The Definitive Dragonball Z Episode Guide

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1 "Mini-Goku is Mr. Precious! I'm Gohan" ミニ悟空はおぼっちゃま! ボク悟飯です
Mini Goku wa Obocchama! Boku Gohan desu
2 "The Strongest Warrior in All of History is Goku's Brother!" 史上最強の戦士は悟空の兄だった!
Shijou Saikyou no Senshi wa Gokuu no Ani datta!
3 "Alright! This is the Strongest Combo on Earth!" やった! これが地上最強のコンビだ!
Yatta! Kore ga Chijou Saikyou no Combi da!
4 "Piccolo's Trump Card! Gohan is a Crybaby" ピッコロの切札! 悟飯は泣き虫クン
Pikkoro no Kirifuda! Gohan wa Nakimushi-kun
5 "Goku Dies! There's Only One Last Chance" 悟空死す! ラストチャンスは一度だけ
Goku Shisu! Rasuto Chansu wa Ichido Dake
6 "Even King Yama is Surprised The Fight Continues in the Next World" エンマ様もビックリ あの世でファイト
Emmasama mo Bikkuri Ano Yo de Faito
7 "Dinosaur Survival! Gohan's Difficult Training" 恐竜サバイバル! 悟飯のツライ修業
Kyouryuu Sabaibaru! Gohan no Tsurai Shugyou
8 "The Great Transformation on a Moonlit Night! The Secret of Gohan's Power " 月の輝く夜に大変身! 悟飯パワーの秘密
Tsuki no Kagayaku Yoru ni Daihenshin! Gohan Pawaa no Himitsu
9 "Sorry, Mr. Robot The Desert of Vanishing Tears" ゴメンねロボットさん 砂漠に消えた涙
Gomen ne Robottosan Sabaku ni Kieta Namida
10 "Don't Cry, Gohan! His First Fight" 泣くな悟飯! はじめての戦い
Naku na Gohan! Hajimete no Tatakai
11 "The Saiyans, Strongest Warriors in the Universe, Awaken" 宇宙一の強戦士 サイヤ人めざめる!
Uchuu Ichi no Kyousenshi Saiyajin Mezameru!
12 "Catnap on the Serpentine Road Goku Takes a Tumble" 蛇の道でいねむり 悟空が落っこちる
Hebi no Michi de Inemuri Gokuu ga Okkochiru
13 "Hands Off! King Yama's Secret Fruit" 手を出すな! エンマ様の秘密の果実
Te wo Dasu na! Emmasama no Himitsu no Kudamono
14 "Such Sweet Temptation! The Snake Princess' Hospitality" あま〜い誘惑! 蛇姫さまのおもてなし
Ama~i Yuuwaku! Hebihimesama no Omotenashi
15 "Escape from Piccolo! Gohan Summons a Storm" ピッコロからの脱出! 嵐を呼ぶ悟飯
Pikkoro kara no Dasshutsu! Arashi wo yobu Gohan
16 "Run, Gohan! Longing for Mt. Paozu, Where Chichi is Waiting" 走れ悟飯! チチの待つなつかしのパオズ山
Hashire Gohan! Chichi no Matsu Natsukasi no Paozu Yama
17 "City of No Tomorrow! The Long Road to Victory" 明日なき街! 勝利への遠い道のり
Asu naki Machi! Shouri e no Tooi Michinori
18 "Last Stop on the Serpentine Road: Are you Kaio-sama?" 終点〜ん蛇の道! おめえが界王様か?
Shuute~n Hebi no Michi! Omee Kaiousama ka?
19 "The Battle with Gravity! Catch Bubbles" 重力との戦い! バブルス君をつかまえろ
Juuryoku to no Tatakai! Baburusukun wo Tsukamaero
20 "The Return of the Saiyan Legend! Goku's Roots" よみがえるサイヤ人伝説! 悟空のルーツ
Yomigaeru Saiyajin Densetsu! Gokuu no Ruutsu
21 "Come Forth, Sheng Long! The Saiyans Finally Arrive on Earth" いでよ神龍! サイヤ人ついに地球到着
Ide yo Shenron! Saiyajin Tsui ni Chikyuu Touchaku
22 "'nbelievable! Saibaimen, Born of the Soil" んなバカな!! 土から生まれたサイバイマン
Nna Baka na! Tsuchi kara Umareta Saibaiman
23 "Yamucha Dies! The Terror of the Saibaimen" ヤムチャ死す! 恐るべきサイバイマン
Yamucha Shisu! Osorubeki Saibaiman
24 "Farewell Ten-san! Chaozu's Suicide Strategy" さよなら天さん! 餃子の捨て身の戦法
Sayonara Tensan! Chaozu no Sutemi no Senpou
25 "Tenshinhan Cries Out! This is My Last Kikoho" 天津飯絶叫!! これが最後の気孔砲だ!
Tenshinhan Zekkyou!! Kore ga Saigo no Kikouhou da
26 "An Intense Three-Hour Delay! The Kinto Un Bullet-Express" ひたすら待って3時間! 弾丸飛行の筋斗雲
Hitasura Matte San Jikan! Dangan Hikou no Kintoun
27 "Leave it to Me! Gohan's Great Burst of Anger" ぼくにまかせて! 悟飯、怒りの大爆発
Boku ni Makasete! Gohan, Ikari no Daibakuhatsu
28 "Ferocity of the Saiyans! Kami-sama and Piccolo Both Die!" サイヤ人の猛威! 神様もピッコロも死んだ
Saiyajin no Moui! Kamisama mo Pikkoro mo Shinda
29 "Father is Awesome! Kaio-Ken, the Ultimate Finishing Technique" 父さんすげえや! 究極の必殺技・界王拳
Tousan Sugee ya! Kyuukyoku no Hissatsuwaza Kaiouken
30 "A Hot, Unbounded Battle! Goku vs. Vegeta" 限界を越えた熱い戦い! 悟空対ベジータ
Genkai wo Koeta Atsui Tatakai! Gokuu tai Bejiita
31 "Now, Goku! A Final Technique with Everything on the Line" いまだ悟空! すべてを賭けた最後の大技
Ima da Gokuu! Subete wo Kaketa Saigo no Oowaza
32 "Battle Power Times Ten! Vegeta's Great Metamorphosis" 戦闘力10倍!! ベジータ大変身
Sentouryoku Juubai! Bejiita Daihenshin
33 "Don't Die, Father! This is the Depth of Gohan's Power" 死なないで父さん!! これが悟飯の底力
Shinanai de Tousan!! Kore ga Gohan no Sokochikara
34 "Shoot, Kuririn! The Genki Dama, Packed with Hope" 撃てクリリン! 願いをこめた元気玉
Ute Kuririn! Negai wo Kometa Genki Dama
35 "Cause a Miracle! Son Gohan, the Super Saiyan" 奇跡を起こせ! スーパーサイヤ人孫悟飯
Kiseki wo Okose! Suupaa Saiyajin Son Gohan
36 "We're Off Into Space! The Planet of Hope is Piccolo's Homeland" 飛び出せ宇宙へ! 希望の星はピッコロの故郷
Tobidase Uchuu e! Kibou no Hoshi wa Pikkoro no Furusato
37 "Mysterious Yunzabit! The Search for Kami-sama's Spaceship" 謎のユンザビット! 神様の宇宙船を探せ
Nazo no Yunzabitto! Kamisama no Uchuusen wo Sagase
38 "Blast-off for Planet Namek! The Terror Awaiting Gohan & Company" ナメック星行き発進! 悟飯たちを待つ恐怖
Namekkusei Iki Hasshin! Gohantachi wo Matsu Kyoufu
39 "Friends or Foes? Children of the Mysterious Giant Spaceship" 敵か味方か? 謎の巨大宇宙船の子供たち
Teki ka Mikata ka? Nazo no Kyodai Uchuusen no Kodomotachi
40 "Honest to Goodness? There Lies Namek, Planet of Hope" ホントにホント? あれが希望のナメック星
Honto ni Honto? Are ga Kibou no Namekkusei
41 "Kind-hearted Aliens There's the 5-Star-Ball Already" 親切な宇宙人 いきなりあったよ五星球
Shinsetsu na Uchuujin Ikinari Atta yo Uushinchuu
42 "Planet Freeza No. 79 Vegeta Recovers!" 惑星ベジータNo. 79 復活のベジータ!!
Wakusei Furiiza Nambaa Nanajuukyuu Fukkatsu no Bejiita!!
43 "The Dragonballs are All Here! Piccolo-san Will Also Come Back to Life" そろったぞ神龍球! ピッコロさんも生き返る
Sorotta zo Doragonbooru! Pikkorosan mo Ikikaeru
44 "A Tough New Enemy! Freeza, Emperor of the Universe" あらたな強敵! 宇宙の帝王フリーザ
Arata na Kyouteki! Uchuu no Teiou Furiiza
45 "Vegeta's Ambition! I am the Greatest Warrior in the Universe!!" 野望のベジータ! 宇宙一の戦士はオレだ!!
Yabou no Bejiita! Uchuu Ichi no Senshi wa Ore da!!
46 "Goku's Power Unleashed!! Six Days to the Ends of the Galaxy" 悟空パワー全開!! 銀河の果てまで6日間
Gokuu Pawaa Zenkai!! Ginga no Hate made Rokkakan
47 "Surprise Attack!! The Elder's Target was the Scouter!" 意表をついた攻撃!! 長老の狙いはスカウター
Ihyou wo Tsuita Kougeki!! Chourou no Nerai wa Sukautaa
48 "Gohan in Peril! A Pursuing Dodoria Summons Death" 悟飯危うし! 死を呼ぶ追跡者ドドリア
Gohan Ayaushi! Shi wo Yobu Tsuisekisha Dodoria
49 "Dodoria Dies by Explosion! Vegeta's Fearsome Shockwave" 爆死ドドリア! ベジータの恐るべき衝撃波
Bakushi Dodoria! Bejiita no Osorubeki Shougekiha
50 "Escape From a Burning Planet!! A Life-or-Death Kamehame-Ha" 燃える惑星からの脱出!! 命がけのカメハメ波
Moeru Wakusei karano Dasshutsu! Inochigake no Kamehame Ha

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