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Mike \ (chiefdork@ANIMEJUMP.COM)
Wed, 23 Sep 1998 18:10:14 -0400

Date:         Wed, 23 Sep 1998 18:10:14 -0400
From:         "Mike \"Mr. Groovy\" Toole" <chiefdork@ANIMEJUMP.COM>
Subject:      Boom!

Hi folks!

After harboring a vague interest in Sakura Taisen (mostly because of
Fujishima's character designs) for a year or so, I finally checked the
game out when the cheap-o reissue was offered, and I was able to buy a
Saturn for fifty bucks.

I just finished it for the first time last night. (w/Kanna. :-) It
kicked butt! I'll be taking some downtime for awhile (need to finish
Silhouette Mirage!) but will definitely get the rest of the endings and
move on to Sakura Taisen 2. My knowledge of Japanese is pretty much
minimal, but I was able to navigate through the game with the help of
various FAQs and walkthroughs on the net-- and my hiragana comprehension
has improved markedly. ;-)

I'll be interested in seeing the Sakura Taisen anime when ADV releases
it next year. Too bad the games never saw stateside release...

Oh, and my girlfriend's a ST fan, too. She's going as Sumire this
Halloween. ;-)

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