Re: My Sakura Taisen experience

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Chou or CC (senshi@ALL.COM.AU)
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 23:25:38 +1000

Date:         Sat, 26 Sep 1998 23:25:38 +1000
From:         Chou or CC <senshi@ALL.COM.AU>
Subject:      Re: My Sakura Taisen experience

Yun-Ching Lee wrote:

> Excerpts from sakura: 26-Sep-98 Re: My Sakura Taisen experi.. by Chou or
> > > I have beaten every minigame except for Sakura's cleaning game.
> > > I just can't seem to get past 4800 point mark.
> >
> > I actually finished that one :)
> egads :)

This little hint might help you finish it. See how the floor are made up of
panels, if you stand right between the panels (ie the line) you can advoid the
mice, since they usually run straight down the middle of the panel. And it
helps if you remember the layout of the floor plan.

> > Do you mean the support form of combine attack or the combined super
> > attacks?The support ones is like critical hit, only happens by random.
> > The combined supers only starts happening from episode 6, I think. Can
> > someone clarify this?
> I meant the combined super attack. As I am not that far along the game,
> I didn't know it only takes place in certain episodes. That's kind of
> bummer.

I remember the first time I get the combined super attack was during episode 6,
which was an episode about Reni, after that episode it was Orihime's, and than
it was your first girl that you can do combined supers with. But that's just
my experience.

> About the assisted attack... Under what condition does it take place?
> Aside from getting a lucky roll, does the assistant need to be
> immediately adjacent to the target, or is being in striking distance
> enough? Does the assistant need to have attacked the target already?

The assistant only needs to be in striking distance, and I think the rest
happens by chance.

> Yes, but in the OAV, all members have already assembled before Oogami's
> arrivals. In the game, Oogami started out with Sakura and Sumire (and
> someone else?). That's what I meant "different". :)

In the game the members have assembled before Oogami arrives as well. That's
why Iris reconises Kanna in one of the episodes. And the OVA also explains why
Kanna re-joins the hanagumi in the game.

> While we are still on the subject of Sakura Taisen animations, I noticed
> there are two LD's of Ai Yueni play, animated and live action. Has
> anyone seen it? Comments?

I never knew there was an animated version of Ai Yueni. I knew there was a live
action one, and I believe they included some footages of this play on disc two
of "Steam Radio Show" too. But I haven't had a chance to see it yet... ~_~


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