EVA Mecha



Right spec:
Top left:Sub-machine gun
Bottom left:EVA-02's umbilical cord
Top middle:Head view of EVA-02
Bottom middle:Progressive knife
Right:Eva-02 view, red and orange trimming

Type:Production Unit
Description:Red with orange trims. 4-eyed configuration
Pilot:Souryu Asuka Langley(Second Child)

First appearance:Episode 8(Asuka Strikes!)

EVA-02 is the first real EVA to be mass produced, as well as the first "true" EVA that was created with combat against Angels in mind, with EVA-00 being the Prototype Unit and EVA-01 being the Test Unit. It IS less complicated than EVA-01 and the most stable, more streamlined and refined, but has only 1 minute internal power, and is the weakest in combat against the Angels. Kill score is LOW.

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