Chris Rowley (sf6nc@SCFN.THPL.LIB.FL.US)
Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:26:56 -0400
X-Sender: X-Sender: sf6nc@scfn Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.990416222305.16104A-100000@scfn> Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 22:26:56 -0400 From: Chris Rowley <sf6nc@SCFN.THPL.LIB.FL.US> Subject: Re: OAVs
Thanks Richard, i appreciate all that information you sent. In
regards to the games, are they strictly in japanese?, if so is there
translations available for non-japanese speaking players? I'd love to see
the original videos, but since ADV snapped up the rights, I guess I'll
have to wait and get ADV's Sakura Wars tapes as they come out.
Thanks Again!