Sat, 20 Mar 1999 01:08:32 -0600
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25] Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 01:08:32 -0600 From: Tom Cheng <tkcheng@ENGINEERING.UIOWA.EDU> Subject: Wheat from Chaff
> But back to the point. I skip the typical free sites altogether(ie
> Geocities, Tripod, etc), and if I miss some good sites in the process, my
> loss right? But at least I won't be weeding through a ton of sites I
> couldn't care less about.
Regardless of how good or bad your page is, the initial credibility drops when you see
that it's on a free site or AOL. There is a domain name prejudice, with custom domain
names looking the most credible (including commerical), college ones in the middle, and
Geocities at the bottom of the heap. Which page sounds better:
It is a prejudice, although a slightly justified one. The sites don't turn me off if I'm
someplace fast, but the banner and watermark always piss me off.
-- Tom Cheng University of Iowa College of Engineering