Marmalade Boy: tagli puntata 43-44


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From: Daichi
Date: marted́ 11 marzo 1997 17.35
Newsgroup: it.arti.cartoni
Subject: [Marmalade Boy] Episodio 43-44 del 11-03
Ciao a tutti !!
Oggi e' stata trasmessa la fine dell'episodio 43 e tutto il 44. Il titolo
era "Che cosa faro' da grande? "
Il primo taglio avviene alla fine dell'ep. 43
There's a lovely scene at the end, with the couples sleeping together
in their bus seats.
Il secondo taglio (prevedibile) e' avvenuto subito all'inzio della 44
Yuu comes out of the bathroom and ask Miki what "he's" doing.  He?
Miki can't figure out what Yuu means.  He tells her the guy that likes a
"curiosity" like her.  Miki is upset at being called a "curiosity" and
asks him what about himself!  He tells her sure that he's one too.  
     Miki tells Yuu she hasn't seen Kei-kun since Christmas, that he quit
his job.  She remembers telling Kei not to be a baby and that he needed to
pull his life around on his own.  Miki wonders outloud if she was too hard
on him.
     Yuu is in his worst teasing mood,  "Uh-un, you broke the heart of a
younger man."   "A younger man?"  she repeats.  (Whoops the parents over-
heard that.)  Yuu decides to quietly tell them everything with Miki
overlooking him doing shock!
     A younger man?
     Played with the heart and body of a younger man?
     Then threw him away?
     The parents just love it.
Per il resto dialoghi, luoghi e conversazioni sono stati mantenuti
Grandiose le musiche (principalmente la openig).
Nelle prossime puntate vedremo principalmente Meiko come protagonista....
A quando il verdetto finale sulla decisione di Yuu ??
Partira' per l'America....
Beh vi confesso che le trame non me le sono lette, ma ho dato un'occhiata
ai titoli delle puntate americane...
se ho inteso bene ne vedremo delle belle.....anzi....dei veri e propri
"capovolgimenti" !
Ciao !
Fan #1 di Hime-Chan no Ribon
Fan #1 di Marmalade Boy

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 01-04