Jon Stern (kayama@SNET.NET)
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 15:51:03 -0500
X-Sender: X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.5 (32) Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 15:51:03 -0500 From: Jon Stern <kayama@SNET.NET> Subject: Re: Sakura question
At 12:18 PM 3/17/99 EST, you wrote:
>PLEASE LET'S CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!! OKAY can someone tell me the names of the
>sure kill powers and combo attacks of the gang ?:P thanks!! :) <and
>translation if has one! > jen
Here are the first four 'sure-kill' techniques from ST2:
~~ KEZ Hissatsu Waza (I know, the translations sound really bad) ~~
-- Koubu (Kai) --
Oogami TΥΕp Vnκξ Rouko-Mekkyaku Tenchi-Isshi
('Wolf and Tiger Destruction Heaven and Earth Arrow')
Sakura jΧͺ χΤΆγΔ Haja-Kensei Ouka-Bujou
('Evil-destroying Sword Subjugation Cherry Blossom Mist Flight')
Iris CX veBEW|[ Iris Petit Jean-Paul
-- Eisenkleid --
Orihime NAbgEX^WI[j Quattro Stagioni ('Four Seasons')
More to come in a few min.
- Lando <>