’t have to meet each other again.  I don’t know what I’d do if I ran into him or Serene.  Can you imagine what would happen if Serene and Cassie saw each other?  The entire secret would be blown!”
 Melody sighed, “Honey, I’ll tell you what I’ve thought of this secret ever since I heard it.  I think that it is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.  Do you think it’s really fair to Cassie and Serene for you two to keep them apart their entire lives?  What are you going to do if Cassie decides to go to college in Tokyo?  Hmm, forbid her to go?  I don’t think she’ll listen to you, she’s as stubborn as you are.”
 Before Serena could snap back a response, Cassie ran in and said in a rush, “MomAuntMelody, HelensgonnameetmeatthearcadetotalkaboutthetripIgottago!”  (Translation: Mom, Aunt Melody, Helen is going to meet me at the arcade to talk about the trip.  I’ve got to go!)
 With that, she flew out the door, black hair streaming behind her, leaving her Mother and Great Aunt in her dust.

 Two weeks later, Cassie was packing her luggage to go to the Troy site, with her mom’s help.
 “Well,” Serena asked after two hours of working, “is that it?”
 Cassie looked through her bag, didn’t find what was looking for and said, “No, there’s one more thing,” she went over to her dresser where she had several pictures.  She picked up one of her Aunt Melody and Serena, then another one.
 “We can’t forget you and Aunt Melody can we?  Or Dad?”
 Serena nearly choked on the water she was drinking, she coughed, “Dad?  What are you talking about?”
 For a moment, Cassie was confused, when she answered, “The picture of Dad you gave me.  What’s wrong Mom, you’re kinda pail?”
 “I’m okay,” Serena assured her daughter, “I just need to lie down for a while.  I was up late last night going over some of my notes about my latest site that I have to excavate.  See you at dinner honey.”  She ran out of the room before her daughter could see the tears streaming down her smooth cheeks.

At the same time, in Tokyo…
 “Daddy, you mean I can go with my class to that archaeological site near Greece,” screeched Serene Shields.
 Laughing, Darien nodded.
 “Oh, thank you, thank you soooooo much Daddy!  I gotta call Carrie.  Later.”  With these words, she ran off to her room.
 Darien stared after her.  I see her so much of her mother in those eyes, he thought, it’s a pity she’s never gotten to meet her mom before.  With Serene’s crystal blue eyes and his long black hair, it was almost painful to look at her sometimes, she reminded him so much of her mother.
 Suddenly, he decided to go for a walk.  He called out, “Serene, I’m going for a walk.”
 “Kay Dad,” she called back absently.
 Without much thought about where he was heading, Darien set out.  After about fifteen minutes of walking, he ended up at the Starlight Tower.  Funny, he thought wryly, I end up at the place where it all truly began.
 Without being in any hurry, Darien made his way to the top of the tower.  He looked around and saw that, even after over almost twenty years, there was still some damage from that battle with Zoicite.  As Darien looked around the vast room, he was engulfed in the past.

 “Watch out,” screamed Sailor Moon as the dagger pierced his skin, “Nooooooooooo, Tuxedo Mask!”  She ran over to him and pulled his still form into her arms.
 Much to her surprise, his eyes opened.
 “It’s up to you to get the Crystals,” tuxedo mask croaked.
 Sailor Moon, still weeping, nodded.
 Using the last of his strength, he touched her cheek and whispered, ‘And, I want… you to know that… I’ve always been on your side… and I always will be.”  With those final words, he dropped his hand to the floor.
 Whimpering, Sailor Moon begged him, “Tuxedo mask, no please don’t go.”
 When he didn’t answer her, she wept her heart out, the Sailor Scouts and Zoicite staring at her off to the side, unnoticed.
 Then, unexpectedly, the seven rainbow crystals appeared in mid-air and flew above Sailor Moon’s bent head.
“The crystals,” gasped Luna, not believing what she saw, “they’re becoming one!  Huh?  The silver imperium crystal!”
 “Ah,” breathed the Scouts.
 With the crystals united at last, the Crescent Moon Wand rose up and joined it.  Sailor Moon, staring at it now, stood as if in a trance.
 Venus gasped, “It’s Sailor Moon!”
 “She’s the Moon Princess,” finished mercury.
 “Who’d’ of thought,” managed mars.
 Still staring at the crystal intently, Sailor Moon’s sailor suit faded, leaving a white silk dress in its place.  Reaching up, the wand flew into her hand.
 “Wow,” whispered Luna, “Sailor Moon.  You’re the Moon Princess from so long ago.  Right in front of me and I didn’t even know!”
 “Yeah,” agreed Jupiter, speaking for the first time, “who would have thought that Serena, of all people, would be the Moon Princess!  It’s a total blow away!”
 “Tell me about it,” mumbled Mars.
 Mercury added, “and what about Darien?  I still can’t believe he’s Tuxedo Mask,” she stopped and stared at Mars’s pale face and added hastily, “oh Mars, I’m sorry.  You must feel terrible!”
 Slowly, Mars shook her head, “I guess they were meant to be long before Darien and I.”
 As their conversation had progressed, Sailor Moon, or rather, Princess Serenity, had lowered herself to the ground and placed Darien’s head on her lap.
 Having shrugged herself out of her stunned stupor, Zoicite shouted, “enough of all your silly chatter!  I want that imperium crystal, and I’m gonna get it!  Zoi!”  She quickly flung an attack at Serenity before any of the scouts could move to protect her.
 But Serenity wasn’t about to let Zoicite beat her.  She raised her arm into the air and whispered, “Cosmic Moon Power!”
 As a bright light shot out of the crystal, Zoicite screamed, No!  ah!”  she was flung back into the wall.
 With her distraction gone, Serenity placed the wand beside her and looked back at Darien.
“Tuxedo Mask,” she muttered, “I feel that you are growing weaker.  Please do not go, I need you.”  One tear dripped off her face and onto Darien’s cheek.  It seemed to give him strength, for he opened his eyes.
 Though in much pain, he began to speak, “You’re finally free… Serena.  You’re free and now I remember everything.  It’s all so clear.  I am prince Darien.”  Slowly he raised his hand and she pulled it to her lips.
 At his final four words, she gasped, “Yes… Prince Darien.  I am remembering now too.  I am Princess Serena, of the moon kingdom.  And you were a prince from earth.  One day we were to marry.  I can picture the last time we were together.  I gave you my star locket so you would always remember me.  It was also right before the last battle with the Negaverse and you were going to defend our kingdom from the dark forces.  It… was the last time I saw you.”
 The two left the past behind and returned to the present and Darien grunted in pain.
 Serena looked down at him with loving eyes and continued, “But you did come back.  And you set me free like in our dream,” she paused as she began to glow once again and return to her Sailor Moon form, “we are free…”

 ‘We are free, we are free,’ echoed in Darien’s mind as he returned home.  ‘Oh god, why did I let her go,’ he wailed silently.  His question remained unanswered.
 When he arrived home, Serene had fallen asleep with a Greek Mythology book on her chest.  Smiling fondly at her, he gently took the book away and set it on a stand next to her bed.  ‘She is so like her mother, when it comes to history,’ he thought.  Serene’s room was covered with posters and objects that had to do with history.  Pictures, paintings, rocks, everything.
 Quietly closing the door, Darien went to his room down the hall.  Entering, he picked up the long forgotten photo of Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, Sailor Venus, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Mars, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Mercury, and himself.  He hadn’t heard from any of the Scouts since that rainy day at the airport.  The last time he’d heard, the Outers had left Tokyo, not knowing when they’d be back, or even if they wanted to come back, and the Inner Sailors had gotten married and had children.  Raye had even named her oldest daughter after her best friend, Serena.
 Sighing, he put down the picture, but still stared at it.  He’d never told Serene about the Sailors, at least that he’d known them, for that matter married their leader.  It just hadn’t seemed important, since there hadn’t been any new enemies to fight.  He assumed that Serena hadn’t told Cassandra either.
 Knocking him out of his thoughts was the sound he hadn’t heard since before Serene and Cassandra had been born.  The sound of his communicator.
 Snatching it out of his drawer, he fumbled with the controls and spoke into it, “Yes?”
 “Darien,” came Amy’s sweet and gentle voice, “there is some sort of monster attacking down in the park!  We need Tuxedo Mask on the double!”
 “I’ll be right there, Mercury, Tuxedo Mask out!”  As he closed the channel, the familiar feeling enter his hand.  He glanced down and saw that his transformation rose was clenched in his hand.  Holding it up, he felt pure energy surge through him.  Once the transformation was complete, Tuxedo Mask was standing there, holding the golden Staff of Earth.  He jumped off the balcony, never knowing that Serene had seen the entire thing.

 Serene walked back to her room in shock, she sank down on her bed.  ‘My father is Tuxedo Mask,’ her mind screamed over and over again.
 “How can this be,” she mumbled, “and why do I get this feeling that I should be out there helping him and the others.”
 “Because that is where you should be,” came a soft and melodious voice from behind her.
 Whirling around, Serene stared in shock at the woman in front of her.  She had a white dress that fit her frame perfectly and a little crescent moon at the neckline.  Some of her hair was done up in two little buns, while the rest cascaded down her back in two pigtails.  Serene’s irrational mind cried, ‘she looks just like Mama!’
 Serene couldn’t help but ask, “Are you my mother?”
 The sound of her laugh was like the sound of church bells, “No, but you are close.  I’m your grandmother, Queen Serenity of the Moon.”
 Serene sank down on her bed then grasped her Greek Mythology and opened it to the chapter called The Legends of the Moon.
 Queen Serenity, still standing in the moonlight, as though she were afraid to leave it, informed her, “You might want to pay special attention to the final legend in that chapter.  It tells about how your mother, your father, and their eight guardians came to the 20th century.”
 Nodding, Serene turned to that particular legend.

Like All Good Things…

 Nothing lasts forever; it’s a fact of life.  In this chapter, you’ve been shown how the Silver Millennium was created and how it survived for a thousand years.  Now, you must be told how such a magnificent civilization came to an end.

 Princess Serenity, daughter of King William and Queen Serenity (Deanna), took the throne two weeks after her parents murder by the Negaverse.  Much of her time early in her reign was occupied with trying to seal the Negaverse forever in their own realm.  Doing the best she could, she used the Silver Imperium Crystal to seal them for a time.
 Five years after taking the throne, Serenity married Prince Eros of Venus.  A year after their marriage, a daughter was born.  She was named like every other female heir to the throne of the Moon, Serenity.  But King Eros insisted that she have an alternate name to distinguish a difference between the mother and daughter.  So she was given a name similar to her original name, Serena.
 As the beautiful princess grew into a graceful young lady, the four Sailor Guardians arrived on the Moon to protect her.  They were the princesses of their own respective planets.  Their names were Princess Lita of Jupiter, Princess Raye of Mars, Princess Mina of Venus, also cousin to Serena, and finally Princess Amy of Mercury.  Over time, the five girls became good friends.
 When the girls turned 17, Queen Serenity, King Eros, King Terran and Queen Gaea of Earth decided that it was time for Princess Serenity and her court to meet Prince Endymion and his court.  So Prince Endymion along with his four guardians, Kunzite, Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoicite, were sent to the Moon.  They were to stay there for three months.
 As the two courts got to know each other, they eventually fell in love; Endymion with Serena, Kunzite with Mina, Jadeite with Raye, Nephrite with Lita, Zoicite with Amy.  The four couples were extremely happy for about two months.
 But alas, that happiness was not to endure forever.  The Negaverse had broken free from its confinement and was beginning to reek havoc upon the Silver Millennium once again.  Eager to take its revenge upon Queen Serenity for imprisoning them, they began to move their way into the Solar System.  Their first obstacles were the Outer Sailors, Sailors Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  Much to everyone’s surprise, the Outers were defeated and the Negaverse continued toward the moon.
  Not a week later, the four generals joined the Negaverse, why is still not known, like many other things.  This left the four Inner Sailors heartbroken.  They were not given time to heal completely when yet another disaster struck.
 The Negaverse attacked the Moon Kingdom.  The Moon Warriors were no match for the battle-ready and relentless Nega Warriors.  Yet even against overwhelming odds, the Moon Kingdom refused to give up and surrender to the darkness that had plagued the Universe for so long.  In the end, there were many causalities, including the four remaining Sailors, the four Generals, who killed each other, Prince Endymion, Princess Serena, and King Eros, who died defending his beloved wife.
 Finally, after two days of fighting, the Negaverse claimed victory over the Moon.  Queen Serenity, distraught at seeing her husband, daughter, niece, future son-in-law, and the three other Sailors destroyed, called upon her remaining strength and banished the armies of darkness, along with their leader, Queen Beryl, back to their realm.  With barely any strength left within her, Queen Serenity brought Princess Serena, Prince Endymion, the four Sailors, and the four Generals back to life and sent them to the future on Earth to be reborn as humans.  Following them were the Queen’s two cat advisors, Luna and Artemis, to awaken the ten of them in case the Negaverse tried to repeat what had happened on the Moon.
 Queen Serenity gave her life in doing this, but she did it gladly, knowing that the five girls she considered her daughters and the five men she considered to be her sons would live the life they were destined to live.

 At the beginning of this selection, it was said that nothing lasts forever.  Actually one thing does.  Love.  Love that has endured over a thousand years, memory loss, and so many other hardships.  Let this story of a group of very special people live on forever.

The End… Or the Beginning?

 Serene looked up at the silent queen with tears in her eyes.  She whispered, “If you are my grandmother, then my mother is…”
 “Yes,” nodded Queen Serenity, “your mother is my beloved daughter, Princess Serena.  And your father is Prince Endymion.  Those two are destined to be together forever, but they must go through many hardships.  This is one of them, and I will say that they aren’t doing very well.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Well, they were supposed to separate for awhile and then get back together.  But it never happened.  Instead they got a divorce, which caused all kinds of problems,” she paused as she looked up in alarm, “there is time for stories later.  First you must help the Sailors and your father.”
 “How,” asked Serene.
 “Why, by transforming into a Sailor Scout of course,” abruptly a locket with the sign of Earth and the Moon appeared in front of Serene.  Queen Serenity continued, “I’m afraid you can’t be Sailor Chibi Moon, for that name has already been taken.  You are to be Sailor Earth.  Just take it and shout ‘Earth Eternal Power, and you will have the power to protect your family.”
 Serene hesitated for a moment.  Could she really trust this woman, she thought, all I have to go on is an old book and her word.  Then a flash of what she’d seen in her father’s room made her decision.
 Holding up her locket, Serene cried, “Earth Eternal Power!”
 Serene stood and was surrounded by the stars, the Earth right behind her.  Slowly, the Earth began to glow and it’s brilliant light surrounded her.  When the light subsided, a purple and yellow sailor suit (the eternal type of suit) had wound itself around her.  On her feet were two purple boots.  She finished the transformation with a pose, the Earth right behind her, and the Moon slightly in the background.
 Looking down at herself, Serene breathed, “Wow, was that ever amazing!”
 “Yes, it was,” agreed Queen Serenity with tears in her eyes, “now you must go and help your father and the Sailor Scouts.”
 Nodding, Sailor Earth went for the door.  But just before she walked out, she turned and asked, “Will I ever see you again?”
 Queen Serenity nodded, “Yes, you see, my soul will not rest in peace until my work is finished.  It is nearing completion, but it is still not quite finished.  Now go, and good luck, Sailor Earth!”
 Nodding again in farewell, the newest Sailor Scout, Sailor Earth, ran out of the building, guided by instinct alone.
 Watching her from her room, Queen Serenity whispered, “You will need all the luck you can get, my granddaughter, you and your sister.  Before the time of peace, you two must face incredible hardships, just as your parents and their friends did.”  With that cryptic sentence, Queen Serenity disappeared and waited for the time when she would be needed once again.

 Sailor Earth jumped from rooftop to rooftop as fast as she could, heading straight for the park.  When she arrived there, the Sailors and Tuxedo Mask were fighting a losing battle.  Sailor Mercury was standing a few feet from the monster, trying to analyze the creature, with Sailor Mars covering her.  Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus were throwing multiple attacks, to no avail.
 Venus yelled in frustration, “Mercury do you have that weakness yet?”
 “Got it,” shouted Mercury, then her eyes went wide, “but the weakness is earth.”
 That’s my cue, thought Sailor Earth as she jumped down from her perch.  As soon as she landed, words came to her mind and she instinctively shouted, “Earthquake Shatter!”  The attack destroyed the monster immediately.
 The other Sailors and Tuxedo Mask stared at the new Sailor in shock.
 Finally, Sailor Mars asked, “Who are you?  Why did you save us?  Are you from the Silver Millennium?”
 Smiling and shaking her head, Sailor Earth told them, “I am Eternal Sailor Earth.  I saved you because like you, I am on a mission to protect Earth from evil forces.  Finally, no I am not from the Silver Millennium, but I am related to someone who is,” she paused and stared at the silent Tuxedo Mask, “isn’t that right, Daddy?”
 All five of them gasped when they realized that this new Sailor was actually Serene.  They quickly detransfomed and Amy asked, “Why don’t we go over to my place?  No one will hear us over at my house.  We can talk over there.”
 Nodding, they made their way silently to Amy’s house, which was only a few blocks away.  The entire way there, Serene was careful not to get close to any of them.
 When they sat down in Amy’s living room, the four Scouts sitting on the couch, Darien beside them, and Serene across from them in an armchair, they stared at each other silently.
 After about two minutes of silence, Mina asked quietly, “Serene, how did you transform into a Sailor Scout?”
 Serene told them about her encounter with her newly found grandmother with such a cold voice, that everyone flinched visibly.
 After finishing her tale she said to them, “I’ve known all of you my entire life.  Why didn’t you ever tell me about this?  Tell me that my mother, whom I have never met, is a princess of a long-dead civilization and my father is a Prince of Earth!  Why didn’t you ever tell me?  I think I have the right to know!”  Serene sat back and glared at them.
 Silently, the four girls turned to Darien with expectant eyes.  Obviously they thought that since he was Serene’s father, he should tell her.
 Sighing, Darien told her, “Serene, we never told you for several reasons.  One, there was never any need to, since there hasn’t been any need for the Sailor Scouts for about twelve years.  Two, your mother never wanted to be a Sailor, and she wanted to spare you and your sister the pain of never being normal.  And finally three, none of us ever really speaks of the Moon Kingdom, it’s too painful.”
 Serene stared at Darien in shock, then whispered, “I have a sister?  No way.”
 Nodding, Mina broke in, “Yes the two of you are identical.  When your parents separated, you were to stay with your father, while Cassandra was to stay with your mother.  The day she left was the last time she was ever in Tokyo for the past eleven years.  She refuses to come here anymore.”
 Serene didn’t bother to ask why, she already knew the answer.  She then asked, “Okay, so what was that thing back in the park?”
 “That,” Amy informed her, “ was a Negaverse monster.  Their job is to drain energy from humans and take it back to the Negaverse.  But why they are doing it now, after eleven years, I don’t know.”
 “I think I know why,” Raye spoke up quietly, “it’s probably because Sailor Moon isn’t here anymore.  They must have figured out that she is no longer here to stand in their way.  They know that we’re still here, but Sailor Moon was always the one to finish off the monsters.  She was the main defense of this planet.”
 Lita broke in at that point, “Well, we can’t fight without her.  Someone is going to have to call her and tell her that Sailor Moon is needed once again.”
 “But who,” wondered Amy.
 Everyone immediately turned to Darien.  When he saw that they meant him he shook his violently and told them, “No way girls.  She won’t talk to me after eleven years.  Mina, why don’t you do it, or Raye?”
 Rolling her eyes in disgust, Lita snapped, “I’ll call her.  Don’t have a cow.”  Reaching over to the phone, she dialed Serena’s number.
 Twirling the cord around her finger, she waited for someone to pick up, “Hi Cassie.  It’s me, Aunt Lita.  Is your Mom there?  I need to talk to her right away.”
 There was a pause then Lita said, “Hey Serena, it’s Lita,” she paused yet again and her eyes got a teasing glint, “Well sorry, but you still sleep to much.  Anyway, we have bad news.  You see, I’m at Amy’s house, and the Scouts and I have just finished off a Nega Monster, and the only reason we beat it was because of Sailor Earth,” she paused as Serena asked who Sailor Earth was and Lita replied quietly, “Serene is Sailor Earth.”
 For a moment, Serena obviously said nothing then she broke the silence, and Lita replied, “Okay, yeah everyone is okay, all right bye.”  Lita hung up.
 For a second, she didn’t say anything then she turned to the group and said, “Serena and Cassie will be here in two days.”
 Amy’s eyes went wide, “Is it wise, bringing Cassie?  It could be dangerous for her.”
 Raye shrugged, “She’s the daughter of Sailor Moon, and Serena got rid of her klutzy attitude a long time ago.  No doubt Cassie could be a match for any of us.”
 They talked for a few minutes then everyone went home.  Darien and Serene said nothing on the way home.
 When they got there, Darien tried to say, “Serene…”
 She’d been facing away from him for a few seconds, but abruptly she whirled around and whispered in a voice filled with anger, hurt, and pain, “Why didn’t you tell me?”  Not waiting for an answer, she fled to her room.

 “But Mom, why do we have to go to Tokyo,” whined Cassie, “I leave for Troy in a week!”
 Sighing impatiently, Serena told her daughter firmly, “Cassandra Coral Williams, there are more important things in this world than Troy and Archaeology.  You will find out soon enough why we are going to Tokyo so abruptly.  Trust me, I am not looking forward to going either.”
 Mother and daughter stared at each other before Cassie finally walked out of the room.  They left that night on an earlier flight than they thought.
 On the plane, Cassie slept.  Her dreams were hazy; they always had been.  Dreams of a kingdom on what looked like the Moon, a prince and princess falling in love, living happily for a time together.  Then a wave darkness led by an evil man laughing as he caused the prince to fall in a pool of his own blood, protecting the princess, who was now a Queen.  Then the Queen living a lonely life with only her daughter, who was born after the death of the King.  Then a bright light engulfed her when she died.
 But instead of awaking after the bright light, instead a beautiful woman stood before her.  She had silver hair that was up in the same hairstyle as hers and the way her mother’s hair used to be, before it had turned a gleaming silver and she’d cut it.  Only instead of having black hair or shining gold hair, she had glowing silver.  Her dress was as white as snow, and the crescent moon on the neckline was a bright gold.
 Tentatively, Cassie asked her, “Who are you?  Are you… a Moon Spirit?”
 Smiling, she spoke, “Who taught you of Moon Spirits?”
 “My mother did.  She always told me the legend of the Moon Kingdom as a bedtime story.  It became my favorite.”
 “Who ever said it was a legend?”
 Cassie narrowed her eyes at the woman, demanding, “Who are you?”
 Laughing, the woman said, “I am your grandmother, Queen Serenity of the Moon, the last Queen of the Moon Kingdom.”
 Her eyes went wide, “How can you be my grandmother, you are a thousand years older than me?”
 “At the end of the Silver Millennium, I sent your parents and their courts one thousand years into the future to start a new life.  They did, and had you and your sister.  But then everything got off track when they got a divorce.  You see, your parents have seen the future.  In that future, they had a daughter and a beautiful home.  But the day they decided to get a divorce, was the day it was all destroyed.  The only way things can be put back on track is if they get married again or the future will be destroyed.”
 Cassie, still a little confused, “But how can you be my grandmother?  In the stories, Queen Serenity only had one daughter.”
 Smiling gently, Queen Serenity told her, “Your mother is my daughter Princess Serenity, and your father is my son-in-law, Prince Endymion.”
 OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, Cassie’s mind screamed, then asked, “So why are you here in my dreams?”
 “To give you the transformation of a Sailor Scout, just as your mother was so many years ago.  You are Eternal Sailor Crescent Moon.”
 “But,” Cassie started.
 Serenity shook her head, “No buts my granddaughter.  This is your destiny.  Only with your help can this new enemy be destroyed and the future recreated.  Now, take this broach and say Crescent Moon Eternal Power.”  She handed Cassie a broach that held a sliver of a moon on it.
 “Wake up.”
 Cassie jumped out of her seat, her mother standing impatiently beside her.
 “Come on Cassie,” she said briskly, “we’re here.  Lets get going.  We’re going to be staying at your grandparents’ house and that’s not far from here.”  Serena began to walk off the plane, Cassie hurriedly following her, the broach still in her hand, unnoticed by her mother.
 As they walked through the airport, people started screaming.  Looking around, Cassie saw some sort of… thing attacking people all over the place, leaving their drained bodies all over the ground.
 “Energy,” it hissed, “more energy.”
 Glaring at the monster, Serena grabbed Cassie and threw them into a dark hallway.  Dropping her bags, Serena held up her hand and shouted, “Imperial Moon Power!”
 The Moon Kingdom stood in its glory behind Serena.  The crescent moon that sat atop the highest tower began to glow, sending a beam of light swirling around until it plunged into her forehead, and a crescent moon appeared there.  Serena’s eyes opened and she threw up her right hand, followed by her left and silver gloves flashed into view.  Throwing her hands down to her sides, gold boots that went up to her knees and came down into a V transformed.  Her body suit was gold and the small cape, bows and skirt were silver.  Finishing her transformation, a staff precisely her height, flew into her hand, a small crystal glowing as it sat atop it.
 “Mom,” breathed Cassie, “You’re Sailor Moon?”
 Nodding, she said, “Stay here.” With that she ran out of the hallway.
 For a moment, she just stood there.  Queen Serenity had told her this, but being told and seeing it are two different things.  Narrowing her eyes, Cassie muttered, “As if Mom.  I was given a power and I intend to use it.”  Holding up the locket still clutched in her hand, Cassie screamed, “Crescent Moon Eternal Power!”
 Her transformation was the same as her mothers, only a little dimmer and her body suit was black and white.  Without hesitation, Eternal Sailor Crescent Moon raced out of the hall.

 When Sailor Moon arrived, the other scouts were already there, along with Tuxedo Mask and one other scout she’d never seen before.  Shrugging it off, Sailor Moon threw a quill pen, much the same way as Tux threw his roses, and shouted, “Hey Negascum, why don’t you take on someone your own size!  How dare you attack defenseless humans!”
 Snarling at her, the monster snapped, “And who are you, little brat?”
 Her eyes narrowed, she answered confidently, “I am Imperial Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice, and in the name of the moon, I will punish all evil, and that means you!”
 To Sailor Moon’s surprise, another voice sounded, “And I am Eternal Sailor Crescent Moon, and on behalf of the light side and dark side of the moon, I will vaporize you for harming these innocent humans!”  Never taking her eyes off the monster, Sailor Moon knew who Sailor Crescent Moon was.
 While the monster stared dumbfounded at the arrival of two new Sailors, Crescent Moon held her hand out in front of her and shouted, “Crescent Moons Clash!”  Several boomerangs shout out of her hand and tore at the monster.  It screeched in pain.
 Without missing a beat, Imperial Sailor Moon cried, “Imperial Moon Revenge!”  The monster disintegrated with one final scream.
 For several seconds, the seven Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask stared at each other then Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mercury ran and tackled Sailor Moon.
 Sailor Mercury gushed, “I never thought I’d see you in that uniform again Serena!”
 “What,” asked Sailor Mars in a haughty way, but with a twinkle in her eye, “did you do to your hair??”
 Everyone took a good look at it.  Gone were the meatballs, but Serena’s brilliant gold locks of hair had turned into magnificent shining silver that went down to her thighs.
 As the four Sailors rambled on to their leader, Sailor Earth, Sailor Crescent Moon, and Tuxedo Mask stared at one another silently and warily.
 Finally Serena introduced them, “Sailor Earth, Tuxedo Mask, this is Sailor Crescent Moon, otherwise known as Cassandra Coral Williams.”  She took note at Darien’s wince at her last name.  Serena then continued, “Well, shall we get out of here before the authorities arrive?  I suggest dinner, then Cassie and I can go to Mama and Papa’s.”
 Everyone stared at her as if she were an alien.  Even though the four Sailors had known she’d changed, Serena had never given off this feeling before.  The way she held herself commanded respect and expected it.  It was a little unnerving to them all.
 Quickly, they detransformed and grabbed Serena and Cassie’s bags.  After loading it into Lita’s car, everyone got into their respective vehicles, Amy, Raye, and Mina in Mina’s Corvette, Lita, Serena, and Cassie in Lita’s car, and Darien and Serene in their car.
 On the way to the restaurant, everyone was silent in their cars, still in silent shock to see Serena as Sailor Moon once again.

 After dinner, everyone agreed to meet at the Temple for a meeting the next day.  Lita drove Cassie and Serena over to her parents place, who were surprised that Serena was back in Tokyo after eleven years, and bringing Cassie with her no less.  But they were very glad to have their daughter and granddaughter with them.  Serena was immediately shoved into her old room and Cassie was put into Sammy’s old room.
 Later that night, Serena’s communicator sounded.  Groggily, she sat up and spoke into it, “Yes?  This had better be good ‘cause it’s two in the morning.”
 “Serena,” came Mina’s panicked voice, “There’s a monster down at the pier!  Get Cassie and get down here fast!  We need Sailor Moon and Sailor Crescent Moon!  Hurry!  Venus out.”
 “Moon out!”
 Moving silently and quickly, Serena entered Cassie’s room.  Gently, she shook her daughter awake.
 “Sure I can speak Ancient Greek, no problem,” mumbled Cassie, still half-asleep.
 “Cassie,” Serena said firmly and shook her by the shoulders, “Wake up!  The Sailors are needed down at the pier now!”
 Cassie awoke immediately.  Nodding, she transformed immediately, followed by her mother.

 Sailor Moon and Sailor Crescent Moon arrived at the pier just three minutes later.  Sailor Mars was on the ground, clutching her ankle in pain.  Jupiter was trying to cover for her, but wasn’t having much luck.  Venus was covering Mercury who kept trying to analyze the monster.  Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Earth were throwing everything they had at the thing, but it wasn’t having much of an effect.
 Jumping down off the roof, Sailor Moon shouted, “Hey Nega crap!  Back off!”
 Turning, it growled savagely, but then it’s eyes lit up deviously.  Little rays began to emanate from its eyes, focusing directly on Sailor Moon.
 Trying to cover her eyes, she shouted, “What are you doing?  Stop!”

 Watching from a dark, damp place, an evil chuckle came from a man watching the crystal ball sitting in front of him.  Soon, he thought, soon…

 After staying upon Sailor Moon for about ten seconds, she fell to the ground, groaning in pain before becoming still.
 “MOM,” screamed Crescent Moon in anguish.  Tears of pain and anger gathered in her dark blue eyes and she turned to the monster.
 For a moment, time itself seemed to stop.  Everyone stared in amazement as Crescent Moon’s tiara disappeared and a faint silver crescent moon appeared on her forehead.
 Looking up, she whispered in the direction of the dumbstruck monster, “No one harms my family, no one.  Especially Negaverse scum like you!  Cosmic Crescent Moon Power!”
 A silver beam shot out of the faint crescent moon straight at the monster.  It screamed in terror and tried to flee, but Cassie’s anger seemed to spread all around it.  It died with one last whimper escaping.

 The man stared in disbelief at the exhausted girl in the crystal ball.  There was no doubt about it, she was the one, he thought with surprise.  The silver crescent moon is given only to very special members of the moon family.
 He smiled evilly and continued, well that won’t be a problem.

 Totally wiped out, Crescent Moon detransformed and fell to her knees.  Silently, she crawled over to her mother and moaned, “Mom wake up…” Abruptly, Cassie fell the rest of the way to the ground.
 Snapped out of their initial shock, the rest of the group ran to the two fallen figures.  Mercury pulled Sailor Moon into her lap, as Venus did to Cassie.
 Quickly, Venus checked her pulse and told everyone, “I think Cassie will be okay.  It’s just a little faint from exhaustion.  She just needs a little rest.”
 Fighting to keep the panic from rising in her voice, Mercury countered, “I can’t say the same for Serena.  Whatever that thing did to her has her totally out of it, and has no sign of waking up anytime soon.”
 “Sailor Moon,” shouted Mars and Jupiter.  They fell to their leader’s side and began to shake her, “Wake up!  Can’t you hear us?”
 “Ha!  I doubt she’ll ever hear anyone ever again!”
 Immediately alert, the Sailors and Tuxedo Mask, minus Venus and Mercury, jumped up, forming a barrier between the man and the two fallen Sailors.
 “Who are you,” growled Mars savagely.  When she used that tone, no one messed with her.
 With an evil grin the man answered, “I am the new King of the Negaverse, King Pyrite.  You have finally met your matches Sailor Brats!  Without your beloved leader, you are no match for me!  So I’ve come to finish the job!”
 Shouting back at him, Jupiter spat, “Well you’ll have to get through us first pretty boy!”  She stepped forward menacingly.
 “Careful Jupiter,” called Mercury, “We don’t know this guy’s abilities!  He could be dangerous!”
 “Cool your afterburners, Sailors.” Pyrite said, annoyed, “It’s not you that I’m after!  Step aside!”
 As the two sides shouted at each other, Cassie awoke.  Looking up at Pyrite, she screamed in terror, though she didn’t know why!
 Totally enraged, Mars cried, “Mars and Aries Planetary Flame… Surround!”  The attack, burning with intensity, went flying at Pyrite.  Chuckling at it, he waved his hand and it dove into the ground.
 “You’ll have to do better than that Sailor Girls,” he sneered.
 Suddenly they heard shouts of, “World Shaking, Submarine Reflection, Dead Scream,” and “Silence Glaive Surprise!”
 The unexpected attack bounced off Pyrite, causing him to fly several feet back.  Looking up, the group saw the new arrivals. They stood on four posts, one holding a sword, one a mirror, one a Glaive, and the final a Key Staff.
 The first spoke, “Guarded by Saturn, the planet of silence, I am the soldier of Death and Rebirth, Sailor Saturn!”
 The second added, “Guarded by Neptune, the planet of the sea, I am the soldier of infinity, Sailor Neptune!”
 The third continued, “Guarded by Uranus, the planet of the sky, I am the soldier of the wind, Sailor Uranus!”
 And the final one finished, “Guarded by Pluto, the planet of time, I am the soldier of revolution, Sailor Pluto!”
 Then the four yelled together, “Guided by a new danger, the Outer Sailors have arrived!”
 Totally lit up with joy at seeing their old friends, the Inner Sailors shrieked, “Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto!  You’re here!”
 Seeing he was outnumbered, Pyrite threatened, “You may win this round Sailor Scouts, but without your beloved Sailor Moon, you will never defeat me!  Not even with the old Moon Queen and the Outer Soldiers!  Remember that Sailor Brats!”  Laughing, Pyrite disappeared.
 Jumping down from their perches, the four Outers rushed over to the fallen figures.  Barely containing her panic, Uranus shook Sailor Moon viciously and yelled, “Sailor Moon wake up!  Come on Kitten, you can’t fall asleep on the job!”  But even the sound of Uranus, the Outer she was closest to, Serena refused to open her eyes.
 “What happened,” demanded a worried Neptune to Venus.
 “A monster just kept shining a light on her and it made her fall to the ground, groaning in pain.  She didn’t move after that,” answered Venus.
 Before anyone else could speak, a weak voice moaned, “Pluto…”
 Jumping forward, Pluto knelt next to Cassie, whose forehead was still adorned by the silver crescent moon.  Quietly, respectfully, she asked, “Yes, your highness?”
 Surprised, everyone glanced at each other, wondering what Pluto was talking about.
 Cassie’s eyes, which were filled with weariness and terror, looked up at the green haired sailor with hope and whimpered, “Is he gone?”
 Gathering her into a hug, Pluto nodded.
 Cassie sobbed into Pluto’s shoulder, “Why can’t he just let it go Pluto, why can’t he just let it go?”
 “It’s alright,” she soothed her friend, “He won’t hurt you anymore.  I promise you.”
 “Um Sailor Pluto,” asked a confused Sailor Saturn, “What’s going on?  Why do you address her as royalty?  I mean, she is the daughter of Serenity and Endymion, but…”
 Hesitantly, Pluto asked the little girl in her arms, “Do you want to tell them, or shall I?”
 “You tell them,” she whispered back.
 Nodding, she looked up at the confused group and told them, “Let’s at least get these two out of this night air or they’ll catch their death in it.”
 Agreeing, Tuxedo Mask jumped forward to pick up Sailor Moon while Pluto helped Cassie stand and they made their way to the Outers’ apartment, which was only a few blocks away.  They moved fast, not wanting to be seen by anyone or anything.
 When they arrived, Uranus helped Tuxedo Mask put Sailor Moon on the bed in the guestroom.  When they came back into the living room Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter were sitting on the couch, Saturn was sitting in her chair, Neptune was sitting on the love seat across from the couch, Earth was sitting on the floor next to the couch, Cassie was sitting on the window seat, her arms wrapped around her knees and she stared out the window, and finally Pluto stood by her side.  Uranus took a seat next to Neptune and Tuxedo Mask took a seat in the chair next to Saturn.  None of them had detransformed yet, save for Cassie.  Everyone, except Cassie, who continued to stare out the window in silence, looked to Pluto for an explanation.
 Sighing, Pluto started, “There was more than one Queen of the Moon.  The Queen Serenity we all knew was the final Queen.  But I knew every single queen there was, since I was the Guardian of Time.”
 “What did Pyrite mean by ‘the old Moon Queen,’” asked Mercury warily.
 “The old Moon Queen is Cassie.  She was the first Queen of the Moon.”
 Gasps came from everyone in the room but Cassie gave no sign that she even knew what was going on.  Pluto continued.
 “Even before the Silver Millennium, there had been monarchs of each planet, even the Moon.  The Queen of the Moon before her died in childbirth, leaving the King to rule the Moon and raise a daughter.  Eventually he remarried and tried to obtain a son, as all monarchs did, but he never obtained one.  When he died, she assumed the throne as Queen of the Moon.  Very few thought she’d actually survive to see her reign.  Many plotted to kill her and take the throne for themselves.  But she had one thing at her disposal that no other king or queen could use: The Imperium Crystal.”
 Eyes wide, Neptune inquired, “Pluto, just how old is the crystal?  It would have to be thousands of years old.”
 “The crystal has existed since the beginning of time.  The Moon family has been it’s keeper ever since they came into being, and no one, not even I, knows when that was.  Anyway, with the help of the Crystal, the new Queen brought peace and prosperity to the Moon.  Eventually, she negotiated with the other planets to join together.  They all agreed, save for Earth, they would not join for another few hundred years.”
 “Wow,” breathed Earth as she gazed at her sister, “She must have had a lot of patience and strength to do all that.”
 “Yes, but she did it all willingly.  After the peace, which later became known as the Silver Millennium, had settled all over the galaxy, dukes, princes, kings, barons, and many other men came to the Moon, seeking her hand in marriage.  She turned all of them down until only two remained, Duke Hercules of Uranus and Prince Paris of Charon.  In the end, she chose Paris, leaving Hercules furious at them.  He left peacefully, but not before he swore revenge upon Paris for taking her away from him.”
 Intrigued, Venus asked, “Did he succeed in doing that?”
 “Not for a long time.  He faded away into the background, leaving the happy couple to their lives.  About three years later, Hercules attacked the moon.  He had an ally with him, the Negaverse and he called himself Pyrite.  The forces were led by Paris, and they beat him and the Negaverse back, but not before they managed to kill Paris.”
 “Oh my god,” gasped Uranus, “What did she do?”
 “Well, she felt him die and such anger bled into her heart that she appeared in front of Pyrite and killed him where he stood.  After that, she didn’t take much interest in life.”
 Confused, Saturn interrupted, “But didn’t they have any kids?  If they didn’t, then how did all the other moon queens come into existence?”
 Sadly, Pluto answered, “It wasn’t long after that she discovered that she was pregnant.  It turned out to be a girl, which she named Serenity.  All of the Moon Queens after that were called Serenity.  When her daughter turned eighteen, the legal age to ascend the throne, she abdicated in favor of her daughter.  She died not long afterwards.  Though the official report said she died of natural causes, the people close to her, Serenity, myself, a few others, knew the truth: she died of a broken heart.”
 “Where do you fit into all this Pluto,” asked Tux.
 “I was her best friend since she was two.  Pluto and the Moon were always on good terms with each other so I spent a great deal of time there.  We grew up together in the palace.  When she assumed the throne, she created the Sailor Scouts, one of each planet.  Since I was Princess of Pluto, I became the scout of time.  Even though I had to guard the gate, we still managed to spend a lot of time together.  I helped her get through the tough times of her father’s death, through the early days of her reign, and her husband’s death.”
 Everyone was silent as they digested the story.  Then Mars asked, “What was her name?  You keep saying ‘she’ or ‘her,’ but you never said her name.”
 Pluto opened her mouth to answer, but a voice quietly broke in, “Diana.  My name was Diana.”
 Everyone turned to Cassie.  She had turned to face them and was staring at them with determined eyes.  Slowly, she stood and said to them, “Pyrite has done enough to me.  He ruined my life then by taking my husband away from me, he shall not succeed in doing so this time by taking away my family.  I am going to face him once and for all. This time there will be no reincarnation or escape.  Either he will die or I will die, there will be no other way out of it.”
 Sighing, she slowly made her way back to where her mother lay.  Everyone followed her, but maintained a respectful distance outside the door while Cassie went in.  She stood in front of the bed and stared at her mother.  Barely, they could hear her say, “Don’t worry mom.  I’ll get him for you.  He won’t do any more harm to anyone.”
 With that, she turned around and said to them, “I’m not asking any of you to help me.  Pyrite is far more powerful than anyone you’ve ever faced.  My husband Paris held a lot of power in him, and yet Pyrite destroyed him.  I just ask for your blessing and that you guard mom for me.”
 Pluto strode forward and firmly told her, “Diana, you are my best friend.  I swore to you that I’d never leave you when you need me and that still stands.  I am with you.”
 “So are we Diana,” added Tuxedo Mask, speaking for the rest of the group, “We love you to death and Pyrite might have a cure for whatever he did to Serena.  We’re going with you and we’ll get the cure and get rid of him once and for all. Then we’ll come back and give my wife the cure.”
 Everyone stared at him in amazement.  He’d said ‘my wife,’ so it was obvious that he meant Serena.  Cassie and Venus smiled.
 Cassie, now Diana, smiled at them gratefully then seriously told them, “Well, we’ve got work to do, let’s get to it!”

End of Book #2

Okay, that’s the end of Book #2, did anyone enjoy it?  Email me if you did please! I know it’s a different name than what I said earlier.  Book three will be called ‘Sunset and Sunrise.’  I’m going to start it only if I get some feedback from people.  Email me at  Later!!!

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