The Hayao Miyazaki Home Page - Team Ghiblink - Project Notes
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Project Notes

Team Ghiblink Goals
Area Goal/Task Assigned to Due date
Membership recruit new members for Team Ghiblink, keep active members, and expire old members who have not contributed or do not plan to contribute in the future; this involves: Michael S. Johnson April 12, 1996
Recruitment send mail to the Miyazaki mailing list to recruit new members Michael S. Johnson Done July 31, 1996 (2nd call for volunteers)
Plan Formulate plan for the future of Team Ghiblink Michael S. Johnson March 29, 1996 (you're reading it now)
Membership formation of a new team based on feedback from recruiting. These are now the members of the Ghiblink mailing list ( Michael S. Johnson Done in June, 1996
Planning, Scheduling, Delegation, and Allocation revision of plan as appropriate after discussion with Team Ghiblink
scheduling of line items (tasks) in plan
delegation of tasks among Team Ghiblink members
allocation of resources -- access to Miyazaki account, web source, file archive
Michael S. Johnson, and Team Ghiblink Still trying at end of July, 1996
Implementation implementation of plans as scheduled above Team Ghiblink In motion as of end-July, 1996
Web tasks
Area Goal/Task Assigned to Due date
Message archives convert all of the Nausicaä mailing list message archives to HTML. It's not too hard, but it's a dull process, and thus unlikely to be done soon. Meanwhile, FUKUMOTO-san's search feature is a convenient substitute. Michael S. Johnson low priority;
Spring 1997?
User Interface - consistent "look" fix up the web pages to be more attractive and useful for subscribers; consistent template for (almost) all pages Jeremy Blackman, Michael S. Johnson Done: April-May, 1996
User Interface - search feature a full-text webpage search feature should be implemented to make up for inconveniently hierarchical structure Jeremy Blackman (he keeps promising, but hasn't delivered yet... *_*;) needed by end-Summer, 1996
Conversion of file archive to HTML fix up the file archive so that it can be converted to HTML TBD Summer 1997
Movie pages put together a Porco Rosso webpage Satya Palani Done: May 1996
Movie pages put together webpages for other films that aren't yet covered in the Films section TBD April 1997
Movie pages put together a filmography webpage, with a timeline (source: miyazaki.filmlist) Sandro Sarang Done: April 27, 1996
Manga / publications pages do something similar for the bibliography (source: miyazaki.booklist) Jorge Hernandez Valinani Spring 1997
Audio -- discography do something similar to the filmography for soundtracks of Ghibli films (source: hisaishi.discogra, and other soundtrack listings -- this would be ideal for the Hisaishi webpage) TBD Summer 1997?
Pictures find some pictures of Takahata-san for use in a biography page Ryoko TOYAMA Spring 1997
Personality pages put together a Miyazaki biography page TBD Summer 1997?
Personality pages put together a Takahata biography page TBD Summer 1997?
DIGEST the Archives go through the entire mail and file archives to digest as much information as possible from them to produce comprehensive webpage encyclopedias of information on various topics such as:
  • Miyazaki - the man
  • Miyazaki - the political beliefs
  • Miyazaki - the mangaka/writer
  • Miyazaki - the animator/director
  • Takahata - the man
  • Takahata - the animator/director
  • Ghibli - the studio's history (oh, already done, I see)
  • Tokuma - the Disney Distribution Deal
  • Hisaishi - the man
  • Hisaishi - the composer
  • Oshii - the director (putting Patlabor / Ghost on topic)
  • Nausicaa - the manga, the original
  • Nausicaa - the manga, the Biblical references
  • Nausicaa - the manga, the Viz Comics translation
  • Nausicaa - the movie, the original
  • Nausicaa - the movie, the awful English dub
  • Nausicaa - the movie, the official London sub
  • Nausicaa - the movie, the official distribution by Disney
  • Nausicaa - the soundtrack
  • Nausicaa - the merchandise
  • Laputa - (as above)
  • Kiki and Eiko Kadono - the book, the original, the author
  • Kiki - the rite of passage
  • Kiki - the setting (which European city is it? etc.)
  • Kiki - ...
  • ...
  • Porco - the bet with Gina
  • Porco - the future of Curtis
  • Porco - the aircraft and engines
  • Porco - the politics
  • ...
  • Mimi - ...
  • Mononoke Hime - the speculation, the struggle, the delays
  • ... get the idea.
TBD Autumn 1997?

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