terrence huey (thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU)
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:42:27 -0700
X-Sender: ez073369@dilbert.ucdavis.edu Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.10.9904271541470.23034-100000@dilbert.ucdavis.edu> Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:42:27 -0700 From: terrence huey <thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU> Subject: Re: Interesting titbit...
> "Konami is getting set to release in Japan their latest Strategy RPG Virgin
> Fleet for the PSX on May 20. In the game you lead a group of 12 girls to
> protect the Earth. Virgin Fleet uses an adventure style exploration system
> and a strategy battle system."
> Sound familair? ^_^
ooh! =) Sounds like Sakura Taisen meets Sentimental Graffiti to me =P
Who says Senti has nothin' to do w/ST, right Jose?