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PATLABOR THEME for Microsoft Plus 800x600 High color
Now version 1.5 by Tovich

Kido Keisatsu

This is my Patlabor unofficial page about a fantastic japanese anime:

Inside the page you could find the character story, characters, images, meka technology, links.

And now a bit of story

One of the most important goal of the technology progress in the ninety years was the development of the robots applied at the civil industry, and in 1992 the Heavy Industries Shinobara of Tokyo conquered the market-leadership introducing the first piloted robot, called "labor". These were 10 meters high and very powerful. Besides first problems, 'labors' were soon a part of the citizens day life. In particular, the labor-technology became basic for the creation of the Babylon Project, an immense project begun in the second half of ninety years in order to rescue Tokyo from the high ocean-level caused by the greenhouse effect. The diffusion of labors had however provoked a new kind of social problem, because of the wrong or criminal use of so sophisticated and at the same time so destructive means. To defeat the so called "criminal labor", in 1997 the Tokyo Police Department made two special labors section, equipped to solve police duties. This special labors are called Patrol Labor. Or easier: PATLABOR.

Patlabor Chronology:Patlabor: fist series OAV, 7 episodes (April 1988 - June 1989); Patlabor the movie: 97 min. Film (July 1989); Patlabor: Tv series, 47 episodes (October 1989 - September 1990); Patlabor: New OAV series, 16 episodes (November 1990 - April 1992); Patlabor 2 - the movie: 110 min. Film (August 1993);

Original name Kido Keisatsu Patlabor

Original Subject Headgear

The Character Design Akemi Takada

Meka Design Yutaka Izubuchi, Yoshinory Sayama

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is sponsored by Right Step
This site is owned by Nicholas Pappas
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All characters, situations and images are ©Copyright of Masami Yuuki/Headgear/Emotion/TFC/Shogakukan. Licenced in Italy to Yamato Srl. All pictures have rights reserved according to their respective owners. This page is not intended to infringe on any Copyright Laws.