EVA Characters(NERV)
Katsuragi Misato
Occupation:Field Commander(operations against Angels)Captain,(Recently promoted into Major)
Voice:Mitsuishi Kotono
First appearance:Episode 1(Angel Attack)
Misato belongs to the First Division Operating Section in Department of Tactics and Operations of NERV
Headquarters. She is the direct supervisor of Rei, Shinji, and Asuka, for she is also the Field Commander in
operations against Angels. Misato volunteered to be the guardian of Shinji when he arrived at NERV, and with
her encouragement and help, Shinji gains more confidence. Later she also became the guardian of Asuka.
Misato is a beautiful, optimistic and cheerful lady, but also coarse, child-like, lazy, and a horrible cook
(says Shinji). During operations
she has a commanding and sure presence. However, when she gets home or off work, she lets herself
go, revealing the carefree side of her personality. In contrast to Shinji, who's a very tidy person,
Misato's apartment is a mess, the refrigerator is flooded with beer, and the cupboards are packed with
instant food. She's not much of a cook either, being the only person who can botch and instant meal.
Misato once had an intimate relation with Ryouji Kaji 8 years ago(before she joined up with NERV)
and she was old friends with Ryouji and Ritsuko at college.
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