Showa-zakura ni roman no arashi?

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Jon Stern (kayama@SNET.NET)
Sun, 25 Jul 1999 23:53:15 -0400

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Date:         Sun, 25 Jul 1999 23:53:15 -0400
From: Jon Stern <kayama@SNET.NET>
Subject:      Showa-zakura ni roman no arashi?

Here's an interesting tidbit of trivia I don't recall having seen on the ML (and corrections are of course welcome): As most of you no doubt already know, Sakura Taisen 2 opens in the year Taisho 14, i.e. the fourteenth year under the reign of Taisho, and ends in the year Taisho 15. This corresponds to 'Christian calendar' years 1925-1926. But here's the thing: the Taisho era was only 15 years long; the Showa era in fact begins sometime in 1926 according to what I've been looking up. So what does this mean for Sakura Taisen 3? Do you think it's possible it'll take place simultaneously with either of the first two games, albeit in a different place with a different cast? Perhaps even further back, to the time of the original Teikoku Rikugun TaiKoumaButai? Or do you think Red might do something 'drastic' and 'extend' the Taisho era? Or will we just be hearing 'Showa-zakura ni roman no arashi' during the previews for the next chapter? Just some Sakura food for thought. - kayama Tohoho......Uchi no sekkaku no hanabi ga sakanaya to wa anmari ya...... - Kohran

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