José Barragán (Devilot@WORLDNET.ATT.NET)
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 07:13:38 -0400
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02E (Win95; U) Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 07:13:38 -0400 From: José Barragán <Devilot@WORLDNET.ATT.NET> Subject: Re: Sakura Taisen: How did you find out about it and decide to buy it?
Ellisa Chateaubriand wrote:
> >Joshua Kaufman wrote:
> >
> >> At 03:16 AM 3/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >> >I was just did people here on the list find out
> about the
> >> >Sakura Taisen game series and finally decide to buy one of the
> games?
> >> >Anyone willing to share his/her introduction to the Sakura Taisen
> >> >experience?^_^
> >>
> >
> I went to California. Went to some store. Saw a Sakura Wars figure (of
> Kohran)and said, "Wow, that looks Intersting"
A friend of mine bought the ST Kohran Real Model because he thought she was incredibly
cute (and I'd been trying to convince him to buy Sakura Taisen). Almost a year later,
he STILL hasn't bought the actual game. I keep bugging him, but he just says he
'doesn't have the money' and can't afford both a converter and the game. D'oh. My
efforts to convert my friends into ST-players have not exactly been successful (I bought
a friend of mine ST for her birthday since she's a huge anime fan, but she played until
Chapter 7, got bored, and left it...*sigh*).