Re: Sakura question

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Jon Stern (kayama@SNET.NET)
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:56:16 -0500

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Date:         Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:56:16 -0500
From: Jon Stern <kayama@SNET.NET>
Subject:      Re: Sakura question

At 12:18 PM 3/17/99 EST, you wrote:
>PLEASE LET'S CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!! OKAY can someone tell me the names of the
>sure kill powers and combo attacks of the gang ?:P thanks!! :) <and
>translation if has one! > jen

Here you are. All the Japanese is S-JIS. Just to let you know, the English
translations don't sound all that good; I would recommend using the
original names.

~~ •KŽE‹Z Hissatsu Waza ~~

-- Koubu (Kai) --

Oogami ˜TŒΥ–Ε‹p “V’nˆκ–ξ Rouko-Mekkyaku Tenchi-Isshi
 ('Wolf and Tiger Destruction Heaven and Earth Arrow')

Sakura ”jŽΧŒ•ͺ χ‰Τ–ΆγΔ Haja-Kensei Ouka-Bujou
 ('Evil-destroying Sword Subjugation Cherry Blossom Mist Flight')

Sumire _θ•—o—¬ ˜A‚Μ•‘ Kanzaki Fuujin-ryuu Renjaku no
 ('Kanzaki Dust(?)-Style Dance of the (?)Sparrow')

Maria ƒr[ƒJƒ”ƒ@ƒ„Eƒ_[ƒ} „P„y„{„€„r„„‘ „D„p„}„p Pikoveia Dama
 (I think this may be a typo (although I don't know any Russian). I did
  a search on this and came up with 'Pikovaia Dama' with an 'a' instead of
  an 'e' above, which means 'The Queen of Spades.' I would appreciate any
  further info about this that anyone can offer.)

Kohran ”vƒƒ{ Jakupai-Robo
 ('Sparrow Mahjong tile Robo.' If you look, you will notice the
  projectiles Kohran fires are indeed composed of Mahjong tiles.)

Iris ƒCƒŠƒX ƒvƒeƒBEƒWƒƒƒ“ƒ|[ƒ‹ Iris Petit Jean-Paul

Kanna ŽOi“]Ά Sanshin-Tenshou
 (From left to right, the kanji are 'three,' 'advance/proceed,' 'revolve,'
  and 'palm (of hand).' I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean
  altogether and I would appreciate help.)

-- Eisenkleid --

Orihime ƒNƒAƒbƒgƒEƒXƒ^ƒWƒI[ƒj Quattro Stagioni ('Four Seasons')

Leni ƒ_ƒXEƒ‰ƒCƒ“ƒSƒ‹ƒg Das Rheingold
 (Literally, 'The gold of the Rhein (Rhine River).' And 'Rheingold' is
  spelled wrong in the background.)

-- Tenbu --

Oogami ˜TŒΥ–Ε‹p ŽOn¬ŒΥ Rouko-Mekkyaku Sanjin-Seiko
 ('Wolf and Tiger Destruction' again, followed by 'three blade
  (triple-edged?),' then two kanji meaning 'turn into, become, get old,
  grow' and 'tiger,' respectively.)

Sakura ”jŽΧŒ•ͺ •S‰ΤΔ•ϊ Haja-Kensei Hyakka-Seihou
 ('Evil-destroying Sword Subjugation,' then 'Hundred Flower' followed by
  kanji meaning 'equal/similar' and 'release/emit' respectively.)

Sumire _θ•—o—¬ ”ς—³‚Μ•‘ Kanzaki Fuujin-ryuu Hiryuu no Mai
 ('Kanzaki Dust(?)-Style Dance of the Flying Dragon')

Maria ƒgƒ[ƒCƒcƒ@ „S„‚„€„y„ˆ„p Troitsa
 (All I could find on 'Troitsa' is that it appears to be the name of a
  Russian folk holiday. Anyone have any info?)

Kohran ‹…“dƒƒ{ Kyuuden-Robo
 ('Sphere Electricity Robo')

Iris ƒCƒŠƒX ƒ{ƒƒbƒgEƒhEƒXƒN[ƒ‹ Iris botte(?) de secours
 (Iris (???) of help)

Kanna λ”vŒά’i Rohai-Godan
 ('Heron Mahjong tile 5th Grade,' or so I was able to make out from it.)

Orihime ƒCƒ‹Eƒtƒ‰ƒEƒgEƒ}ƒWƒR Il flauto magico
 ('The magical flute')

Leni ƒfƒBEƒƒŠƒLƒ…[ƒ‹ Die Walkure (Valkyrie)

-- Koubu - Kai (2) --

Oogami ˜TŒΥ–Ε‹p “V˜T“]‰» TenRou-Tenge
 ('Wolf and Tiger Destruction Heaven Wolf Transformation')

Sakura ”jŽΧŒ•ͺ ‹ΙˆΣ χ‰Τΰ£–Ÿ Haja-Kensei -Gokui- Ouka-Ranman
 ('Evil-destroying Sword Subjugation -Secret technique (I think)-
  Cherry Blossom Gloriousness')

Sumire _θ•—o—¬ •sŽ€’Ή‚Μ•‘ Kanzaki Fuujin-ryuu -Ougi- Fushichou no
 ('Kanzaki Dust(?)-Style -Succession Technique- Dance of the Phoenix (the
  legendary immortal bird)')

Maria ƒVƒFƒ‹ƒN[ƒ“ƒ`ƒN „Z„u„|„{„…„~„‰„y„{ Shchelkunchik
 ('Nutcracker.' This is the original Russian name of Tchaikovsky's ballet.)

Kohran Ήbƒƒ{E‰ό Seijuu-Robo - Kai
 ('Holy Beast Robo - New')

Iris ƒCƒŠƒX ƒOƒ‰ƒ“EƒWƒƒƒ“ƒ|[ƒ‹ Iris grand Jean-Paul

Kanna ŽO\˜ZΆ San-Sei-Ruu-Shou
 ('36 Palm of Hand' or so it reads.)

Orihime ƒ”ƒBƒAƒbƒWƒ‡Eƒ[ƒY Viaggio Rose
 ('Journey(?) Roses')

Leni ƒW[ƒNƒtƒŠ[ƒh Siegfried
 (Siegfried was a hero of medieval German literature who had an almost
  invulnerable body and a cape that could turn him invisible.)

Unfortunately, names and translations of the combination (gattai) techniques
will be harder to do since I have not seem them actually _written_
anywhere. If anyone has more information, feel free to let me know.

Lando <>

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