Re: Load times

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Paul Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 13:45:09 -0500

Message-ID:  <l03130301b2dceb9c6a80@[]>
Date:         Tue, 2 Feb 1999 13:45:09 -0500
From: Paul Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Load times

>>>And when you pop in ST after playing ST2, you'll realize just
>how slow ST2 really is...<<
>You know, I've read this complaint over and over- and Sakura Taisen and ST2
>are NOT speed-driven games- as a matter of fact, they're almost leisurely in
>their execution and designed for maximum enjoyment of the story at your own

Ahh, but what if one's natural pace is quick? ;)

>Why is load time such a big deal to you folks? It doesn't matter in these
>games!! Unless you guys just "beep through" the dialogue too?

    Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that load time doesn't matter. I
don't think there a kind of game exists where massive load times are
acceptable. But having said that, I didn't find ST2's load times to be
unacceptable. I've played the first two episodes, and the loading hasn't
bothered me much. (After hearing the complaints, I was expecting much
worse. ^_^) At least Sega/Red had the decency to keep the music going as
the supers load; otherwise the loading would *really* get on my nerves.
    I tend to be very forgiving of games that I like. The prime example
would be the Magic Knight Rayearth Saturn game. Horrid loading times and
crazy slowdown by any standard in some parts, but I still treasure it. The
same with ST2. The thing that bothered me most (but still only very little)
was the very slight pause before the start of a character's turn in battle.
It's maybe a half-second pause, but it trips me up sometimes. But overall,
the loading doesn't really bother me. Usually when a game has loading time,
I just close my eyes and rest them. ^_^

>Don't be in such a hurry! [^_-]

But there are so many endings and fan discs to get through... I haven't
even opened Teigeki Graph yet! On the other hand if one is just playing the
games to "get through" them, one isn't enjoying them as much as one
could... yet there is still so much to see and do! Ack!

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