Dragonball ZChoumajutsu ka Torikku ka!? Misutaa Gurudo ga Okotta zo!
Episode 63 "Is This Some Super-Magic or Just a Trick!? Mr. Ghurd is Angry!"
Broadcast 09/26/90

Corresponds to FUNimation episode No. 50, "Time Tricks and Body Binds"

Producer: Kazuhito Kikuchi
Writer: Hiroshi Toda
Director: Yonekichi Takeuchi
Art Director: Shinobu Takahashi


Synopsis by Wuken (sabesami@ucla.edu)

Image:      Kuririn tells Gohan to power-up for the upcoming battle, and the pair's rapidly rising energy level literally stuns Ghurd and the rest of the Ginyu Special Corps. The two Earthlings leap into the air, and the battle begins with two large Ki blasts fired right at Ghurd. Ghurd panics, and has to stop time in order to escape. He readies a shot at where the two Earthlings shot from, but in less than an instant, they have already moved too far away for him to counterattack. Ghurd has trouble believing the incredible speed of these humans. He freezes time again and again, but amazingly, the two humans seem to be just too fast for him to follow. After hiding behind a small plateau to think of a plan, the two humans immediately find him — without the use of a scouter. Ghurd wonders how this is possible, and as a last-ditch attempt, uses the best technique in his bag of tricks — paralysis.

Image:      Gohan and Kuririn are immediately frozen in their tracks, unable to do anything. Ghurd pulls a tree out of the ground and quickly fashions it into a spear. Laughing hysterically, he hurls the object right at Kuririn, intending to impale him. At the very last instant before the spear hits, Vegeta rushes in and cleanly slices off Ghurd's head, which deactivates the paralysis and gives Kuririn enough time to dodge the object. Ghurd (as a head) is furious at Vegeta for interfering with his game. The Saiyan decides that he's had enough of the little runt's talking and so obliterates the talking head with a Ki blast. The rest of the Ginyu Special Corps get really angry, because without Ghurd, they won't be able to do their "special fighting pose," and will have to think up a new one. Jheese and Butta play another game of Rock-Scissors-Paper to decide who'll kill the two humans next.