|| Nausicaa.net | Eolo Project | Team Eolo | volunteering/feedback ||

  • About the job and further duties
  • About the structure of the new sites
  • About e-mails
  • About translation - list of special characters


    About the job:

    Team Eolo's priority is to translate the main pages of Nausicaa.net, with emphasis on those regarding Mononoke Hime - to be released soon, and Kiki's Delivery Service - to be broadcast on the US television this spring.

    Sequence (suggested priority order):

  • main page;
  • "Team Ghiblink" page;
  • Mononoke Hime page;
  • Kiki page;
  • F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) pages;
  • films pages.

    Later on, Team Eolo will also be responsible for:

  • translate each update ASAP (as soon as possible);
  • deal with non-English e-mails.

    About the structure of the new sites:

    It has not yet been decided how the files will be archived. The following topics are open to discussion.

  • every file will be stored on Nausicaa.net;
  • as the server is capable of reading the browser's language setting, we could use standardized country codes: [file].html.[code]. For instance:
  • miyazaki.html.fr <--- French
  • miyazaki.html.jp <--- Japanese
  • miyazaki.html.pt <--- Portuguese
  • as it may prove difficult to work with files named *.html[code], chances are it would be better to create subdirectories for each version, while keeping the imeges branch intact.

    * due to the ease of downloading browsers directly from the developer, many people might be surfing the Internet unaware of this feature, which could a problem.


    About e-mails:

  • it is suggested that the address ghiblink@nausicaa.net have language-specific variants, e.g. ghiblink-[code]@nausicaa.net, which would make it possible for more than one person to answer non-English e-mails.
  • the addresses admin@nausicaa.net, michj@nausicaa.net (Michael Johnson, Team Ghiblink leader) and asbel@nausicaa.net (Jeremy Blackman, sysadmin) won't be needed in the translated pages (except for the Team Ghiblink page), allowing all messages to be sent to ghiblink-[code]@nausicaa.net or eolo@nausicaa.net;
  • messages concerning administrative matters should be translated and then sent to admin@nausicaa.net.


    About translation - points of advice:

  • Beware the false cognates. Despite our knowledge of a given foreign language, there's always the risk of coming across a word which is written almost the same way a word in our own language is, albeit with a different meaning.;
  • Trust your dictionary. Even if one has a high level English, good quality translation demands reliable sources. However, don't rely too much on it - forgetting to use your sense. In other words...
  • Avoid literal translation. Even if the translated terms are correctly written, the resulting expression may not make any sense to the reader;
  • Beware the special characters. The browsers out there may not be able to view accented letter or other symbols. In order to make it possible, we shall use a standardized encoding (unless you don't use NotePad, WordPad or another plain-text editor). The special characters list includes: ¡, à, é, ï, ô, ñ, ß, and many more.

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