Marmalade Boy: tagli puntata 62


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From: Daichi
Date: venerd́ 28 marzo 1997 17.27
Newsgroup: it.arti.cartoni
Subject: [Marmalade Boy] Episodio 62 del 28-03
Ciao a tutti !
Devo veramente ringraziare AVM oggi per averci lasciato un episodio senza
tagli o modificazioni nei dialoghi...
..prutroppo pero' ne e' stata trasmessa solo la meta'...speriamo che anche
l'altra meta' sia senza tagli !!
Titolo "Addio Yuri"
Titolo inglese "I can't be your girlfriend anymore"
Il mio "lavoro" finisce qui quindi, per oggi, anche se non posso
nascondervi un certo alone di tristezza.....
Cmq, faccio solo una piccola nota: avete notato come la signora che bacia
l'uomo all'aeroporto prima di partire fosse molto simile alla commessa alla
quale poco prima Meiko "tentava" di chiedere i biglietti ??
Beh..ormai siamo alla fine e molti di voi si staranno chiedendo come MB
Nella traccia dell'ep 62 che ho in mano ci sono molte ^indicazioni^ che
lasciano intuire senza mezzi termini la storia finale...
percio' ve la riposto a fine post...
Ricordo ai meno curiosi che possono leggersi i titoli inglesi degli
episodio presso il mio sito
 Karen's note to readers...
        Fortunately, I have seen all the episodes up to #60 and I feel the
humor and style 
is still there on these.  But the #61, 62 episodes had me worried so I
wrote Chris the 
following questions:
       Karen:   ....Is there any humor?  (to soften it)
       Chris:  I don't recall any humor in this episode at all.  The next
episode promises
humor as Michael tries to cheer up and win Miki.
      Karen:  I'm really serious about this...just between you and me, do
you think the show 
is still holding it's quality through all this HEAVY stuff between Yuu and
     Chris:  The whole character of the show suddenly changed when Miki,
completely unexpectedly, told Yuu that their relationship would not survive
at the end of a phone
line.  You could guess that this would be the case, but the last thing you
expect is that
Miki will realize it and tell Yuu.  lt's like Miki matured about 10 years
in a couple of days.
It's still a high quality show, and much less predictable now.   
(Karen: The show has never been predictable but certainly Miki's reactions
This is totally different for her and it should be interesting to see how's
it's handled by
the writers.  Chris is right, Miki's new attitude could cause us not to
know what she'll
will do in the future. 
 Frankly, with Yuu planning to be away for a year and a half and with two
young studs
after her (driving a lonely, depressed Miki out of her mind), Jinny after
Yuu in New 
York, and them not being able to contact each other, it's no wonder Miki
it couldn't work.  But we do know from the eye catches that they will
remain in love with
each other.  I wonder how they're going to pull the story back around. 
I've mentally written
from very good conclusions to this...but, unfortunately, I've found from
past attempts at
this, that I'm more of a romantic than even the MB writers!
Fan #1 di Hime-Chan no Ribon
Fan #1 di Marmalade Boy

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 01-04