Koubu-kai Kits

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Richard E. Rae (76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM)
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 21:10:07 -0500

Message-ID:  <199901202114_MC2-676D-1097@compuserve.com>
Date:         Wed, 20 Jan 1999 21:10:07 -0500
From: "Richard E. Rae" <76174.1410@COMPUSERVE.COM>
Subject:      Koubu-kai Kits

Just for those of you who are model-builders...

Today I received a truly affordable, supremely impressive plastic kit of
Sakura's "Koubu-kai" from Sakura Taisen 2, first in a series and brand-new.
It's manufactured by WAVE, is 1/24 scale, and is an injection-molded model kit.
Packaging is, in a word, beautiful. The instruction sheet is plastered with
full-color photos and pics on the "outside" pages, and has some very cute SD
Sakura caricatures inside with the assembly schema and details.

The detailing is excellent due to _many_ gorgeous parts (the 6 tailpipes are
even hollow!), and of course, it comes with Sakura's koubu-sized "Sata" armor
katana. The kit itself is cast in pink. It even has poly-cap joints, so you can
pose the model's arms and legs. It also comes with a surprisingly extensive
set of decals.

There's also a 1/24 scale bonus- a beautifully molded and detailed figurine of
Sakura in the new combat uniform, posed in her "stock" uniformed promotional
pose from ST2. It's a 2 piece figure (body and ponytail/bow) which is going to
be a bit close to paint, but for those of you who don't do anime eyes, they've
included two sets in decal form <g>.

Best of all, this great kit, complete with figure, is only... 1200 yen! (That's
right, 1200, not 12000!)

And according to the side panels, there soon will be Koubu-kai kits available
for all the Hanagumi, including Oogami (though Orihime's isn't shown for some

I personally can't wait to get Maria's... nor can I wait to assemble this one!


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