Anime and manga (Japanese animation and comics respectively) have been enjoying much of a following in Singapore, as they have in Hongkong, Taiwan, Korea, and other Asian countries outside Japan. Yet, rarely is that reflected locally -- at least, not with the anime we're getting on television, not by the way many Singaporeans still relate anime and manga to either cartoons or something more insidious. And of course, not by the low profile fans here have been adopting.

Cafe Le Claire is an anime/manga set up with the hope of promoting Japanese animation, comics and relevant games to the local audience. It also aims to become a rallying point on the Web for local (and foreign, of course) fans to get together to talk about anime/manga -- whether it's just sharing opinions about a series, or the state of both in Singapore. As it grows, it'll also try to highlight related events happening around Singapore.

It's not an ezine, in which one would expect articles to be updated on a regular basis. Rather, it's just one person's effort (for the moment, I hope) to bring anime/manga to more people here. Hopefully, others will follow by actually forming fan groups locally to eventually organise activities offline.

There isn't much at the moment...after all, there's only so much one person can do (and pay) ^_^. Anyone interested to contribute in anyway (articles, regular features and reviews etc) can contact me at

Yukino Yoshi

Web Design by Yukino Yoshi