Re: AX '99

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Brian Mao (perseus@UCLINK4.BERKELEY.EDU)
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 01:32:30 -0700

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Date:         Tue, 27 Jul 1999 01:32:30 -0700
From: Brian Mao <perseus@UCLINK4.BERKELEY.EDU>
Subject:      Re: AX '99

I hear the Karaoke open mike went on till about 7 in the morning. Crazy, some of those people >Heh, and I just stumbled upon the bigscreen showing of the masquerade >because I wanted to do a little karaoke =P I left at midnight while the >masquerade was still going on. Did they really have an open karaoke >session after? > Oh, he was a fairly friendly guy, just a little obsessive. >But yeah, he was all telling me what a great person Kanno-sama is and how >she had a "bubbly" personality. Now that you mention the stalker-ness, >someone else mentioned to him that Mari-san was very cute and that he >wouldn't mind going out with her and stalker-dude said something like "You >can have her. I wanna go out with Kanno." =P No offense to "the >stalker-dude". He seemed like a pretty cool guy to me anyway. > Both she and Mizoguchi were last minute arrivals. Extra Bonus > >Doh, I didn't know Kanno-sama was at the Esca panel. IIRC I missed it so >that I could attend Iizuka Mayumi's panel. >

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