Sat, 16 Jan 1999 02:34:40 -0600
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25] Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 02:34:40 -0600 From: Tom Cheng <tkcheng@ENGINEERING.UIOWA.EDU> Subject: Re: The only woman you could ever need (1/1 Sakura)
> .htm
> >>
> >
> >Good lord, it's awesome.
> >
> >Height: 158 cm (how many inches is that?)
> >Bust: 83 cm
> >Waist: 57 cm
> >Hips: 83 cm
> >
> This is why we DON'T use the #(*#@$&@# metric system in the US. I had to go
> look this stuff up. There's a simple conversion method that you can use by
> multiplying and dividing, but I forgot it (because I rarely have the
> displeasure of doing metric <--> standard conversions).
I left my TI-85 at school. It's ruined my arithmetic. Are you sure there's a simple
conversion? You're not thinking of temperatures are you? It's something like 2.26 cm per
inch...not exactly a nice even number.
> Height: 62.2046 inches (or 5.1837 feet if you prefer).
> Bust: 32.6771 inches (the first one to ask me what cup size that is, DIES!
> :P~~).
And you know? Just exactly how would this be? Looking at my Real Model and those pictures I
can take a guess.
> Waist: 22.4409 inches.
> Hips: 32.6771 inches.
> Hope you find this useful.
So she's tiny. Well, I guess I'm used to American women. Not that it's not an awesome
model, or that Sakura doesn't rule...
-- Tom Cheng University of Iowa College of Engineering