The NAUSICAA Subscriber Gallery
Just a few of the 200+ subscribers of the Nausicaa mailing list:
for how to subscribe.]
List Owners
The list owners can be reached all at once at the address
- Michael S. Johnson
- Nausicaa list Owner
- Theo Hua
- Nausicaa list co-owner
- Jeremy Blackman
- Nausicaa list co-owner
- Steven Feldman
- Nausicaa list founder
- Team Ghiblink
- Miyazaki Home Page HTML developers
- Walter Amos
- Nausicaa list subscriber
- Dave Brown
- sysadmin for Environment Canada
- Hayden Brown
- Nausicaa list subscriber
- Kevin Björke
- credited twice for his work at
Pixar, on the computer animated film
Toy Story
- Sam Chung
- Nausicaa list subscriber
- FUKUMOTO Atsushi
- A wonderful source of Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli information in Japan
- John Gieske
- AnimeMUCK: Goemon (anime.tcp.com 2035)
- David Goldsmith
- Has a Toyota with NEKO BAS plates!
- His daughter Jane
masqueraded as Kiki for Halloween 1993!
- Larry Greenfield
- Longtime Nausicaa list subscriber, who worked on the music of
Toy Story
- Marc
- Maintains the Nadia home page, as well as some Miyazaki pages
that he has generously contributed here ^_^
- Scott Henry
- ITOU, Hikaru
- Provided information about
Japan's NiftyServe
- Scott Henry
- Just Another Anime & Manga Fan (quoted from his .sig)
- Tyler King
- and his
Tonari no
- Trish Ledoux
- Senior Editor, Viz
(not VIZ) Communications, Inc.
- Alan Takahashi
- A wonderful source of Japanese current-events information.
- Creator-editor:
Web Guide; Mountain View, CA
- Howard Tom
- Nausicaa list subscriber
- Emru Townsend
- Editor of fps: the Magazine of Animation on Film and Video
- WADA Mitsuhiro
- Maintains the Ghibli
External Trade Office, and
- the Mimi (w)o Sumaseba Home Page, among others,
- including the
(GAINAX) page
- Mark Weiss
- "Bass no Buta"; FIDOnet Anime conference moderator
- Sharon Westfall
- Her daughter Erin
masqueraded as Kiki for Halloween 1994!
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Team Ghiblink.