1: What is this page?
This is a small FAQ for the Ultimate Animanga Archive and the Hentai
Zone. If there is something you think I should add, please tell me about it!
2: Who made this fantastic archive?
Well, I did. I am David Hedbor and I was born in November 1974. Right
now I live in Seattle, WA, USA, but I originally came from Sweden. I
moved here in the summer of 1996. If you want to know more about me,
you can check out my
home site.
Also I thank everyone that has sent contributions to me. Without
you the archive wouldn't be what it is today!
Oh, before I forget - I am not an anime / manga guru. The total
number of series /movies I have seen is less than the number of QAs in
this FAQ. I have NEVER read any manga. It might be disappointing to
you, but I am just a normal guy who happened to start collecting
images! I plan to see and learn more anime though (and I know ALOT
more now than I did when I started this project).
3: What is the Ultimate Animanga Archive?
The UAA is a large Anime and Manga image archive with around 2200
images from around 70 different series. I also have some movie and
sound clips, even though they are very rare.
I started this archive sometime in March/April, 1995.
4: What is the Hentai Zone?
It is what the Ultimate Animanga Archive was in the beginning - and
archive with anime/manga style erotic images. Some of the images could
be considered PG-13 (swimsuits etc), but most of them are definatly
XXX rated:
- hentai
- Abnormality. Sexual perversion. Used also to describe a certain
class of anime or otaku (as in "H-Anime"). Lit. "Change of State",
two Kanji.
5: What is Anime & Manga?
Anime is japanese animation (cartoons) and Manga is japanese comics. For more information read http://www.iaw.on.ca/~phoenix/anime/what_a_m.htm or http://cafe.berkeley.edu/~davidxu/anime.html
6: Are the images public domain?
Some of them might be. Most images are copyright their respective
author/creator/distributor/whatever though. Support them by buying
anime & manga!
Note that all images I have are collected from the net. See the
question about ftp access to see a couple of sites where anime & manga
images are available from.
7: How do I download the fullsize images?
- Just click on the thumbnail of the image you want to download.
8: I can't download any images! What is wrong?
- There are several possible reasons. These are two of them.
- a: Your webclient's image viewer is misconfigured or missing.
- b: Your client doesn't support imagemaps. Try downloading using
text mode or get a better client.
Note that a non-functional download most probably is a client side
error, and there nothing I can do about that. Don't send me any mails
about it, unless you are absolutely sure that it isn't your
9: Where do I get that nice java LED sign you are using?
The LED Sign is a scriptable java scroller, made by Darrick Brown (dbrown@cs.hope.edu). If you want it
yourself, just download if from ftp://ftp.cs.hope.edu/pub/LEDSign/LEDSignV27.tar.gz.
Please don't write me and ask me how to set it up. It is described
very well in the documentation. If you don't know what java is, take a
look at http://java.sun.com/ and/or Gamelan.
10: I try to download a page as an archive, but get "no such file". Why?
The reason that happens, is that the files are made on the fly. If you
haven't started fetching the file within three minutes, the
temporarely file is removed. Try again, and it might work better. If
it doesn't you have a very slow Internet connection.
Someone reported that it worked when they turned off their proxy
and someone else said that the problem disappeared when they switched
from MSIE to Netscape.
11: Do you have any images from [insert your favorite series]?
Well, this is a very common question and the answer is pretty short. I
most probably don't have any, if they aren't on my pages. If
you know where to get images from any unfeatured series, I can
possibly add them (if the quality is good enough).
12: Why is the page download option not available in the Hentai Zone?
Because of the load it would generate. I tried once to turn on the
page download option in the Hentai Zone for a while, but it slowed
down the whole server, so I had to turn it off. Sorry.
13: Can I download the images via FTP?
No you can't, atleast not from my site. There are many other ftp sites
out there though. Try ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/tv+movies/anime-manga/
or ftp://venice.tcp.com/pub/anime-manga/
14: Can I add a link to the archive from my homepage?
Of course you can! Please don't load images from my site on your page,
or link directly to images, as they might move without notice. I get
enough erranous bug reports as it is.
15: Can I use images from the archive on my homepage?
Sure, as long as you download the images to your own server first (see
above). I downloaded most of the images via Internet myself (one way
or another). Don't forget to add a link back to the archive!
16: Can I sponsor the archive?
Yes, of course you can. Either you can just give me a disk (SCSI-II or
better), money or whatever you feel like or you can sponsor it by
buying banner
advertising. Please contact me
if you have any questions!
17: Why can't I download hentai images?
This is a quote from the bottom of all the Hentai Zone pages:
The page download feature from the Ultimate Animanga Archive is not
available in the Hentai Zone, due to the load it generated. Live with
it! You can of course download induvidual pictures by clicking them.
You can of course, as it says, download individual images, just as on
any page.
18: Why can't I save images on my hard drive?
You can. However you need to make sure you don't save the page the
image is on. When you click on an imagemap, you get to another HTML
page with the image inlined (if your browser can handle it). If you
click on the inlined image, you will come to a page which is the image
only. Save that one and not the HTML page!
19: Why did you censor the Hentai Zone images?
I didn't and I would never consider doing it. Check here if you want to know why they are
censored. Whatever you do, DO NOT MAIL ME ABOUT IT!