Paul Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 00:07:53 -0500
X-Sender: Message-ID: <l03130302b2c5ccfc9c66@[]> Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 00:07:53 -0500 From: Paul Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Re: Traffic! (1/1 Sakura)
>> Out of interest, wasn't there suppose to be a 1/1 Sakura doll made by
>> in the shop? I remember I saw a picture of the shop in a game magazine
>>and they
>> have it. If there is one, just curious why you didn't mention it. ^^
>1/1! KICKASS! I must have it! That would make me the coolest Sakura
>Taisen fan in the
>history of the world.
>Tom Cheng
>University of Iowa College of Engineering
It's quite expensive, as I recall. (Is that "400,000" I see on the web page
the yen price?) See:
If you do buy it, I'll be the first to bow down to you. ;)