Paul Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 00:42:20 -0500
X-Sender: Message-ID: <l03130304b2c5d26de40b@[]> Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 00:42:20 -0500 From: Paul Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Re: Internet Message Header
>Hey- Iris is my 8-year old daughter's favorite character!! And... believe
>it or
>not... she was the "Top character" when she finished her own game of Sakura
>Taisen. Perfect match, I thought <g>.
Wow... she didn't find the language barrier to be daunting? And she won all
the battles, too? I'm impressed!
>Sakura Taisen without Iris would be a terrible thing <g>. Who can forget the
>hilarious consequences when Oogami peeks in on her shower scene or her bath
>scene?? "Oniichan... ETCHI!!" Or, her response in episode 8 if she's top
>character and you blow off her invitation and decide NOT to take her on the
>"date" to the shrine? Her tears and wailing heap major guilt on your head <g>.
Speaking of blowing off Iris, ^_^ the first time I played through, she was
my top girl. But, after Iris was already locked in, I Protected Sakura a
lot in the battles in a (vain) attempt to elevate Sakura. So much so, that
Iris said something about it during the battle! At least, I think that's
what happened. (Ack! Must... learn... Japanese!) Did that happen to anybody
else, or am I just utterly mistaken?
>Besides, I love all the characters in the game... and I really enjoy the
>oft-neglected Yuichiro Kayama, from ST2 !! "Tou!!"
Hmm, when I get to playing ST2, I'll keep an eye out for h... Kayama. ^_^;