EVA Characters(Pilots)

Rei Ayanami

Occupation:First Children, EVA-00 pilot
Voice:Hayashibara Megumi
First appearance:Episode 1(Angel Attack)

Rei is the test pilot of EVA-00, for she was the first testee found by Marduk Report, and all of her records have been erased, and unlike any other girls, she seldom speaks and shows her feeling to other people. Rei has a very laconic and mysterious personality, well as enigmatic, unusual as well as pretty cute. The only one that she seems to care is Ikari Gendou, whom she refers to as "Commander Ikari", who burned his palm trying to help Rei escape from Unit 1 during the activation experiment, and only shows her smile toward Gendou. They both act like father and daughter, and as Ritsuko Akagi best describe her:"She's a good girl though. Like your(Shinji's) father, she's not good at......Living." She also rarely leaves her apartment, which is quite dirty and noisy. She does seem to hold a fondness for Shinji and saved his life more than once. Rei is also stated as a clone of Ikari Shinji's mother, infused with some Angel DNA.
There turns out to have been THREE(3!!!!) Rei's:
Rei 1:Killed by Atsugi Ritsuko's mom.Status:Deceased.
Rei 2:Killed by Angel, sacrificed herself to save Shinji.Status:Deceased.
Rei 3:Entered Lilith in *The End of Evangelion*.Status:Unknown.

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