Lance M. Hatami (
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 07:10:58 -0700
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Macintosh; I; PPC) Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 07:10:58 -0700 From: "Lance M. Hatami" <> Subject: Re: Sakura Taisen: How did you find out about it and decide to buy it?
> > >I was just did people here on the list find out about the
> > >Sakura Taisen game series and finally decide to buy one of the games?
> > >Anyone willing to share his/her introduction to the Sakura Taisen
> > >experience?^_^
I first heard about Sakura Taisen in 1996 when some magazine mentioned
that Kosuke Fujishima was doing the character designs and they had a few
of the rough sketches. I was interested in Ah! My Goddess at the time,
so I was interested in the game, but few pages in magazines were
actually dedicated to the game. When I found out that the game was
partially Love Sim, I decided to give up on it since I find that most
love sims are boring. If you look at the ads that Sega used before
Sakura Taisen actually came out, they did a pretty poor job doing it.
Larger graphics and page space was given to Tokimemo.
Even when I read Newtype's 4(?) page article on it with a full page ad,
I was still unimpressed. I bought my Saturn to play Rayearth, VF Kids,
and some other Japanese RPG that my friend let me borrow. When I was
looking for some other game to buy, I read someone's web page about
Sakura Taisen and found myself actually interested in it. So I bought
it and loved it. I can't say that it's my absolute favorite game (I
don't think I have one) but it's mighty impressive. One thing that
bothers me every time I play Sakura Taisen though is that one scene
calls Japan "Nippon." It probably has to do with some WWII treaty, but
for historical accuracy, it really bugs me.