The Space Pirate Captain Harlock Tv Themes!!


tvtheme.ramclick here!!! for the original japanese theme.

 In 1996 I wrote: "Here is where you can hear the theme from the original "SPACE PIRATE CAPTAIN HARLOCK" TV Show in RealAudio...although i only have it in Japanese at this time...actually i have it in english, but it's sooooooooooooooo bad....i'll upload it on a day when i feel brave... "

Well, it's been two years, I feel brave now. Check this DISCO version of the Harlock theme. It's all I managed to capture from the show without dialogue. It's not really a "version", it's a completely different song.

Click Here! And Suffer!     Requires Real Audio

A note from Stephen Bierce on this subject:

"Oh, Boy. Jeremaih,
I'm a Harlock fan myself, so I find this really intriguing.  There were
two different translations done of the original Harlock TV series of
1977-78: one by ZIV (which was eventually released to video by FHE, and
then by Malibu Comics--I have one volume of each version, with no
difference) and one by Carl Macek at Harmony Gold ("Captain Harlock and
Queen of a Thousand Years, which I've never seen).  As far as I know,
the Harmony Gold version was never officially released to video.  A
pirate I knew had it and soon came under a copyright crackdown.
This is what I know about name-changes from the original Japanese series
to the ZIV translation:
Kei Yuki = Carrie
Yattaran = Rocky Youngblood
Tadashi Daiba = Tommy Dexter
Mayu (child of Tochiro and Emeraldas) = Maya

And there was a disco version of the theme song.  Thanks to another
ZIV/FHE video I have, I have a "virgin" (graphics-free) title sequence
of Captain Harlock--with the disco.  (Warning--polyester attack ahead!)

Song Lyrics:
I'll be your Captain; come follow my dream,
I'll lead the way, with a bright cosmic beam.
Show you wonders in space, that you've never seen,
Take to the Sky!  Take to the Sky!  Take to the Sky with me!

I'll be your Captain, we'll fly till we're free,
Find your space and time--just follow me.
Take to the Sky!  Take to the Sky!  Take to the Sky with me!

Hope this helps!  Damn near embarrasses me.  When I was a kid I loved
disco.  Only shows I had absolutely no taste in music then.

Stephen Bierce"

Thanks Stephen, I couldn't have done it better I didn't. ;-)


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Disclaimer: Captain Harlock is a trademark of Toei animation. I am not affiliated with Toei nor do I profit from this work. It's a fan thing, ya know...
This page copyright 1996 Cristian R. ...and 1997 and now 1998!