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The Realm of Innova

I, Lantis, have never been that close to Innova. But I do know that he has been the one closest to Zagato next to me. He was his right hand man, faithful friend and consultant. Zagato didn't even like the idea of transforming Innova back into his real form...which was something like a white-wolf...but Innova insisted on fighting in that form since he is strongest as a "monster". He wishes to please Zagato by finally putting an end to the Magic Knight's existence...but unfortunately he was the one who was killed in the process...this of which brought much grief to Zagato and even to Princess Emeraude. A very grievous thing to lose someone as perceptive and cunning as he. I could tell you this, if Innova was still alive, he would be the best man to trust if you have gained his. His allegiance would mean his life, he would dare everything to make his lord---Zagato, pleased. During those bleak times when Zagato was against the Magic Knights, Innova was his only trusted friend and companion, the only one who knew of Zagato’s well-kept secret about his love for Emeraude . . . indeed a mark of a true friend.

Since August 24, 1997 . . .You are Rayearth lover number to grace this page.
Updated last October 27, 1997

Webmaster’s note: I’d like to thank a friend and fellow Innova-lover . . . Lizzette Landaverde from Mexico for sending most of the Innova pics here and for signing my guestbook! Thanks a lot! Many people will enjoy this because of you!!! ^_^ and I hope to hear from you soon and receive more images. And by the way, to all you girls out there who have plans on snatching would certainly have some bouts to settle with Liz. (Just kidding, Liz!) ^_^

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Zagato and Innova in a little tribute to The Men In Black. . .or the Morros In Black inspired by (MIB) submitted by our good friend Liz and her sis Amparo!!! Thanks!

| inova.jpg | inova1.jpg | inova2.jpg | inova3.jpg | inova4.jpg | inova5.jpg | inova6.jpg | inova7.jpg | inova8.jpg | inova9.jpg | inova10.jpg | inova11.jpg | inova12.jpg | innova.jpg |

| The Realm of Kailu Lantis | Lantis’ Vault of Love and Fire | The Realm of Zagato | The Star-Crossed Lovers: Zagato and Emeraude | The Realm of Innova | The Vision of Eagle | The Realm of Rafaga | Ferio’s Realm | The Magic of Guru Clef | Ascot’s Realm | Go Back to Main Page |

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