Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 16:52:14 -0500
X-Sender: X-Sender: paulchi@ Message-ID: <l03130300b31875697762@[]> Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 16:52:14 -0500 From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Sakura Taisen 3 on multiple platforms
- Red's popular war simulation title Sakura Taisen 3 will be coming to
multiple platforms, besides the Dreamcast version, there will also be a
Playstation and Win98 version, and perhaps other formats as well. The DC
version will be released in 2000.
Now, I am a Sega Freak myself, but I suppose this (if true) will be
good for Sakura Taisen.
It looks like Sega may have less power over the Sakura Taisen franchise
than originally thought. I wonder what the details of Sega and Red's
relationship on ST are.