aka senshi (senshi@IHUG.COM.AU)
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 14:36:39 +1100
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I) Message-ID: <36D22246.91DC25A@ihug.com.au> Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 14:36:39 +1100 From: "Chou or CC (aka senshi)" <senshi@IHUG.COM.AU> Subject: Re: Sakura Wars english sound samples!
Paul J Chi wrote:
> On a more serious note, is there any way we can give feedback (that
> will be taken seriously) to ADV? I wish they would change the art on the
> box, and maybe remove that "based on the hit video game" thing. If nobody's
> heard of the game, they might figure that the game sucked and therefore the
> anime will too. Not to mention that anime based on video games generally
> hasn't been so hot. But then, I don't really know the anime-consuming
> demographic. What percent of anime byuers are on-line and would be familiar
> with something like Sakura Taisen? Anyhow, I don't think it would hurt if
> they could find more compelling art. Then again, there could be licensing
> issues involved... ahh, what the heck.
Funny you bought up the video game thingy.
Just been reading r.a.a.misc and read about how the anime Tekken made cover on
some business magazine for being hot-seller. I think the people at ADV probably
thought that using the same tactic as Tekken will make ST a hot-seller too. But
I think you've brought up a good point, when people see the "based on the hit
video game" thing and decides to do a bit of a search for ST, the first thing
that they find is that this game is on the Saturn only. Considering that the
Saturn wasn't so hot in the states, this probably will turn most people off
straight away. I really don't think this has a good effect on the ST OVA at all.